So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1556: Not good

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-six chapters are not good

After Yang Ming and others left, Chen Zhiye gave a look to the two bodyguards beside him. The two bodyguards immediately noticed, quietly disappeared from Chen Zhiye, came to the door of another elevator, and glanced at Yang Ming’s side. Take the number on the elevator and then decisively enter the elevator and press the button on the first floor.

The two people left and did not attract anyone's attention. These are two insignificant people. No one will deliberately look for them. Therefore, even Chen Qiye did not notice that Chen Zhiye’s side was missing two people. .

However, Chen Zhifu and Chen Xiaolong discovered this scene. Chen Xiaolong smiled and said, Yang Ming, let you and me get it. You can't pretend to be a scorpion. This time I let you see, it’s a person’s fist. Still two people's fists are amazing! Double fists are hard to beat four hands, this will not kill you.

Just when the two bodyguards went out of the elevator on the first floor, they saw that Chen Fei and Chen Fangyu entered a back view of another elevator. The two bodyguards were not eager to continue to return to the elevator, but pretended to be the same. The number of the elevator that Yang Ming took is slowly increasing.

When the number of elevators crossed the number on the third floor, it stopped and there was no movement for a long time.

"They went to the third floor." Bodyguard A said to bodyguard B.

"They didn't go out? Why did they go back?" Bodyguard B frowned. "Call Mr. Chen to ask about it. Mr. Chen just hinted that we followed them, but did not order anything else."

The bodyguard nodded and touched the phone and dialed the telephone number of Chen Zhiye.

Chen Jiacun’s welcome dinner for Chen Zhiye started as scheduled, although the atmosphere was still lively, but after Yang Ming’s so much trouble, the whole venue could not be suppressed.

Although Chen Qiye has recovered a lot, he still has no spiritual head. He sat there, did not speak words, and did not eat anything. Others in Chenjiacun did not dare to speak loudly and did not dare to bother the father.

Chen Zhiye is chatting with a Chenjiacun at this moment about some things that happened in these years. Suddenly the phone in his pocket rang, and Chen Zhiye took a look at the caller ID and made a gesture of apology to the people around him: "Sorry." I will pick up the phone first."

"It doesn't matter..." The man was only a relationship with Chen Zhiye. The purpose was to work for Chen Zhiye's company and let him take care of him.

And Chen Zhiye has already promised the person's request, and the man will not have to sneak up with Chen Zhiye. He heard Chen Zhiye have something and quickly fled to the side.

"Hey?" Chen Zhiye picked up the phone: "What?"

"Boss, Yang Ming did not go out of the hotel, but went to another elevator and went to the third floor. It seems that he is going to dine here." Bodyguard reported to Chen Zhiye.

"Oh?" Chen Zhiye frowned. "You will follow, just for that Yang Ming. When he is on the order, he will wait for the opportunity to give him a lesson!"

"Okay, boss." Bodyguard said.

"Don't let Chen Fei discover it, don't let Yang Ming see your origins, and start with it." Chen Zhiye said: "Is it heard?"

"Do not worry, boss, will never let you down." Bodyguard A should.

Chen Zhiye hangs up the phone with satisfaction, he must first learn this Yang Ming meal, in order to solve the hatred of the heart. On the one hand, it also gave Yang Ming a shock and threat, and then he and Yang Ming talked about conditions.

I believe that after such a sudden, Yang Ming does not dare to open the mouth of the lion, nor dare not agree to his own requirements! The most important thing is not to leave any evidence, even if Chen Fei suspects, there is no way. Everyone said how they were relatives. When they didn’t have a torn face, Chen Fei could only eat this dumb loss.

What's more, as long as Yang Ming, Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu broke up, where does Chen Fei still manage Yang Ming? When Chen Xiaolong is Chen Fei’s son-in-law, will he offend the present son-in-law for his former son-in-law? That is purely a problem.

After Yang Ming entered the box, he ordered a few home-cooked dishes that Chen Mengxi loved to eat, and then gave the menu to Chen Fei. Chen Fei also ordered a few points. Everyone was their own, and there was nothing to say and pay attention to. Everyone is willing to eat.

The waiter has already got the embarrassment of Manager Liu. He respected Yang Ming’s unrecognizable person and immediately did not hesitate to pass the menu.

"Yang Ming, with Chen Shu drinking some wine?" Chen Fei suggested.

"I am driving..." Yang Ming didn't have much to drink, but after all, drunk driving is dangerous, especially when the car is still pulling Chen Mengyu and Chen Fei, Chen Fangyu, and even more cautious.

"Oh, that's not easy, let the security guard Xiaowang captain send us back." Chen Fei is a little depressed today, wants to drink some wine, but it doesn't mean anything to drink, so I want to pull Yang Ming.

"Well, then you can drink with Chen Shu." Yang Ming nodded.

"Dream, don't you worry about Yang Ming drinking too much?" Chen Fei saw Yang Ming promised to come down, and he was happy, but he thought of Chen Mengyu, so he asked.

"More will be more," Chen Mengyan's face is red, she is in front of her parents, how can she just take care of Yang Ming?

"Hey, Chen Shu, rest assured, my wine is still good." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Drinking more is just a matter of sleeping."

Chen Fangyu also knows that Chen Fei’s heart is very uncomfortable. After all, Chen Qiye, who has been respected since childhood, is so troubled with it. Chen Fangyu’s heart is also very unsatisfactory.

The wine and vegetables soon came up. Chen Mengyu and Chen Fangyu only ate vegetables and staple food. Yang Ming was accompanied by Chen Fei’s cup for a cup. Yang Ming is still better, that is, some confusion, Chen Fei has something in his heart, and soon he was a little drunk, began to pick it up and talked about some things about him and Chen Fangyu in Chenjiacun.

Yang Ming did not interject, just listened silently.

After three rounds of drinking, Yang Ming felt that his bladder was a little up, so he stood up and said to Chen Fei: "Chen Shu, I will go to the bathroom first, and come back to accompany you to continue drinking."

"Well." Chen Fei waved his hand and motioned for Yang Ming to go back soon.

Yang Ming pushed the door of the box out of the box. At the end of the hotel corridor, two men suddenly turned around, and then like two drunken guests, rubbing their shoulders and step by step. Go forward.

This turn was only done in an instant, but still did not escape Yang Ming's eyes! How sharp is Yang Ming’s intuition? I found the fault of these two people directly.

Although Yang Ming was a little dizzy at the moment, his will was incomparably sober, and he stepped up in the direction of the bathroom. He did not show any strangeness to the two people in front.

However, while walking forward, Yang Ming used the power to secretly check the two people in front. At first glance, Yang Ming’s mouth sneaked a taunt.

Does Chen Zhiye and Chen Xiaolong really do not give up? These two bodyguards actually came here?

Yang Ming naturally does not naively think that these two people appear here is a coincidence. If these two people are not directed at themselves, the ghosts do not believe it! Especially the appearance of these two people, Yang Ming was in the heart when he came to the elevator, so the impression is very deep.

"He came out, it seems to be coming in the direction of the bathroom!" The bodyguard squatted on the neck of the bodyguard B, pretending to be drunk and walking forward, but whispered in his mouth.

"Then we go to the bathroom first, where do we start?" Bodyguard B suggested.

"Yes, we are advanced to see if there are any people inside, hiding in it, and when Yang Ming comes in, he will start." The bodyguard nodded and agreed.

"That's so fixed." Bodyguard B said, and accelerated with the bodyguard A, stepped into the bathroom.

After the door of the bathroom was closed, the bodyguards and the bodyguards B immediately separated, and they changed their minds before returning to normal. They began to patrol the toilet quickly.

Fortunately, there are no other people besides the two of them in the bathroom!

It's no wonder that there are toilets on every floor of the hotel, and one of them is not a common thing.

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