So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1554: Let them go

Let's go for the first thousand five hundred and fifty-four chapters.

After I felt that Chen Qiye still had a gas, I was relieved. It seems that Qi Ye is just mad at the past, no big problem.

However, Chen Zhifu still dialed the emergency number for the first time, and Chen Zhiye stared at Yang Ming, and said: "Yang Ming is it? This thing is not over! If the body of Qiye is three long and two short, you do Be prepared."

This is the first sentence that Chen Zhiye said to Yang Ming for so long. The majesty of the superiors is undoubtedly revealed. The threat of words is even more horrifying.

If it is a normal person, it will definitely be overwhelmed by this power, but what kind of person is Yang Ming? Not to mention the existence of Chen Zhiye at this level. The larger character Yang Ming has also seen a lot. Which one is not higher than Chen Zhiye?

Therefore, the majesty of Chen Zhiye’s superiority and the threat in speech are not worth a glimpse in Yang Ming’s view. He said: “Chen Zhiye, you are on my site, I have given you face, don’t want Don't face your face, if you don't finish it, as you go, I have to see how it's done, and what does Chen Qiye's faint have to do with me? The people here can see clearly, yes Your baby son stunned him, and he didn’t want to catch someone.

"You--" Chen Zhiye did not expect that Yang Ming could still say such words with such calmness under his own pressure. In his view, Yang Ming would definitely be intimidated by his own intimidation. Correct.

"Don't you, yours. I am here today. I don't care how you got it in the South. Here is Songjiang. In Songjiang, I advise you to be a law-abiding and a good citizen. Otherwise, hehe..." Yang Ming did not say the following words. Because Chen Fei was present, he did not threaten anything. However, although he did not say it directly, the threat in the words was not much less than what Chen Zhiye said before, but it was more direct. .

"You... very good!" Chen Zhiye's expression was uncertain. He naturally heard that Yang Ming was threatening him, but he wanted to miss Yang Ming.

He didn't think about how Yang Ming could treat him, and Yang Ming said, "Follow the law," Yang Ming said in the case of Chen Zhiye, because Chen Fei is the director of the Songjiang Police Bureau!

This is a disguised reminder to him, let him be honest, otherwise, Chen Fei will not be sympathetic, here is Songjiang, not the South, not his Chen Zhiye can play!

However, Yang Ming did not use Chen Fei to press Chen Zhiye! Yang Ming himself is enough! If you play with your yin, I will play with you more savage and more yin!

Say yin, who can compare Yang Ming’s king of killers? If Chen Zhiye wants to play with the background of identity, then well, Yang Ming asks himself in the identity of the mystery investigation bureau, and he will not be afraid of anyone. As long as Xia Bingyan is dependent on himself, he has not made any big disaster. Come, he can help himself.

"Chen Shu, let's go, it doesn't make any sense to stay here." Yang Ming looked at the two brothers Chen Zhiye and Chen Zhifu, and looked at the others who were on the sofa and eased some of them just opened their eyes. Chen Qiye, who can't talk, then Chen Fei said: "They are willing to return home, let's go, let's not mix. And Chen Qiye, he is not the just seven of your memory, everyone has selfishness. Chen Xiaolong is his great-grandson, hehe!"

Yang Ming’s words are not finished, just to the end, but I believe that Chen Fei should be able to hear the meaning.

Sure enough, Chen Fei had some helpless long sighs, looked at the Chen family brothers, and looked at Chen Qiye, and then stood up, solemnly stunned Chen Qiye, and then said: "Seven Lord, Xiaofei thank you for your care and care. Thank you for giving me and Fang Yu, but today's business is related to the lifelong happiness of the nightmare. Xiaofei is hard to live with, and I hope that the Seven Lords will forgive me! In the future, the Seven Lords will recognize the small Flying, that Xiaofei is as respectful as the previous seven, the Seven Lord does not recognize Xiaofei, Xiaofei is in the heart, and also respects the same, the seven-year-old who once stood in the sky!"

After that, Chen Fei took another trip, and after three squats, he held a fist: "Seven Lord, Xiaofei first resigned."

Chen Qiye looked at Chen Fei, who showed the decisive color, and his mouth squirmed twice. In the end, he still didn’t say anything, and his whole person, in this incident tonight, seems to be a lot of old, no longer. The spirit of the past when you came.

Looking at the wilting of the Seven Lords, Yang Ming sighed a sigh, and did not want to do more care with an old man, just shook his head and said: "Chen Qiye, under the advice of you, a child, grandson and grandson, Sun Fu, Don't be a child for the children and grandchildren! In the end, things don't work, but they don't make a difference. They are lightly seen in front of everyone. Everything is open, and the heart is light, and it is the most important for your age."

In the end, Yang Ming still didn't know what Chen Qiye had, but told him that he had such a heartfelt words. If Chen Qiye was wise, he would let go of all this and stop worrying about these useless things.

"Fang Yu, nightmare, Yang Ming, let's go." Chen Fei turned and said to Yang Ming and others.

"Wait! You can't go!" Chen Zhifu said at this time!

"Get rich, what do you mean?" Chen Fei frowned, looked at Chen Zhifu, and did not get angry.

"Chen Fei, you are also coming out of Chenjiacun. The Seven Lords are now like this. Isn’t it because your daughter’s little animal boy is so angry? You can go, but he has to stay!” Chen Zhifu is cold. Said: "Since you are the police chief, then it should be clear that we are all victims. We want Yang Ming to stay. After I have determined that the seven masters have no problem, he can leave. Otherwise, he will leave. What if I don't recognize it?"

"Ha!" Yang Ming did not anger and laughed. Looking at Chen Zhifu, his eyes showed a sinister look: "Chen Zhifu, what is the matter, you understand in your heart! Although Yang Ming is not afraid of things, but is not willing to give Your nephew is carrying this black pot! Today, I am leaving. I see who can stop me?"

Chen Zhifu looked at Chen Zhiye and he wanted to let Chen Zhiye use the power of bodyguards and force Yang Ming to stay! Where is Chen Zhifu because of Chen Qiye? He had long remembered hating Yang Ming. He was ready to wait for Chen Fei to leave, and then he found a place where no one could teach Yang Ming.

However, Chen Zhiye is indifferent, and Chen Zhifu really does not know what to do! In fact, Chen Zhiye also had his own ideas. Yang Ming’s warning was that he was listening to his heart. He also had some taboos about Chen Fei’s identity. If he forced his bodyguard to stay, he could not keep Yang Ming. It may also be counterproductive, so that Chen Fei will seize these two security guards to impede the personal freedom of others, and then it will not be worth the loss, so Chen Zhiye really did not dare to act rashly!

"Let them go!" Just when the people were deadlocked, Chen Qiye suddenly spoke.

"Seven Lord? You..." Chen Zhifu turned his head and did not believe it. Looking at Chen Qiye on the sofa, Chen Zhiye was also the same.

"I said, let them go." Chen Qiye repeated what he said.

"This..." Chen Zhifu was a little embarrassed. Before that, he still wanted to leave Yang Ming in the name of Qiye, but he did not expect that Qiye himself let Yang Ming go.

"Seven grandfather, can't let him go, can't let Chen Mengyan go!" Chen Xiaolong anxious, shouting.

Chen Qiye glanced at his beloved Zeng Yisun and sighed. I thought of the words that Yang Ming just said: Children and grandchildren have their own children, Sun Fu, and they are children and grandchildren!

This sentence, although simple, but what makes sense? I have never done anything wrong with my life. Only this time, after knowing that Chen Mengxi has a boyfriend, she still insisted that she marry her own Zeng Sunsun. What is unreasonable?

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