So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1569: Let me protect you

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-nine chapters let me protect you

"Oh? What do you want to do with the air pump? Do you want to pump your car?" Xiao Liao thought that Xiao Wang was looking for a gas pump to be a private thing, so he began to take the tone: "The company's car is playing every day."

"Where are so many problems?" Xiao Wang frowned, as if he saw Xiao Liao's dissatisfaction, but he also understood that he was an airborne soldier who suddenly became a deputy manager of the logistics department from the security captain. How do you think about yourself in your heart, you feel that you are relying on the relationship.

The matter of driving Yang Ming has not yet been passed out. At present, only Sanli has known it.

"Yang Ge let me bring it, you can get ready soon!"

"Yang Ge? Which Yang Ge?" Xiao Liao Yi Yi, thought about the logistics department, there seems to be no Yang Ge?

"I am driving to Chairman Yang. You don't know about this?" Xiao Wang frowned. "Hurry up, when you miss something big, you can be in trouble!"

"Chairman Yang!" Xiao Liao listened to this name, and suddenly he reacted to Yang Ge in the mouth of Xiao Wang, who is also! Yang Ming also participated in a famous entertainment meeting, which was the time when Jing Xiaoyu was employed. Therefore, the employees in the company now know that there is another chairman named Yang Ming on the top of the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu.

Xiao Liao was the captain of the team before he was under the jurisdiction of Xiao Wang and dared to take the tone with Xiao Wang. It was also because the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu sometimes went out to drive the car and was driven by him!

Although violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu will drive, but many times they are not allowed to drive their own cars. After all, the identity is placed there, so the temporary use of Xiao Liao as a driver.

This Xiao Liao feels that he is infinitely arrogant. As a driver of the boss, naturally high others, it is normal to not put Xiao Wang in his eyes! Although I heard that Xiao Wang was arranged in the position of the deputy manager of logistics, it was because some of the company’s leaders had taken a fancy to let him drive, but Xiao Liao did not look at it. After all, the leadership was even worse. Can't you beat the violent Sanli and Hou Zhenyu?

He subconsciously thinks that Xiao Wang’s position is higher than himself. It must be because the leader is a relative of his family, so it will be like this. When I think of it, I will even despise Xiao Wang, and I will have the previous martyrdom. .

However, I heard that Xiao Wang actually drove Yang Ming. Xiao Liao suddenly scared cold sweat and DC. He finally realized that in this company, it is not the biggest of Sanli and Hou Zhenyu! There is also a chairman above, although the chairman does not often appear in the company, but the authority is there!

I thought that I had been promoted to the captain of the team because of the driving of the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu, and Xiao Wang was driving to Yang Ming, and being promoted as the deputy manager of the logistics department is also understandable!

Who makes people's home service more powerful than their own service? When I thought that I almost broke the big thing, Xiao Liao’s face changed immediately, and she changed into a flattering only in front of the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu: "Wang Ge, you said earlier, I will give you this. Air pump goes!"

The name of Xiao Wang has also become a king. This momentary change is seen in the eyes of Xiao Wang. I feel that the world here is very cold. I am unknowingly ignorant.

Soon, Xiao Liao took a pump that was pressured. Xiao Wang had to reach out and pick it up. Xiao Liao shook his head and refused. He personally ran to send the gas pump to Xiao Wang’s car, open the trunk, and properly Put it in.

"Wang Ge, I have prepared for you, you have to go to the chairman to do things, but don't delay, then you can afford it!" Xiao Liao finished all this, smiled and respectful Road. It seems that the man who was yin and yang before was not like him.

"Well, Xiao Liao, doing a good job, I thought that the air pump should be pressed now, I didn't expect to have a good fight." Xiao Wang nodded with satisfaction.

"Oh..." Xiao Liao was praised and smiled happily. Xiao Liao is seen, don't look at this Xiao Wang is the deputy manager of logistics, but definitely better than the manager, look at it later, that is, the manager has any decision, you have to discuss with him!

There is no reason for him. If you want to continue to mix in the company, how can people around the chairman be offended? Xiao Liao secretly took risks, and he was fortunate enough to see the wind making the rudder fast, otherwise I am afraid it will be finished today!

Xiao Wang got on the bus and started the car to the direction of Songjiang Engineering University...

Yang Ming light car familiar road came to Xiao Qing's office, did not knock on the door, looked at the power with a look at the other people except Xiao Qing, they directly pushed the door.

Xiao Qing heard the sound of opening the door and looked up suddenly. When she saw Yang Ming, she was relieved and looked a little red. "Why don't you just knock in the door and come in directly? Scared me, I still think about who is this." impolite!"

"Hey, I saw no one else in the room, I just came in." Yang Ming said, closing the door of the office.

Seeing Yang Ming’s move, Xiao Qing’s face was more blushing: “What are you doing?”

"Cold, did you not close the door before?" Yang Ming locked the door, and then said naturally.

"Then why are you still locked up?" Xiao Qing looked at Yang Ming's look of a serious look, could not help but be amused by him, could not help but "snap" smile.

"Ah? Is this all discovered by you?" Yang Ming consciously made his own secret, his face was not red, and he didn't want to jump, but he didn't want to be discovered by Xiao Qing. He scratched his scalp: "Is this not afraid of someone coming in?" And discover what else should not be discovered."

"Tell you, don't mess around, I was seen by Jia Jia last time, you are, you are not careful!" Xiao Qing groaned: "Fortunately, it is Jia Jia, if anyone else, how can we spread it?"

"There is nothing, big, I will drop out of school." Yang Ming shrugged and said nothing: "Look at what others can say!"

"Return what to learn, don't talk about it!" Xiao Qing frowned, but the heart was touched by Yang Ming.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, then be careful later." Yang Ming said. In fact, Yang Ming has no desire and hope for the university. Those who go to college will find that universities are just like that.

Therefore, even if Yang Ming withdraws from school now, there is nothing. With Yang Ming’s current identity and achievements, the university has become unimportant. Even Yang’s concept is not like the past. He also feels that Yang Ming is studying at university. However, it is just a life experience. I no longer ask about Yang Ming’s achievements. Even Yang Ming’s regular months do not appear in school, and it no longer interferes.

"Listen to Jia Jia, the nightmare was kidnapped, and you saved her back. Nothing?" Xiao Qing saw Yang Ming’s skill. When he was in Hong Kong, Yang Ming was shocked by the bar. The boss, with his own smooth escape.

"Nothing, it has been solved." Yang Ming nodded. "Now that the nightmare has gone to class, this matter, few people know."

"Then you rescue her, Chen Mengxi's parents have no doubts about it? You know, Chen Fei is the police chief!" Xiao Qing looked at Yang Ming and asked: "Your ability, has not been discovered?"

"More or less know some..." Yang Ming shrugged a little helplessly, and then took out the two documents in his pocket and handed it to Xiao Qing: "I was brought to the door by them and joined the organization. ”

"Mystery Bureau of Investigation? Military District?" Xiao Qing looked at the documents that Yang Ming handed over, and then revealed a dignified expression: "Do they know about you?"

"They there are similar high-ranking people, and they can't go on." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "But this thing is also two-sided. Although it exposes its ability and needs to do something for them, it is also me. One of the amulets, with these two documents, other institutions and individuals are not likely to come to me trouble, they will solve for me."

Xiao Qing listened to Yang Ming's analysis and nodded. He said sincerely: "Yang Ming, you have grown up."

"Ah?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse.

"Look at things, it is much more mature than before, and I don't need to worry about you any more." Xiao Qing said with a smile: "You can control your own size."

"Do people grow up?" Yang Ming looked up and looked at Xiao Qing's bright eyes: "Before, you are my Xiao Qing sister. Now, let me protect you."

Xiao Qing looked at Yang Ming's gaze and his nose was slightly sour. I have to admit that Yang Ming has really grown up since this time, from a boy to a man of the top.

"Okay, then I will become a child in front of you." Xiao Qing suddenly had a very relaxed feeling, and felt that his age and Yang Ming no longer have a gap.

"It seems like this is the case..." Yang Ming touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "After Song Hang, I felt like this..."

"Well?" Xiao Qing blinked his eyes and recalled the thing that Song Hang was looking for in his own troubles. It seems that this is true. Unconsciously, Yang Ming has become a place where her fragile soul is on the beach...

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