So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1563: The end of the mouth

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-three chapters

"Da Ming, it really is that you are back!" Yang mother was wiping the floor in the living room, looking back, just saw Yang Ming open the door and walked in.

"Mom, how are you doing housework so late? I didn't mean to ask for a babysitter?" Yang Ming saw that her mother was actually rubbing the floor and could not help but frown.

“I used to work as a temporary worker in the downstairs community, but I worked as a manager of the property company. There is nothing to do in the company, but I can’t help myself. I don’t feel comfortable when I don’t work one day. Yang said with a smile: "The age is big, and the activity is active, it is a sport!"

Yang Ming listened to her mother and said that she had no choice but to nod. The habit of developing for the rest of her life, where can I change it?

"My dad?" Yang Ming asked.

"Looking in the bedroom to watch TV, it is estimated that I didn't hear you open the door." Yang mother glanced at the closed bedroom door and said to Yang Ming: "Let's go see him?"

"Well," Yang Ming changed his slippers and walked into the living room. He came to the door of his parents' bedroom. Yang Ming knocked on the door and then pushed the door and went in.

"What's wrong with this? Did you enter the house and knocked on the door?" Yang Dahai thought that his wife had come in, his eyes were on the TV screen, and he didn't look back. He had some snarl in his mouth.

"Dad, it's me, I am back." Yang Ming turned on the light in the bedroom and walked over to the bed.

"Oh? Your kid is not going to eat with their nightmare tonight? How come back so soon?" Yang Dahai saw Yang Ming, but some accidents, sat up.

"Don't mention it..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "Don't break it."

"I don't want to be happy? What happened? You quarreled with Chen Mengyu?" Yang Dahai frowned and asked.

"Of course not." Yang Ming shook his head: "Chen Jiacun of Chen Shujia, who came back from the South today, has an entrepreneur who feels that he has hundreds of millions of dollars in his hands and returned home. After returning, he must invite all Chenjiacun people to eat, Chen Shujia Nature has gone too!"

"Hundreds of millions? You are not too small now!" Yang Dahai glared at Yang Ming, but he did not say much. Indeed, in the case of the current Yang family, hundreds of millions of natural things are nothing: "After that?"

"After that, the son of the entrepreneur began to pay tribute to Chen Mengxi. The most helpless thing is that the old patriarch of Chenjiacun, a man named Chen Qiye, actually announced that the nightmare and the son of the entrepreneur were engaged..." Yang Ming said here. It was so angry and funny: "He thought he was an emperor? The result was naturally unhappy!"

Yang Ming did not say that the two bodyguards did not describe the conflicts as fiercely at the time. Instead, they said that they were joking as if they were joking. They were afraid that their father would worry about themselves after they knew the truth.

Although Yang Ming has enough ability to protect himself, his father may not know, so Yang Ming does not want him to worry.

"It turned out to be the case." Yang Dahai also shook his head after listening to helplessly: "My lady, gentleman is good, this is normal. And the old patriarch... the old man is a bit stubborn, and don't generally see them. ""

"Oh, I naturally know this." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Well, don't mention these unpleasant things, talk about you and mom, how is your body recently?"

"How else? This is delicious every day, and there are special private doctors who give me and your mother regular checkups. What problems can I have?" Yang Dahai said with a smile: "In addition, there are some achievements in addition to the daily calls and the rain." Feeling outside, it’s really not comfortable in the past!”

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. What you need to consider now is the future of the company. The welfare of thousands of employees will naturally sacrifice a lot of self time." Yang Ming said here, a sigh in his heart, it seems to be comforting. Yang Dahai, in fact, isn’t Yang Ming saying to himself? Since he gained his ability, he became the close disciple of the king of the killer, took over the Black Butterfly Killer Group and the Charles family, became a member of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation, and has too many things to do every day, although there are public and private But there is absolutely no freedom in the past.

Ordinary campus life has been far from Yang Ming. Yang Ming really wants to one day, ending the current busy and disputes, and An An heart to enjoy the university life.

However, in the near term, it seems unlikely.

"That's right." Yang Dao nodded. "This is also the reason why I have always insisted that I have not moved to a big house. In fact, your uncle has suggested that I build the original abandoned factory behind the community into a new family area and build several villas. However, I feel that there is no warmth here. Although the area is small, it has the warmest memories of our family of three.

Now that you are growing up, I am more busy than before. You seem to be busy than me. Your mother’s work is still idle. Our family, the days of reunion are getting less and less. In addition to the New Year, you have never returned. ”

"..." Yang Ming is also very helpless about this, but whoever makes himself just after the end of the year, things continue?

After a night of no stay, Yang Ming stayed at home for one night. On the second day, he rushed to Chen Mengyu’s home to pick up Chen Mengyu, then returned to the villa of the Chinese business district and met Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun.

The two had already known the news that Chen Mengxi came back safely yesterday, so they also let go of their hearts and no longer anxious. At this time, seeing Chen Mengxi, only showing thoughts and concern, but not too shocked.

Yang Ming did not go to school for a long time. Today, I naturally go to the school to see it. However, when the four people walked out of the villa and were preparing to get on the bus, there was an accident!

"Zhao teacher... Yingjie?" Chen Mengxi’s voice made Yang Ming’s heart suddenly tight! Although there was no substantial incident between myself and Zhao Ying, the embarrassment and cold war between them were tacit.

At this time, I actually met Zhao Ying! Moreover, he is still in the same situation as Chen Mengyu, Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun.

"Dream, do you go to school together?" Zhao Ying's voice seems rather dull, nothing waves, just a friendly smile to Chen Mengxi.

"Ying sister..." Yang Ming had to turn around helplessly. While calling Zhao Yingying, her eyes fell on Wang Xiaoying, who was next to Zhao Ying! It seems that Zhao Ying was definitely noisy at Wang Xiaojia’s home yesterday. Today, the two of them are planning to go to school together. I did not expect to meet this neighbor.

Wang Xiaoxuan smiled and laughed at Yang Ming’s eyes, and immediately looked at Chen Mengxi, and waved her hand symbolically, which was a greeting. Before Valentine's Day, Wang Xiaoyan and Chen Mengyu had seen each other and got their hair together. At that time, Chen Mengxi's junior high school classmates were pursuing Wang Xiaoying.

Chen Mengxi also nodded to her politeness, because the two people are not familiar with each other, there is nothing too deep friendship. It’s just a little weird. How could Wang Xiaoyu be with Zhao Ying and not far from his doorstep?

Because Wang Xiaoying and Zhao Ying were the first to come out, Chen Mengxi did not find it. Wang Xiaoying was his neighbor.

"Ying sister, you also go to school?" Yang Ming asked without nutrition.

"Well, I and I have classes in the morning." Zhao Ying nodded, showing a complex look in the eyes, but then disappeared, not easy to detect.

Looking at Yang Yan’s beside Yan Yanyan, Zhao Ying’s heart has aroused a trace of embarrassment. It has already decided to have nothing to do with Yang Ming, but when I saw Yang Ming, there were some unrealistic thoughts. appear.

"That's just right, let's go together..." Chen Mengyu has no precautions against Zhao Ying. Instead, because of the last incident, she felt very embarrassed.

"Okay." Zhao Ying wanted to refuse, but when it came to her mouth, it turned into "good."

Yang Ming heard this "good", and suddenly the heart suddenly jumped! Mind, what is good, if only Zhao Ying is counted, and Wang Xiaoying is the big killer. If you have angered this chick, things can be big!

Yang Ming really wants to slap himself, how can his mouth be so embarrassed, ask what is wrong, but ask Zhao Ying if he is going to school... This tragedy.

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