So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1555: Leave

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-five chapters are leaving

Thinking of Chen Xiaolong's careful thoughts before explaining "Rebirth and Pursue Beauty" to himself, Chen Qiye shook his head. This great-grandson was really unbearable. On the contrary, it was Yang Ming, who had the courage to make a plan and was not afraid.

Especially the last words, suddenly woke up Chen Qiye. This matter, from beginning to end, he should not follow the blending, and should not listen to the words of Chen Zhiye and Chen Zhifu, help Chen Xiaolong to say pro.

It can be done now, not only lost face in front of everyone in Chenjiacun, but also a small number of people in front of a small number of people fell! However, the words of this junior are still very reasonable, so that Chen Qiye can not give up the refutation of the mind.

When Chen Qiye gritted his teeth, he decided not to take care of this matter anymore. Although this seems to be a bit weak, in fact, if Chen Qiye continues to be entangled, it will be even more low-profile, especially after Yang Ming’s remarks, everyone is not a fool. The fear of Chen Qiye is awe, but it is not unclear.

Therefore, Chen Qiye decided to let Yang Ming and Chen Fei and others rushed away, but it was not blind. As for the things of Chen Xiaolong and Chen Mengyu, Yang Ming’s words are very good. Children and grandchildren have their own children, Sun Fu, let Chen Xiaolong find a way to go.

"I am tired." Chen Qiye ignored Chen Xiaolong's request, faintly waved his hand and said.

"Seven grandfather..." Chen Xiaolong was stupid at this time and knew that Chen Qiye had no plans to take care of him any more, and suddenly he was shocked! You must know that he also saw it before. Chen Mengxi didn't know why. It seemed that he was not very interested in his wealth. He didn't know what Yang Ming used to make Chen Mengyu so dead.

If Chen Qiye is open, Chen Xiaolong feels that there is still some certainty. Now that Chen Qiye has left his hand, Chen Xiaolong is a little scared. Several trials, Chen Mengyu are indifferent to his suggestion. I want to come here. The place makes Chen Mengzhen not betrayed easily. What does Chen Mengying see in Yang Ming?

Is it that Yang Ming is more powerful? Chen Xiaolong is not maliciously speculative, and his heart is not bad. You should find a chance to let Chen Mengyu feel it!

"Well, don't say it anymore, let them go, let's continue the dinner." Chen Qiye waited for Chen Xiaolong to finish the conversation, and he waved his hand and said something.

"This time, can I go?" Yang Ming looked at Chen Zhifu coldly, and his heart was slightly reduced to Chen Qiye's previous feelings. For the elderly, Yang Ming has always been very tolerant.

Chen Zhifu’s old face was red, and Yang Ming was screaming, and he did not speak. Chen Qiye has already spoken, and even if Chen Zhifu is not willing to do so, he has to leave Yang Ming to leave. His heart is screaming, and Yang Ming will fall to death after a while.

Yang Ming naturally wouldn’t care what Chen Zhifu and Chen Xiaolong were thinking about, turned around, pulled up Chen Meng’s hand, and Chen Fei’s family, and entered the elevator. With the closing of the elevator doors, Chen Fei and Chen Jiacun will no longer have anything to do with them in the future.

Chen Fei sighed. Before coming, I didn’t expect things to go to this point. However, Chen Fei has no choice. If he comes back again, Chen Fei will stand up.

"Chen Shu, Chen Qiye is not old-fashioned, but was blinded by Chen Zhifu and Chen Zhiye. In the end, I should have already awakened him. Otherwise, he will not let us leave easily." Yang Ming also saw Chen Fei’s depression and opened his mouth to persuade: “So, your relationship with Chen Qiye will not be affected.”

"I hope so." Chen Fei smiled reluctantly and patted Yang Ming's shoulder: "It is difficult for you today, and has been restraining yourself."

Chen Feixin clearly understands that Yang Ming is not the same as now. With the identity of Yang Ming’s mysterious investigation bureau, he will not be afraid of anyone. It’s really going to cause a big scorpion, and Xia Bingyan will handle it.

In Bianhai City, the entire Golden Eagle gang was destroyed, and there was no living thing. Chen Fei also heard about one or two from Xia Bingyan’s mouth. While sighing Yang Ming’s hot and spicy, he also knew that Yang Ming’s body must have Some kind of great ability, otherwise Xia Bingzhen can not value Yang Ming so much.

Here, Yang Ming can look at Chen Fei’s face. He just said a few words and didn’t do it. It’s not easy. Otherwise, it’s possible to throw Chen Xiaolong directly from the sixth floor with Yang Ming’s temper. .

Yang Ming smiled slyly and did not say anything. It seems that the other side of his own is gradually known by Chen Fei. However, with the identity of the mysterious investigation bureau, Yang Ming is not afraid of himself. The killer will be exposed.

"I didn't expect that Chen Zhifu and Chen Zhiye's brotherhood would become like this." Chen Fangyu also sighed: "From childhood to big relatives, I would also like to think about calculating a family, these people, I will see less afterwards!"

"Aunt Chen said that Chen Shu, Chen Zhifu and Chen Zhiye will find you in the future. No matter what, they refused directly." Yang Ming hesitated and reminded: "These two people are not well-intentioned, who knows them." Will it be down again?"

There is no harm in the heart of the people, but the heart of the people is indispensable. Yang Ming is well aware of the truth of this sentence. He used to be negligent in guarding Wang Zhitao, and he regretted his life for a little while, so Yang Ming is now cautious.

"I understand," Chen Fei nodded and smiled at Chen Fangyu and Yang Ming. "Don't forget what industry I am doing. They give me the next set and be a little tenderer."

"How do you explain today?" Chen Fangyu snorted.

"Today..." Chen Fei was a little embarrassed: "I didn't think of it today."

"Well, Chen Shu, Chen Ayi, don't bother with things that are not there. If things have passed, don't think about it." Yang Ming smiled and said: "We came to eat, and the results did not eat. Otherwise, let's find a place to eat something?"

"Where are you looking for, isn't this the hotel?" Chen Mengyu pulled La Yangming's hand and said, "Let's eat here? I am a little hungry..."

When Yang Ming patted his head, he remembered that this is the hotel, and it is still his own site. What hotel are you looking for? Before the meal at Chen Mengyu's home, Chen Mengyu was busy with Chen Fangyu and didn't eat much. It was equivalent to not eating anything after returning from Meitiecheng Town.

"That's here, let me open another box?" Yang Ming looked at Chen Fei and Chen Fangyu.

"Don't look at us, you and the nightmare decided on the line." Chen Fei does not matter, where to eat the same.

Yang Ming nodded. After the elevator stopped on the first floor, Yang Ming walked out of the elevator. The manager Liu was at the front desk and a front desk waiter said something. Yu Guang suddenly saw Yang Ming coming out of the elevator. Quickly stood up straight, but did not go directly to see what Yang Ming meant, but did not want to reveal his identity, so Manager Liu maintained a state of being on standby.

"Manager Liu." Yang Ming waved at him and signaled him to come over.

When Manager Liu saw Yang Ming calling him, he immediately ran over and shouted and smiled. "Mr. Yang, what is your order?"

"Give me a box, I want to eat something." Yang Ming said.

"Okay," Liu said, nodding. "Do you use a dedicated villa on the top floor?"

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome." Yang Ming waved his hand. Yang Ming knew that he was talking about the double-decker at the top of the international hotel, but Yang Ming just had a meal and couldn't use such a big squad.

"Okay, then I will find one for you." After the manager Liu finished, he ran to the computer at the front desk and found a box. Then he said to Yang Ming: "Mr. Yang, will I take you up?"

"No need." Yang Ming waved his hand: "Tell me the room number, I will go up."

"Okay." Manager Liu did not insist, saying: "307 boxes, I told the above waiter."

Yang Ming nodded, then to Chen Feidao: "Chen Shu, let's go up now?"

Say, just press the call button of another elevator.

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