So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1561: Can only swallow

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-one chapters can only swallow

Fortunately, bodyguard B is a little common sense, the first time the car's fire is closed, but the speed is too fast, inertia, or continue to rush forward...

However, although this bodyguard B is still a bit of common sense, but after all, it is not professional to play with the car, the car is turned off, the steering wheel's steering power is not, and in his technique, it is impossible to control...

So, in the case that the direction and the brakes are gone, the car that the two of them ride quickly rushes to the side of the road, but the bodyguard is in a hurry and the middle of the steering wheel, hitting the steering wheel for a long time and hitting the car. Go to the garbage station next to the road.

Thanks to the buffer of the garbage station, the car did not directly hit the wall, so that the two bodyguards took a life back.

It’s just that although I took a life, but I climbed out of the car, the clothes that I just liked were covered with **** again, and the garbage station was not the same as the garbage in the hotel’s bathroom. The garbage here is probably stacked. It’s a day, and everything is there, stinking...

"I rely on, will you drive? How do you get inside the garbage dump?" The bodyguard looked at his own clothes that had just been fragrant, and it became like this in a blink of an eye.

"I want to drive, we are two dead now!" Bodyguard B rolled his eyes and said something dissatisfied. All along, both of them are based on bodyguards. There is no way. Who will let the bodyguards follow Chen Zhiye first? I get more trust than the bodyguard B. There is no way for the bodyguard B to be able to swallow.

But this time, the bodyguard B couldn't bear it anymore: "If there is no garbage heap buffer, we both directly hit the wall. Do you think we can survive?"

The bodyguard A just complained casually. After listening to the words of the bodyguard B, I felt a little embarrassed and laughed at the two channels: "We have to drag the car here as soon as possible. Although it is a back alley, it is not afraid of 10,000. I’m afraid that if a police officer is attracted, it’s really hard to get out of it! Once you reveal your true identity, Chen Fei will certainly have doubts!”

"It is also said that this big night, we are not around Chen Zhiye, but driving alone, it is indeed suspected!" Bodyguard B nodded: "And Chen Fei is the director of Songjiang Police, this Songjiang police will Obeying him, we can't take this risk!"

"Well, there won't be anyone paying attention here for a while." The bodyguard said: "I will call the boss, call a trailer and drag the car away."

The bodyguard A knows that this time the call will be confirmed by Chen Zhiye, but there is no way, only to hit the scalp.

"Hey? What's the matter? Are you getting it over there?" Chen Zhiye picked up the phone and whispered.

"Boss, we have a little accident here, the car's brake system has gone wrong, and it crashed into the garbage bin on the side of the road..." The bodyguard explained carefully: "Hurry up and find a trailer and drag the car away." In order to prevent the police from coming, it is troublesome to be known by Chen Fei..."

"There is a problem with the brakes?" Chen Zhiye frowned, and his heart was so angry that how to teach a Yang Ming so troublesome? What can I do? However, this car is the big brother Chen Zhifu, although Chen Zhiye is annoyed, but he can't vent it: "Where are you now?"

"Boss, rest assured, we are in a very safe place now!" the bodyguard answered.

When Chen Zhiye listened to the bodyguard, he suddenly turned his eyes and said: "I didn't ask you where the current place is safe and unsafe. I asked you where you are. You don't tell me where I am, how can I contact you for a trailer?"

"Oh oh..." The bodyguard A quickly said: "Not far from the intersection of Heiyang Road and Jiangzhong West Road..."

"Well, you stay there and don't move, I will contact the trailer." Chen Zhiye is going crazy. Originally, I felt that my two bodyguards had to teach Yang Ming that some of them were overused, but now I don't know if I am both. The bodyguards have gone bad luck or something, but they haven’t got it yet!

Yang Ming took back the surveillance of the abilities from the bodyguard A and B, and his mouth sneered. Before his speculation was really wrong, the two men did not dare to call the police to seek the truth, but they had to hide the car before the police came.

This is why Yang Ming dared to unscrupulously let the violent San Li with Wu Ming to destroy their brake system. If this matter is clarified, Chen Fei will probably doubt his own head after he knows it, but Yang Ming has decided that these two people would not let Chen Fei know, so they are destined to be able to swallow.

"Yang Ge, where are you, where are the cars parked?" The security captain Xiao Wang drove the car into the residential area of ​​Chen Meng's home, and then asked Yang Ming.

"Stop in front of the building in front." Yang Ming reached out and pointed to the unit building where Chen Mengyu was.

"Okay," Xiao Wang respectfully parked the car in the place designated by Yang Ming, and then got off the car and opened the back door of the car. Chen Mengyu and Chen Fangyu supported the already sober Chen Fei and got off the bus.

"Thank you, Xiao Wang!" Chen Fangyu nodded to Xiao Wang.

"You're welcome, it should be." Xiao Wang was somewhat flattered. He did not expect that Yang Ming regarded him as his own person, and even Chen Mengxi’s family address made him know!

You know, people who are not particularly cronies, how can you know this? I believe that the people around Yang Ming will know the details of the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu.

Yang Ming looked at Xiao Wang and thought that this young man was good, with color, and his hands and feet were diligent, but it was a useful person.

"Dream, you don't go back tonight, stay at home." Yang Ming looked at Chen Fei, who had drunk too much, and said to Chen Mengxi.

"Well, I stayed and could take care of my father." Chen Mengyu nodded.

"Chen Auntie, then I won't go up. I just came back, I haven't gone home yet, I have to go back and see." Yang Ming said to Chen Fangyu.

"Well, then you should go back to rest earlier, you just drank a lot!" Chen Fangyu said: "After arriving home, send a message to the nightmare."

"Well. Don't worry, there will be nothing, I am still very clear." Yang Ming smiled.

I watched Chen Mengqi’s family go upstairs and use their powers to visit them safely and return home. Yang Ming was relieved.

When Yang Ming sent Chen Mengxi's family, Xiao Wang's cell phone rang in the car.

Xiao Wang took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID. He was called by a girlfriend who lived together. Xiao Wang quickly picked it up: "Xiao Ran, is there anything?"

"Don't you get off work at eight o'clock today? Why didn't you go home so late? Did you go there?" Xiaoran asked with a slap in the face.

"I have a business!" Xiao Wang was afraid that Yang Ming would hear the phone and press down the voice.

"What is the right thing? What can you do? You have a small security captain, what else? Do you think you were the Minister of Security?" Xiaoran immediately angered when he heard Xiao Wang: "The security of your hotel." Is the position of the minister not empty? You have the ability to go up, don't say right, it's deputy, you said that you have business, I believe it! Now you can have something right? Speaking is still succinct, is it done? What is wrong, look at me?"

"You don't ink! I really have a business!" Xiao Wang met his girlfriend and chattered with himself, and was anxious: "I have something to go home and say!"

"You yell at me! You dare to marry me! Xiao Wang, your wings are hard?" Xiaoran heard Xiao Wang dare to refute himself, suddenly fried the temple!

"I..." Xiao Wang frowned, really want to hang up the phone directly!

Don't look at Xiao Wang outside is the security captain, but at home is a typical wife and strict, Xiaoran's family is better than him, so no matter what he or she is, Gao Xiaowang is a head.

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