So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1546: Offense and compromise

The first thousand five hundred and forty-six chapters offended and compromised

However, before this, I still have to figure out the background of this little rabbit.

Chen Zhifu is not a reckless person. It seems that he is like a nouveau riche. In fact, he is a very shrewd person. Otherwise, it is not possible to start the operation of agricultural products companies in just a few short years!

The investment of Chen Zhiye is of course one aspect, but there are many people who have the ability to pull in investment, but there are not many who have succeeded. This proves that Chen Zhifu is a smart person.

Just like before, he learned that this Songjiang International Hotel was actually a subsidiary of Chen Fei, and he was able to change his attitude very quickly. This also shows that Chen Zhifu is a person who is good at seeing the wind.

Therefore, Chen Zhifu feels that since Yang Ming can become Chen Fei’s son-in-law and has been recognized by Chen Fei and Chen Fangyu, it means that Yang Ming’s family is definitely not ordinary. At the very least, it’s the right thing to do. Otherwise, Chen It is impossible for the director to marry an ordinary boyfriend.

It is precisely because of this idea that Chen Zhifu did not act rashly. He did not turn his face on the spot. He had to investigate Yang Ming’s background and make a decision.

Even if you want to find Yang Ming's troubles, it is also Chen Zhiye and Chen Xiaolong to find, he does not have to do that offend Chen Fei's wicked! So, wait a while or give it to Chen Xiaolong and Yang Ming!

In Chen Zhifu's view, even if Yang Ming's family is good, but compared with the nephew Chen Xiaolong, there is still a big gap. I am afraid that this kid will still be ashamed to withdraw.

"Let's go, let's go together!" Chen Zhifu resisted the anger in his heart and said to Chen Fei and Chen Fangyu, and did not look at Yang Ming again.

Chen Fei also saw that Chen Zhifu was not very happy, but he only thought that Chen Mengxi did not accept the big red envelope, but he could not think of other reasons, so he did not mind.

After all, 10,000 yuan to give children a meal ticket is indeed a bit more, even if Yang Ming refused to refute some of Chen’s face, but Chen Fei felt that Yang Ming did nothing wrong, but if he knew that he had the red envelope There are nearly 10,000 yuan, and the same will make Chen Mengxi refuse.

It’s not a good thing for his men to pay this money. Chen Fei does not know that Chen Zhifu is pleased to Chen Haozhen for Chen Xiaolong. How do he think that Chen Zhifu’s money is for himself, then Chen Fei will not accept it! On the contrary, it is very gratifying that Yang Ming discovered this point in time and then stopped it. Otherwise, if the money is received in the hands and returned to the home, then it will not be returned.

Chen Zhifu took two steps. The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. The heart of Yang Ming was a little rabbit scorpion. He felt that there was a nameless fire that could not be released, which made him very unhappy, like an explosion.

After two more steps, Chen Zhifu couldn’t help it! When did he have a finger of a junior? In my heart, I thought about it. Although I can't directly pick up Yang Ming, I can come back and ask for it. I will find him from other places.

Soon, Chen Zhifu’s mind came to his mind. He was also a kind of person with a bad stomach, so he didn’t have to think about it. The bad idea went straight into his mind: “Right, Chen Fei’s brother, this time, is Our gathering in Chenjiacun does not bring outsiders. This child is not a Chenjiacun, or do you want to go?"

Chen Zhifu said, I can't make you face to face. I have to sneak you behind me, let you and me get it. I won't let you attend the evening party. If you are not a boyfriend of Chen Mengxi, as long as you are not on the spot, Chen Zilong, the nephew, will have a chance.

Chen Zhifu’s words made Chen Fei suddenly stunned. Although he did not think of Chen Zhifu’s deeper meaning, he probably knew that Yang Ming’s previous actions had offended Chen Zhifu, and Chen Zhifu lost his face, because he was on the spot. I can't help Yang Ming, I thought about such a trick.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help but smile. He had to open his voice: "Get rich brothers, this Yang Ming is not an outsider. It is a nightmare boyfriend. Before he was in a hurry, he did not say anything. You should not have a general knowledge with a child. ”

Although Yang Ming may not be willing to participate in this gathering, but let Yang Ming go, Chen Fei can't do it! Even if Yang Ming agrees, he will not be able to face Yang Ming in the future.

"Chen Fei brother, what did you say? What happened before, the past things have passed, and what he said!" Chen Zhifu said with a smile: "I just said the meaning of my brother. This time, we are a gathering inside Chenjia Village, without any outsiders! Otherwise, as a result of the status of the industry, maybe the mayor of Songjiang City will come to the feast!"

"This..." Chen Fei was told by Chen Zhifu that he didn't know what to say. Although he knew in his heart, Chen Zhifu was still irritated by Yang Ming because of the previous incident, but since Chen Zhifu did not admit it, Chen Fei There is no way. And the reasons for the people’s current glory are simply irrefutable.

"Dad, Mom, if that's the case, then I will go back with Yang Ming. When are you over? How about we pick you up?" Chen Mengxi was not willing to come here. He heard Chen Zhifu insist on letting Yang Ming leave. It is even more annoying, and I simply don’t participate in it. I intend to leave with Yang Ming.

Chen Mengxi’s words made Chen Zhifu’s heart feel tight and shocked. At this time, he must not let Chen Mengyu go. I want to know that Chen Mengxi’s appointment with the younger brother Chen Zhiye was particularly embarrassing. If this big brother does not give it a good job, then it seems too incapable?

Moreover, by the time Chen Xiaolong can not resent that this uncle will not do anything! So in this case, then Yang Ming would barely let him participate in the party. When Chen Xiaolong was allowed to run away from his land, why should he do more?

"Dream, what is this?" Chen Zhifu said with a smile: "I just laughed. Since Yang Ming is your boyfriend, it is half of our Chenjia Village. If so, then Let's go together, haha!"

"Well, nightmare, you see that Fu Fu is joking, let's go!" Chen Fei was busy playing a round, and his heart was relieved. Although Chen Feigui is very majestic for the Secretary, he is really helpless to these relatives. In particular, Chen Zhifu is also a capable person, and it is even harder to say anything. Since he took the initiative to compromise, Chen Fei also pushed the boat.

"Oh..." Chen Mengyu followed with some reluctance. Yang Ming, on the side, once again locked his brow.

Before, he felt that Chen Zhifu seemed to have ulterior motives for Chen Mengxi, and the red envelope incident could be seen, and the scene just now was even more obvious!

After he had offended Chen Zhifu, Chen Zhi was very eager to participate in the dinner party. When Chen Mengyi said that he did not participate, Chen Zhifu immediately changed his attitude and directly compromised. This shows what? At least it can be proved that Chen Zhifu is very keen to let Chen Mengyu also attend the dinner, and even let him go with him.

Although there may be polite ingredients in it, if Chen Mengyu is gone, then Chen Fei may turn his face on the spot. After all, let Yang Ming leave the excuse of Chen Zhiye and reluctantly say it, but let Chen Mengyu also go, what will Chen Fei do? miss you?

I am afraid that Chen Fei will turn and leave? This party does not participate.

Of course, Yang Ming is keenly aware that there must be another meaning in it! Chen Zhifu is completely hostile to himself, just because he prevented him from giving red envelopes? Or is there another reason?

Is it really because of Chen Xiaolong? Yang Ming has some doubts.

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