So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1560:

The first thousand five hundred and sixty chapter

After the bodyguards and bodyguards B came to the room, they quickly took a hot bath, washed off the garbage smell and urine, and put on a new set of clothes. They all sighed with each other. .

"It's so cool! This time is much more refreshing!" Bodyguard B sighed.

"Don't say those are useless, hurry to clean up, go and explore, the surname Yang that kid has not slipped, and then find him if he is in trouble!" Bodyguard A reminded.

"That's also true, then let's go now!" Bodyguard B nodded.

The two quickly picked up the old clothes that had been replaced before, then went out of the room, entered the elevator, and pressed the button on the third floor.

The elevator stopped on the third floor, the two went out of the elevator, and the bodyguard said: "You are waiting for me here, I will explore it and see if the surname Yang is still there!"

"Then you be careful, don't be found!" bodyguard B.

"Do not worry, I am more than you are, or else, you can't faint, I didn't faint!" The bodyguard said indifferently.

The bodyguard B frowned and didn't say anything, but waited at the door of the elevator.

Yang Ming’s abilities have been locked in the body of two bodyguards. How can they not know that they are near the door of the private room?

Since the two of them want to explore whether they are still in the box, how can Yang Ming not let them do so?

"Dream, you asked the waiter to bring the hot tea in, I am a little thirsty." Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengyan and said to her.

"Okay." Chen Mengyu naturally did not know Yang Ming's intention, came to the door of the box, opened the door, shouted to the waiter standing not far away: "The waiter, want a pot of hot tea!"

"Okay, I will send it right away." After the waiter heard it, he quickly rushed down.

Chen Mengyu then closed the door and returned to his seat. He said to Yang Ming: "It will be sent in a while."

"Well." Yang Ming deliberately did it for the two people and wanted to see what their next plan was.

"I saw that the chick named Chen is still there, and I still need tea. It seems that the boy named Yang must be there!" The bodyguard did not stop, determined that there were still people in the box, and quickly walked back. Next to the elevator.

"What do we do now? I am afraid that for a while, I can't find the opportunity for Yang Ming to drop the order. Is it still waiting for him to go to the bathroom again?" Bodyguard B said that he was still a little worried.

"Forget it, don't say if he can go to the bathroom alone, even if it is going, the ghost place, I can't go!" It seems that not only the bodyguard B, but even the bodyguard is also very afraid of the previous experience. When you mention it, you are uncomfortable.

"Then let's go to the car and wait, there, you can directly see the hotel's door, Yang Ming, when they come out, we can see it for the first time." Bodyguard B said.

"Let's go, it's safer in the car, save it from being discovered by Chen Fei!" The bodyguard nodded.

Since the two had a plan, they quickly returned to the elevator and went downstairs.

Yang Ming’s heart smiled slightly, and sure enough, the two men decided to track in the car. After a while, let them enjoy the speed and passion...

Without paying attention to the two, Yang Ming and Chen Fei continued to drink. Chen Fei was depressed in his heart, and after drinking with Yang Ming, he drunk and squatted on the table.

"Chen Auntie, I see it here today, Chen Shu is drunk, go back to rest soon?" Yang Ming said as Chen Fei, who was kneeling on the table.

"I think so too," Chen Fangyu said with a smile: "Old Chen, this temper, makes you laugh."

Yang Ming smiled and shook his head. Yang Ming doesn't drink much, and he has been controlling himself, so the whole person is still very awake.

Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu raised Chen Fei on the left and right, Chen Fangyu took the bag, and the four people went out together in the box. After Yang Ming signed the order at the front desk of the lobby on the first floor, Mr. Liu called the security captain Xiao Wang.

In a short while, Xiao Wang ran quickly and saw Yang Ming several people, immediately said: "Yang Ge, I am going to pick up the car?"

"Well, I am waiting for you at the door!" Yang Ming nodded.

Soon, Xiao Wang drove the car to the door of the hotel. Yang Ming helped Chen Fei to sit in the back seat. Chen Fangyu and Chen Mengyu sat next to Chen Fei, and Yang Ming sat in the front row.

"Go to this place first." Yang Ming said the address of Chen Mengyu's home, to Xiao Wangdao.

"Okay, Yang Ge!" Xiao Wang excitedly launched the car. He was also one of the middle leaders of Songjiang International Hotel. So he knew about Yang Ming’s identity and knew that Yang Ming was actually the back of the hotel. People, violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu are responsible for Yang Ming.

And he was able to personally drive Yang Ming's car service, which made Xiao Wang feel that his face was very bright. I am afraid that after I know this thing, I can still go one step further.

The position of the hotel’s security minister was not because of the last two deputy generals’ defections. Now the position is still empty, you may be able to top it! At that time, I was the upper leader of the hotel!

When Yang Ming’s car drove out of the parking lot, on the roadside Passat, the bodyguard called Chen Zhiye’s phone.

“What's the matter?” Chen Zhiye turned on the phone: “How is your progress over there?”

"The surname Yang's kid went out of the hotel, but they were with Chen Fei. We secretly planned to keep up with it later, and then wait for Yang Ming to place the order again!" said the bodyguard.

"Then you should be careful, don't let people find out!" Chen Zhiye said: "Where are you now?"

"We are in a very safe place, not to be discovered by the surname Yang's kid, rest assured, boss!" said the bodyguard.

Hang up the phone, bodyguard A to the car bodyguard B: "Drive, keep up with the BMW x5 in front!"

"Ok!" The bodyguard B used his hair to move the car: "This license plate number is quite good. It seems that Chen Fei is also a corrupt official? This car brand, I am afraid it is not cheap!"

Both of them wanted to be worse, thinking that this car is Chen Fei's, but did not know that this car is actually Yang Ming's own.

"That's not necessarily. I just watched the security captain of the hotel driving for them. I am afraid that this car is rented from the hotel like the Rolls-Royce that the former boss did." The bodyguard analyzed.

"Mom, red light!" Bodyguard B glanced at the signal light in front of him and frowned.

"Afraid of a bird, smashing the past, anyway, it is not our own car, the ticket is also the boss's brother is responsible for the balance." Bodyguard said indifferently.

The bodyguard B is also such a thing to listen to. Now it is still necessary to chase Yang Ming. What should I do if Yang Ming loses? If you find it again, you will be in trouble! Thought of this, the bodyguard B a foot throttle, the car "嗖" suddenly smashed the past.

After the post, the bodyguard B naturally stepped on the brakes to slow down, but suddenly found himself, like a step on the cotton! In an instant, the face of bodyguard B changed. However, he still stepped on his feet without dying. The result was the same and the brakes failed.

"The brakes are out of order!" The body of the bodyguard B was instantly white, and the sweat of the bean fell! Although they were hired by Chen Zhiye before, they were a group of desperate people, not regular security companies, but they are also afraid of death!

"It's broken? How do you do it?" The bodyguard was shocked after listening. When he saw the bodyguard B stepping on the brakes, he pressed the brakes to the end, and the speed of the car was still not reduced. Also scared!

"Who knows fucking?!" Bodyguard B shouted: "I am grass, what should I do..."

Although the bodyguard B is very afraid of the heart, but the hand is holding the steering wheel, this time, if you can no longer control the direction, then it will die!

"Hand brakes!" Bodyguard A is also anxious, but he does not know how to drive, do not know that the car in the driving handle is useless, a subconscious pull, the car just feels a little stagnation, then continue to crazy forward go with.

Fortunately, the bodyguard B tried a bit, and the fire of the car was closed for the first time, but the speed was too fast. Under the inertia, it continued to move forward...

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