So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1559: Yang Ming's text message

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-nine chapters of Yang Ming's text message

"They have to do the thugs for Chen Zhiye, and they must have this kind of consciousness..." Yang Ming shrugged and said uncomfortably: "And, it is estimated that they are just thinking that they have accidentally gone bad luck, nor I will think of my body."

"Oh, Yang Ming, I found that your kid is very bad!" Chen Fei raised the glass in his hand: "Come, do one, I really didn't expect that you will play with such a hand, so that I am in the middle. There is nothing, Chen Zhiye will not think much about it!"

"Chen Shu, you still care about what he thinks." Yang Ming sighed: "I think that today, this thing will not be the case, Chen Zhiye will not stop because of the loss of the two bodyguards. I think they There will be a move next."

"I hope Chen Zhiye can stop here, otherwise my relationship with Chen Jiacun will stop here." Chen Fei actually knew very well that Yang Ming did not do it. On the one hand, the care was in the inside. Otherwise, even if these two people are ruined by Yang Ming, no one will yell at them!

Yang Ming is now a senior agent. It is normal to attack Yang Ming. It is normal for Xia Bingyan to deal with Yang Ming's follow-up situation.

In the bathroom at the end of the corridor on the third floor, the bodyguards climbed out of a pile of **** and wiped the urine from the face. They hated and spit, and yelled: "The son of Yang, grandfather I am **** and you are not finished!"

A crisp mobile phone rang, and the bodyguard took a *** on his bag and took out the phone. I didn't want to answer it, but when I saw the caller number above, it was Chen Zhiye. Come, the phone that the bodyguard does not pick up can't pick up his phone!

"Hey, boss!" Bodyguard A picked up the phone.

"Where are you?" Chen Zhiye asked. After waiting for such a long time, there was no news. He thought that the two bodyguards had discovered it for Chen Fei. He folded it in and scared him to jump and heard the sound of the bodyguard. The heart is loose.

"Boss, we are in a very safe place now." The bodyguard looked around and said carefully.

"How is Yang Ming? Did you teach him?" Chen Zhiye frowned. "You should do it faster, don't delay!"

"Boss, just a little accident, but it does not matter, we will give a lesson to the boy named Yang as soon as possible." Bodyguard A guarantee.

"Well, then you have to hurry." Chen Zhiye ordered a call and hung up.

The bodyguard A received the phone call and took a shot of the bodyguard B around him. He said, "Get up, hurry!"

"Ah? Ah? Ah?" The bodyguard woke up when he was at the Bunny, and he looked around with some help: "What happened? What happened?"

"Mom, what's wrong!" The bodyguard smashed the bodyguard B: "The kid who was surnamed Yang opened the door and hit us two! I don't remember?"

"Yes! I remembered, fucking, that is the little rabbit scorpion named Yang, he is calling Chen Fei, we can't do it... Now, where did he go?" Bodyguard B remembered the previous thing.

"Where did you go? Go early!" The bodyguard A said here, his face showed a look of resentment: "This kid is **** drunk, standing in the garbage heap and sprinkling a urine, peeing you I am all alone!"

"Oh?" Bodyguard B wiped his face, and it was still wet, and suddenly his face was green: "The boy named Yang, you are deceiving too much!"

"Don't be embarrassed. Fortunately, no one came during this period. Otherwise, if the two of us are seen, then we will lose the grown-up!" the bodyguard reminded.

The bodyguard B *** *** still swelled in the back of the head, stood up: "We have to find a place to change clothes, take a bath, too uncomfortable!"

"I guess Yang Ming still has to drink for a while, but I don't worry, you go to open the house, I go to the car to take two sets of clothes." Bodyguard A said to the bodyguard B.

The bodyguard nodded. Two people stood up and walked out of the bathroom. They were wet, although the garbage was not too stinky, but it was very uncomfortable.

The bodyguard B came to the front desk with a hard scalp, and said in the strange look of the front desk lady: "Give me a break room, I drank too much, slipped in the bathroom!"

"Oh... ok, sir, please wait a moment!" The front desk lady listened to the bodyguard B to explain this, but she did not feel much surprised. After all, what kind of people drink more, it is not slipping in the bathroom. What a strange thing.

The bodyguard A quickly went out of the hotel and ran to the side of the road. When he came, the parking lot had no place, and the car stopped at the roadside. Fortunately, it was not a very good car, but Chen Zhifupai. The person was sent to a Passat at the airport, and Chen Zhiye’s car was a rented Rolls-Royce, but the car was originally a hotel. After arriving at the hotel, he went directly to the internal parking lot.

Fortunately, there is also a change of clothes in the luggage. Otherwise, where do you go to buy clothes for the big night?

I took out another set of clothing for myself and bodyguard B. The bodyguard locked the car and ran to the direction of the hotel lobby. At this time, the bodyguard B has opened the room and is waiting at the elevator.

"The clothes have been taken, is the room open?" asked the bodyguard.

"Opened up, 9108, let's go up." Bodyguard B swayed the door card in his hand and said.

The bodyguard nodded and the two waited for the elevator to come down and went inside the elevator.

Of course, this scene is not in the eyes of Yang Ming. Although Yang Ming returned to the room, but the ability has been locked in the body of two bodyguards, their every move is monitored by Yang Ming. .

Including their curse to Yang Ming and the clothes in the car next to the street downstairs, and watched the two of them hold the room card on the elevator.

If these two people stop here, Yang Ming will naturally not be like it, and then find them trouble. After all, due to the face of Chen Fei, Yang Ming also has a good attitude.

However, judging from the dialogue between the two men and the telephone of Chen Zhiye, the two men did not mean to stop here. Since they are so stubborn, Yang Ming will not be merciful again.

After sending a text message to the violent Sanli, Yang Ming put down the mobile phone, and once again changed the cup with Chen Fei...

However, not long after, a white gold van stopped at the street of the Songjiang International Hotel, just behind the two bodyguards Passat.

"Wu Ming, you brought people to destroy the brake system of the front Passat." The storm stopped the car and told several people in the car.

"Okay, Leopard!" Wu Ming responded with a three-handed hand holding the tool and got out of the car. He turned and walked into the Passat's car in the dark.

The text message that Yang Ming gave to Sanlifa was to let the violent Sanli bring people to destroy the brake system of the two bodyguards. This idea is from Wu Ming. Wu Ming’s assassination of Sanli and Hou Zhenyu was to destroy their braking system, but it was only discovered by Yang Ming that they avoided a big disaster.

However, Wu Ming is now a black butterfly killer group, and Yang Ming stayed in Songjiang to assist Violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo to do some secret things.

This destruction of the brake system is Wu Ming's long term, so this time Sanli received the text message of Yang Ming, he directly brought him over.

Wu Ming did this kind of thing, and he was very familiar with the road. Someone helped the hand quickly, so he quickly ended the battle and got out of the car. He returned to the Golden Cup van of the violent Sanli: "Leopard brother, already done."

"Well, let's go." The storm three nodded, gave Yang Ming a short message, and then quickly drove away from here.

In this scene, most people did not pay attention, but there were also security guards who were responsible for watching the car on the roadside, but when he saw the violent squad on the cab of the gold cup car, he looked at it and quickly turned his back and loaded it. Do not know what to do.

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