So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1562: influences

The first five hundred and sixty-two chapters influence

Xiao Wang also knows that he is not a big money to earn a 3,000 yuan a month. He can't afford Xiaoran, but he still has to rely on Xiaoran's parents to help him, so he usually swallows his voice.

And the marriage between herself and Xiaoran, the attitude of Xiaoran’s parents is also very unclear, making Xiao Wang very depressed. I am a small security captain, I am afraid that in the eyes of parents, nothing is wrong.

The most unbearable thing for Xiao Wang was that the parents who had been stunned last Sunday actually gave Zhang Xiao a brief introduction, which made Xiao Wang feel that he was too sloppy.

If it is not a small opposition, I am afraid that Xiaoran’s parents have already given up.

I thought of Xiaoran, although I was talking to myself, but I really loved myself. Xiao Wang’s heart was soft, and I didn’t hang up the phone directly. Instead, I whispered: “I am sending a big man to go home. Go back and tell you in detail!"

"Big man?" Xiaoran stunned, although he didn't believe it, but since Xiao Wang said so, he still believed in the letter: "Well, if you go home, if you can't explain it to me, don't *** today. Got to sleep!"

Xiao Wang smiled and hung up the phone and sighed. Although it is an opportunity to send Yang Ming home this time, it may not be able to gain anything, but it is just a mixture of faces. Where is the security minister of the hotel, so good?

Yang Ming naturally did not pay attention to Xiao Wang’s expression and returned to the car. He said to Xiao Wang: “Drive, go, go to the hospital of Songjiang Bus.”

"Okay, Yang Ge!" Xiao Wang quickly adjusted his emotions, nodded and said that he started the car.

The car is driving on the way to the hospital of Songjiang Bus Factory. The hospital of Songjiang Bus has been renamed as a famous community. However, because it is a new one, many people are used to it as a hospital of Songjiang Bus.

"Xiao Wang, how old are you this year?" Yang Ming looked at Xiao Wang, who was focused on driving, and asked casually.

"Yang Ge, I am twenty this year." Xiao Wang did not know why Yang Ming would have this question, but still answered truthfully.

"Twenty... I am also twenty, you don't have to call me Yang Ge." Yang Ming smiled after listening.

"How is this going, age is not big, and the person is the first." Xiao Wang was shocked and replied nervously. He didn't know why Yang Ming suddenly said this. Do you know that Violent Sanli and Hou Zhenyu are not bigger than themselves? Doesn't it respectfully call Yang Ming Yang Ge?

"Oh, that's just you." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Is there any plan, change a job?"

"Change a job?" Xiao Wang’s heart suddenly became tight. Some people were amazed. I don’t know if Yang Ming’s words are good news. It’s bad news. Some of the embarrassing questions: “Yang Ge, I’m not doing well, you want Expel me..."

"Of course not," Yang Ming smiled. "I don't have a driver. I think you are pretty good. Is there any intention to drive me?"

"This..." Xiao Wangqiang suppressed the excitement inside, and even the hand holding the steering wheel was a little unstable: "Yang Ge, can I do it?"

Xiao Wang really did not dream of dreaming, and his chances really came like this! Moreover, it is much better than what I originally thought!

Originally, Xiao Wang thought that he could be a deputy minister of the hotel security department. It was already very difficult, but he became the driver of Yang Ming! Although the driver said that there may not be a security team captain, but it is also a driver, who is the driver!

Xiao Wang knows Yang Ming’s identity and status. If he is a driver for Yang Ming, I am afraid that he belongs to the people in the core circle of Yang Ming. After seeing him, he will also look at him. .

"I see you are good. Now look at your own meaning!" Yang Ming smiled.

"Of course I am willing!" Xiao Wang excitedly said: "Yang Ge, then when will I take office?"

"I don't use the car every day, but only use it occasionally." Yang Ming smiled and said: "This way, you will go to the famous entertainment report tomorrow, I will let the violent three stand in the logistics department to hang a deputy manager position. Usually, don't be idle, take care of the company's security situation. Mingyang Entertainment does not have its own security department. The security work is the responsibility of the famous security company. After you go, you will make this piece and set up later. The Security Department, you will be the Minister of the Security Department."

Yang Ming made a few words and gave Xiao Wang a good way out.

"Ah..." Xiao Wang was a little shocked. He didn't think of it. Yang Ming actually arranged for him a position in the company! He had already made up his mind to decide, even if he was just a driver, he had to work on his own.

However, Yang Ming’s arrangement is undoubtedly the same as that in the sky, so Xiao Wang is somewhat at a loss! He felt like he was dreaming. Originally, he just expected to be a deputy minister of the security department at the hotel, but Yang Ming arranged for him to go to the hotel's parent company to be the first minister of the security department. This makes Xiao Wang really unable to accept the reality!

"Then, when I have something, I will call you, and you will drive over." Yang Ming said: "However, it will not be too frequent. If there is no major event, I will drive myself."

Yang Ming’s reason for this arrangement is that he really lacks a more reliable driver. Violent Sanli and Hou Zhenyu are now too busy every day. There are a lot of things to be dealt with in the company. Yang Ming is also not good enough to always ask them to be a driver!

Although neither of them said anything, they were happy to drive for themselves, but Yang Ming could not do this. Just see Xiao Wang, Yang Ming has this idea, this little king looks pretty good, so Yang Ming plans to take a look at it.

If it is really a reliable and credible person, Yang Ming will gradually entrust him with a heavy responsibility. If he can't, he will call him back to the name of the security minister, and he will not follow himself.

Anyway, the security minister of the famous security company is not an important position. It is irrelevant for Yang Ming.

"Yang Ge, don't worry! I must do it well and live up to your cultivation!" Xiao Wang said excitedly.

Yang Ming nodded, how is Xiao Wang, Yang Ming will observe it himself. Yang Ming has now discovered that there are really too few people available on his hands!

In Songjiang, there are no more people available except Hou Zhenyu and Violent Sanli! If you count Wu Ming, it is only three, but Wu Ming still has to go back to Africa.

"Right, I don't know what you are calling?" Yang Ming suddenly thought that he only knew that he was Xiao Wang.

"My name is Wang Lin." Xiao Wang replied.

"Oh... Wang Lin... Do you know the roots?" Yang Ming asked.

"Where is the root of the ear? Who is the root of the ear?" Wang Linyi.

"Nothing..." Yang Ming shook his head with a smile, and Wang Lin’s name reminded him of the protagonist’s name.

Yang Ming made a phone call to violent San Li, arranged Wang Lin's identity, and then got off the bus at the family hospital of Songjiang Bus Factory.

Wang Lin did not drive back, but returned the car key to Yang Ming. After he went to the company to report tomorrow, he would give him a new special car.

Looking at Yang Ming completely disappeared in the corridor entrance, Wang Lin was excited to lick his face, determined that he was not dreaming, but awake, this is happy to run in the direction of his home! He wants to share this good news to his girlfriend Xiaoran!

Yang Ming naturally wouldn't think that a move of his own whim would change the fate of a person and a family. If it weren't for Yang Ming's move, I am afraid that Wang Lin would still be the former captain of the young king and would stay in the hotel.

And between him and his girlfriend Xiaoran, I am afraid that there will be some problems in the end. After all, Xiaoran’s parents are oppressing. However, all of this will change tonight.

If Yang Ming knows all this, I don’t know if I will sigh. When a person has enough power, unconsciously, it may affect the people around him and change their life and destiny.

Perhaps this is the so-called ability and the greater the responsibility. Today, this influence is developing in a good direction. Will it be a bad direction brought about by tomorrow?

Yang Ming went to the familiar door. He had not returned home for a long time. He took out the key and opened the security door. He heard the mother’s voice coming from the house: "Who? Is it Daming?"

"Mom, it's me!" The long-lost warmth made Yang Ming's heart warm.

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