So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1557: Tragic bodyguard

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-seven chapters of the tragedy of bodyguards

"I have no one here, how are you there?" the bodyguard asked quickly. Although Yang Ming still has a certain distance from the bathroom, the distance of tens of meters is only completed in an instant, so it is necessary to hurry.

"I have no one here." Bodyguard B said with some excitement: "It is a godsend, I see, we are here to repair the boy named Yang?"

"Well, this is a good opportunity, but the boss said, don't let the boy named Yang see our origins. I am afraid that this way, we will pretend that we can't let him recognize us." Said.

"That's the case, but the two of us are in a hurry, and we haven't prepared anything yet," said Bodyguard B. "If you don't want to wait for Yang Ming to enter the door, we will stun him?"

"If you faint, you will not be able to teach him the purpose. Besides, even if it is dizzy, let us see him. He has a pain, what if he wakes up and sees our appearance?" Disagreeing.

"It's also true, and there is no guarantee that the kid will be stunned at once." The bodyguard nodded. "We have to find a hood."

"Where is there a hood?" The bodyguard frowned. "Right, do you have stockings and the like? I watched those people on TV with a stocking on their heads."

"Grass! I am a big man, there is nothing special about it, where do I go to the whole stockings? Is it worn on the body?" Bodyguard B blinked, some dissatisfied.

"What should I do? The surname Yang's kid is coming soon. Is it not possible to find a bubble on his face?"

"I have a good idea," Bodyguard B suddenly said.

"What idea? You say!" Bodyguard A busy reminder.

"We can take off the *** and put it on the head. So, isn't it okay?" Bodyguard B suggested.

"What good idea is this fucking?" The bodyguard frowned, but after a moment of silence, he nodded and said: "It seems that it can only be like this! Take off!"

So, the bodyguard A and the bodyguard B quickly took off their trousers, then took off the ***, put them on their heads, and quickly put on the trousers again.

"I knew that Laozi had changed a new *** yesterday, and it was too sweaty, too bad!" The bodyguard complained.

"The paralyzed, Laozi is miserable. Today, on the plane, suddenly I had a stomachache. I ran to the toilet and found someone inside. I was squatting outside for a long time. As a result, I put a few farts and brought the cockroaches out. Now the above one Awkward..." The bodyguard said with a bitter face.

"Then you are far from me!" The bodyguard quickly slammed his body to the side.

After Yang Ming came to the door of the bathroom, he did not rush into it. Instead, he stood at the door and used his power to monitor the movements of the two bodyguards. He saw that they actually put the *** on their heads, especially after listening. Their conversation, Yang Ming almost laughed and sprayed!

Put the *** on your head? Also lost these two people can come up with such a fresh idea! And the dialogue between the latter two is even more so, and *** is also awkward? Even Yang Ming’s people like this have to say a word out. These two people are too arrogant and more powerful than themselves!

"This time, the kid named Yang will definitely not recognize us!" Although the bodyguard B sniffs his own smell, but the big thing is heavy, he can only bear it.

"Well, Chen Fei is the director of the Songjiang Police Bureau. If he is known by him, I am afraid that there will be no good fruit for both of us. Even if the boss does not remind us, we must be careful!" The bodyguard thought deeply and nodded. "Just, why isn't Yang Ming still coming in? The two are prepared for a long time, don't he come to the bathroom?"

"No, I think he is coming in this direction. There is only an emergency passage in addition to the bathroom. If he wants to go downstairs, he has to take the elevator. Can't he walk the stairs himself?" Bodyguard B analyzed.

"Then I open the door to see?" The bodyguard A hesitated and said.

Although the two of them can be said to have been taking time to take off their trousers, but they also spent a lot of time going out, saying that Yang Ming is going slower, and from the box to the bathroom, it is impossible. Haven't you been here for a long time?

"Others, when you open the door, what if the boy named Yang is coming in at this time? Isn't it a full blow?" Bodyguard B opposed the proposal of the bodyguard.

"That's right!" The bodyguard nodded and said, "Let's listen to the outside movement!"

"Well, this is no problem!" The bodyguard nodded and attached the ear to the door of the bathroom.

Yang Ming stood outside the bathroom and thought about whether to shoot the two bodyguards. To be honest, Yang Ming does not want to expose his strength in the face of Chen Zhiye too early.

This Chen Zhiye gave Yang Ming an intuition, that is, there must be some behind-the-scenes behind him, not just such a means. Although Yang Ming is not afraid of him, but because of the complicated relationship between Chen Fei and Chen Qiye, if it is not a last resort, Yang Ming does not want to directly tear the face to bring anything to Chen Fei.

Of course, if Chen Zhiye does not want to face his face and keeps looking for his own troubles, then he does not mind giving him a lesson.

However, just put these two bodyguards, obviously not Yang Ming's character... At this time, Yang Ming's cell phone ringing.

Yang Ming glanced at the display of the call, which was called by Chen Fei. For a moment, he immediately counted his heart!

"Hey, Chen Shu!" Yang Ming picked up the phone.

"Yang Ming, how did your kid go to the toilet for so long? It won't be in the toilet? Don't you go to find me?" Chen Fei's voice came out of the phone.

"Hah, how can it be, just looking for the wrong direction of the bathroom..." Yang Ming said with a smile, and there is already a fix in his heart. The ability is locked in the body of the two bodyguards in the bathroom: "A bit of drinking More, dizzy can not tell the northeast and southwest."

"Your kid's drink is not good, I thought you were very good!" Chen Fei suddenly laughed after listening to Yang Ming's words.

In the bathroom, the bodyguard B frowned. "The surname Yang's kid seems to pick up the phone at the door. What is Chen Shu, it seems to be Chen Fei's call!"

"I listen?" The bodyguard also slammed his ear on the door, carefully listening to the movement outside the door, and then said: "The paralyzed, it is really on the phone, so we can't do it yet? We When I started, the phone would definitely be heard clearly. I was heard by Chen Fei. I am afraid I will be able to find the door immediately. At that time, we are not unlucky?"

"Yes, fucking, it's unlucky!" Bodyguard B nodded and said depressed.

Yang Ming listened to the words of two people and then sneered at the corner of his mouth! This is his plan. He decided that these two guys wouldn't dare to do it themselves when they pick up Chen Fei's phone. Then, just wait for yourself to *** them!

Yang Ming looked at the two bodyguards on the door in the bathroom with his power, and suddenly lifted his ankle to the door of the bathroom, only to hear the sound of "砰", the door of the bathroom was slammed into the inside by Yang Mingxi. The two bodyguards took pictures and directly photographed two people to the door, fell to the ground, and came to the top, and behind the door, it happened to be the bucket where the garbage was stored. The two bodyguards slipped and just gave the bucket When I knocked over, the **** inside the vat sprinkled two people and buried the two bodyguards directly.

"Oh..." The bodyguard B was directly knocked down by the back of the skull, snorted, and the eyes fainted directly.

The bodyguard A was also hit hard, but the nose was bloody, but he did not dare to scream in the heart. This Yang Ming opened the door and opened the door. Actually, it used such a strong, is there something wrong?

He did not think that Yang Ming would be deliberate, because Yang Ming stood outside the bathroom, it is impossible to know that the two of them are on the door of the bathroom. How could it be intentional? There is no window on this door!

However, where does he know that Yang Ming is capable of seeing! Therefore, the end of these two bodyguards is very tragic...

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