So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1553: Rebirth

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-three chapters are born again

Chen Fei’s face is faint and uncertain. Obviously, he is struggling. The majesty of Chen Qiye is deeply rooted in Chenjia Village. Chen Fei, like other people, respected and loved Chen Qiye from childhood!

However, although Chen Qiye is very majestic and has a lot of words, it is also a symbol of justice in the village. Whoever has any contradictions, as long as he arrives in front of Chen Qiye, he can get a fair solution. Chenjiacun’s people are not allowed. Do not say a word to Chen Qiye.

Everyone listens to Chen Qiye’s words. No one has any complaints in his heart. No one wants to go against it.

This kind of indoctrination has made Chen Fei very embarrassed. Although he has gone out of Chenjia Village for many years, he has also taken the leadership position in the unit. However, in the bottom of his heart, the respect for Chen Qiye is not less than half.

Today, for the first time, Chen Fei has the idea of ​​rebellion! Chen Qiye’s approach has touched Chen Fei’s bottom line. What he said and what he decided, Chen Fei has no way to follow and implement it!

Chen Mengxi’s lifelong events can be decided by others in a single sentence. Don't say that Chen Mengyu now has a boyfriend, even if there is no boyfriend, this matter must be approved by Chen Mengyu.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei bit his teeth: "Chen Qiye, you are angry first, he is a nightmare boyfriend, it will inevitably be excited..."

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend?" Chen Qiye was too angry. Now I see Chen Fei talking to Yang Ming, and I am even more annoyed: "Well, I announced that he is not now, Chen Xiaolong is Chen Mengxi's boyfriend. !"

When Chen Xiaolong heard this, he was very happy, and Yang Ming was happy. He said, you are the Secretary-General of the United Nations, can you still manage this? Also you announced? Do you think you are the emperor of the past? If you say it, it is a sacred purpose, but can you give a marriage?

Chen Mengxi’s face is still pale, and some are overwhelmed. In this scene, she has never experienced it. She also saw that her parents were very embarrassed when facing Chen Qiye. Chen Mengqi also knew in her heart that if a small-respected old man said it, it would be difficult to resist from the bottom of his heart!

It is very difficult for my father to be able to speak out the previous words decisively. I can imagine how to struggle in my heart! Yang Ming is relatively indifferent to Chen Qiye. In Yang Ming’s eyes, he is just a coveted old man.

Even if Yang Mingzun is old and young, he does not have any feelings about Chen Qiye’s reliance on old age and self-righteousness.

However, Yang Ming just wanted to speak, but Chen Fei spoke first, but it made Yang Ming somewhat surprised. Chen Fei decided to resist the end!

"Now love ***, marriage ***," Chen Fei hesitated, but said: "Seven, you do this, in violation of the Marriage Law."

"Marriage Law? Ha!" Chen Qiye looked at Chen Fei with a cold look: "Well, Xiaofeizi, the wings are hard, the authorities are long, actually tell me what laws come from? Do you forget? You When I was a child, in Chenjiacun, who is the axiom for everyone? Who is fair to everyone? In this Chenjiacun, I am the law!"

"..." Chen Fei's face is bitter, and Chen Qiye said these things, Chen Qiye did not listen to words, but also enough headaches.

"Chen Qiye is it?" Yang Ming got a good body and took a half step forward. Yang Ming knew that it was useless to talk at this time. He could only speak for himself: "I don't care what you are in Chenjiacun, but I I can tell you that I am not a member of Chenjia Village, and I am not under your command. Moreover, it is not Chenjia Village, but Songjiang, Songjiang International Hotel!"

"You don't have no relationship, Chen Mengyu is all right!" Chen Qiye was mad at him, but he also saw that Yang Ming is not a Chen Jiacun person, certainly will not listen to him, but it does not matter, as long as Chen Fei is Just fine, he just has to say with Chen Fei: "Chen Fei, I will ask you a sentence now, do you still recognize me, this seven masters?"

"This... Seven Lords..." Chen Fei is now in a dilemma. His psychological aspect is very clear. As long as he says "recognition", Chen Qiye will continue to talk about Chen Mengxi and Chen Xiaolong, and he will not be able to speak. refute. But if you say "no recognition", you will not feel good in your heart, and your conscience will not pass.

For a time, Chen Fei fell into a dilemma.

"Well, Chen Qiye, take back your bad tricks!" Yang Ming waved his hand and stopped Chen Fei from continuing to say: "Chen Qiye, I may tell you clearly now, no matter what Chen Shu said. As long as I am there, you say nothing is useless, Chen Mengxi will not go to engage with Chen Xiaolong. If you like to be daydreaming, then I advise you to go home or take a look. I *** you The book, a "rebirth and beauty" written by the second generation of the fisherman is good, I have seen it, you can go and see."

When Chen Qiye listened to Yang Ming’s words, his lungs were all mad, and his right hand trembled and pointed at Yang Ming, shaking and shaking: “You – you – you are a little beast, what do you say? What? "The Beasts Dream"? Do you dare to marry me as a beast? Still a fool? Do you want to fool the old man?"

"Seven grandfather, you are angry... It’s important to take care of yourself!" Chen Xiaolong saw Chen Qiye almost mad at the air, and rushed over to help Chen Qiye, squatting for him, explaining Dao: "Seven grandfather, he didn't mean that you are a beast. He said that it is not a beast to be a dream, but a rebirth to remember the beauty. It is this novel..."

Chen Xiaolong explained, the heart is pondering, this floating astronomy to read, maybe you can learn a little trick of beauty, so you can go to pursue Chen Mengyu, hehe!

Chen Xiaolong did not explain this well. As explained, all the eyes were concentrated on him. Chen Zhiye also frowned. My heart, what do you explain to Yang Ming? Is he now opposite your face?

Chen Xiaolong did not really think so much. He just read a book written by the second generation of the fisherman, "It’s very pure and very prequel." It was written well, so I explained it subconsciously. I didn’t expect it to be inadvertently replaced. Yang Ming explained.

Seeing the gaze of his father and the uncle, and the strange eyes of everyone, Chen Xiaolong also knew that he should not explain this to Yang Ming. The situation now is that Yang Ming is placed on the opposite side of Chen Qiye, Chen Qi. Grandpa can spare no effort to speak for himself!

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaolong quickly changed his mind: "No, seven grandfather, Yang Ming, he just said that you are a beast, he said that you are a beast, he is fooling you!"

"Hey?!" Yang Ming just wondered how Chen Xiaolong explained it for himself. Before he even thought about what happened, Chen Xiaolong suddenly came again, and immediately stunned Yang Ming!

This Chen Xiaolong, too embarrassing, is simply a personal talent, too **** is talent.

This time, the people in Chenjiacun looked at Chen Xiaolong's eyes more and more strange, and Chen Zhifu and Chen Zhiye were even more annoyed! Dejected Chen Xiaolong, especially Chen Zhiye, who has never been angry with his son, now has a kind of *** that makes his son fat!

You said that after you explained it, you explained it. No one said anything about you. After you explained it, how did you change it? Before Chen Qiye misunderstood that Yang Ming was jealous of him, it would be better to say. Now that you have finished explaining it, instead, Yang Ming is a monk. Even if Chen Qiye is old, he may not understand what is going on...

What makes Chen Zhiye feel good?

Sure enough, after Chen Qiye had listened to Chen Xiaolong’s explanation, his face was slightly relieved. Although he was still glaring at Yang Ming, he was no longer shivering.

However, the good times did not last long. This Chen Xiaolong’s next sentence added, so that Chen Qiye once again shook his body, this time not only shivered his face, but also his breathing became rushed!

This time, Chen Xiaolong, Chen Zhifu, Chen Zhiye and others can be frightened. They also refuse to go to Chen Xiaolong and Yang Ming. They are all surrounded by Chen Qiye, who are behind the back and are also awkward. In the middle, but Chen Qiye still squatted, and the direct white eyes turned over and fainted...

"Seven Lord!"

"Seven Uncle!"

"Seven grandfather!"


The crowd immediately became a mess, calling, exclaiming, and the call was heard all the time...

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