So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1564: Frightened

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-four chapters are scared

"Yang Ming, what's wrong with you?" Chen Mengxi found that Yang Ming's expression was a little weird, and some strange questions were asked.

"No...nothing..." Yang Ming smiled twice: "Isn't the car sitting so many people?"

"Can you?" Chen Mengyu looked at the x5 in the back row and pointed to the back seat and said: "There are four people sitting here. We are not fat, not crowded at all! It is not good, I drive alone. It’s OK to carry Zhao Ying’s sister.”

alone? Yang Ming suddenly became shocked and quickly said: "Can you sit down? Oh, then sit down, get on the bus..."

Listening to Yang Mingyu's incoherent words, Chen Mengyan frowned, but did not find other clues. Open the rear door, let Wang Xiaoyan and Zhao Ying first go in, and sit next to Lin Yuyun, then to Zhou Jiajia: "Jia Jia, are you sitting in front?"

"Well..." Zhou Jiajia also saw it now. Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun always intentionally and unintentionally let her get along with Yang Ming. I don't know what the reason is. However, Zhou Jiajia thought of a more shameful reason. That is, Yang Ming has not really pushed himself down, so Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun will do the same.

So every time Chen Mengxi hints at her, Zhou Jiajia will be blushing. Because Zhao Ying was there, Zhou Jiajia couldn't say anything. After he nodded, he sat in the position of the co-pilot.

Yang Ming only hopes to go to school quickly, so that Zhao Ying, Wang Xiaoxuan and Chen Mengyu can part ways, not to say anything.

Wang Xiaoyan naturally knows why Yang Ming is in the heart at this moment, and smiles secretly. He is usually a winner in the grasp of everything, and he is also in a hurry.

"Ying sister, the last time you said that at the New Year's Temple Fair, bullying you, is that he?" Wang Xiaoxiao moved in his heart, deliberately making bad.

"Ah?" Zhao Ying stunned. I didn't expect Wang Xiaoyu to suddenly talk about it. The beginning and the end of the incident, Zhao Ying and Wang Xiaoyu talked about it, and this time Wang Xiaoyu talked about this matter, what is hinting at it? ?

Yang Ming is suddenly scared into a cold sweat, angry teeth itch, which Wang Xiao Yan really owe pack up, she really should look for opportunities to beat pp meal. Will you find trouble for yourself, isn't this the source of the war?

However, Zhao Ying did not return, Chen Mengxi was the first step and smiled: "Yes, Wang Xiaoyan, after we went to the temple fair, he went with Ying sister, but because of some accidents, she fell to Ying sister. The body, just happened to be seen by me, I also married Yingjie... Yingjie, are you still angry now?"

"I... I am angry, everything that has passed." Zhao Ying shook his head in a fearful manner. Originally, the thoughts of Yang Ming were somewhat timid.

When I thought of Chen Mengqi’s anger with myself, Zhao Ying was a little worried. Don’t look at Chen Meng’s peace and temperament. It’s really a fire, but it’s really scary.

Zhao Ying also knows why Chen Mengxi accepted Lin Yuyun and accepted Zhou Jiajia, but could not accept her reasons! That is, she used to be Yang Ming and her teacher. It was Chen Mengqi who believed and respected. Suddenly, if she became a sister, Chen Mengxi’s concept was unacceptable.

The teacher that I have always trusted, the big sister, has become a woman who grabs a man with herself. If I change it, I can't accept it, and I can't blame Chen Mengxi. This is a mentality and a conceptual constraint.

This is also the reason why Zhao Ying scolded her identity and refused Yang Ming in the summer night.

Although Zhao Ying and Yang Ming are now college students, their concept is still there. This is why Zhao Ying is afraid to take the first step!

"Right, Yingjie, how have you just been at my door?" Chen Mengxi thought about the previous things, so he asked.

"There is not your door, but the doorway." Zhao Ying said with a smile: "Hey, you are a neighbor, don't you know?"

"Ah? Wang Xiaoying, you live next door to our house?" Chen Mengyu looked at Wang Xiaoxiao with some incredible thoughts! Although she and Wang Xiaoying were not very familiar with each other, they also met several times. They suddenly found out that she was actually a neighbor of her family. This made Chen Mengyu somewhat surprised!

"I rarely live here, I am also very surprised, you and Yang Ming are next door." Wang Xiaoyan replied faintly, let Yang Ming's heart is a loose. It seems that Wang Xiaoyu just wanted to scare herself and play with a heartbeat, and she didn't want to expose anything.

"This is true, but it is very clever. Later, I can come to my house to play." Chen Mengyu did not doubt much, but in the villa next door, she rarely saw anyone.

"Oh, no problem, but Ying sister also lives in this community, you don't know?" Wang Xiaoyan blinked and said suddenly.

"Ah? Yingjie also has a house in the community?" Chen Mengxi was really surprised this time. His two acquaintances were actually in their own community, but they never knew it!

Yang Ming’s head suddenly came up with sweat, and his heart, this Wang Xiaoying is really not finished, just play some hanging things, not afraid to reveal anything.

"This is not near school," Zhao Ying is also a tight heart, stunned Wang Xiaoyan, and then some unnaturally said: "The house is a friend borrowed from me, his house is more..."

"Oh," Chen Mengyu did not think too much. After all, Zhao Ying’s words have nothing to think about. It is a very normal thing to borrow a friend’s house: "There will be more guests in the future!" It’s not at home, we are at home, and it doesn’t mean anything. When you come, people are still a little more busy...”

Lively... Yang Ming secretly smiled. When the two of them also come in, it would be great if you still feel hilarious.

"Okay, when I am, I will be there for class!" Zhao Ying pointed out that a school building inside the school said.

"Well, I am getting off here too," Wang Xiaoyu said.

finally reached? Yang Ming parked the car on the side of the teaching building and said with a strong smile: "Ying sister, hehe... Wang Xiaoyu, goodbye."

Yang Mingyi was almost a bit called Wang Xiaoying.

From the community to the school, just a few minutes drive, Yang Ming was like a torment, and all of them were cold sweats. Looking at the back of Zhao Ying and Wang Xiaoyu, Yang Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Ming sent Lin Yuyun and Chen Mengyu to the teaching buildings of their respective departments, and then carried Zhou Jiajia to the teaching building of the computer department.

Zhou Jiajia's expression was very quiet. After Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun left, she didn't talk any more, as if she enjoyed the warmth of this moment alone.

Until Yang Ming parked the car in front of the teaching building, Zhou Jiajia was disappointed to get off the bus: "Before, when I was in junior high school, I saw you and Suya sister going to school together every day. I dreamed that one day, I could be like her. ""

When Yang Ming listened to Zhou Jiajia’s words to himself, his heart trembled. The girl’s demands and dreams were so simple. In the past, she has always neglected her feelings. In fact, Zhou Jiajia was careful, Yang Ming could help her to achieve it...just, and Zhou Jiajia had been so good for so long, but she did not go to school with her once... Although there are reasons for being busy, Yang Ming’s heart is also very uncomfortable.

"Let's go together at night?" Yang Ming locked the car and said.

"Oh, no, I will go to Xiao Qing sister later, there are still topics to be busy." Zhou Jiajia smiled: "Just just complained casually, now I am very satisfied, I can live with you every day. The previous dreams are also overfulfilled."

"Well then... wait for you to finish." Yang Ming nodded and walked into the teaching building with Zhou Jiajia.

However, Zhou Jiajia’s scene from the luxury car was watched by Li Boliang! Li Boliang only feels like a five-thunder, and almost fainted in the past!

Before Li Boliang, I didn’t have heard of any beautiful female students being taken care of by big money. Every day, the car was transported by car, but this kind of thing was far away from him. He didn’t take it seriously. Now, I saw the girl I admire. From a BMW car and a young man to get off, two people still eyebrows, how can this not let Li Boliang feel uncomfortable?

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