So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1570: Great benefits

The benefits of the first thousand five hundred and seventy-seven chapters

The gathering with Xiao Qing is always in a hurry, although every time there is a feeling of cheating, but it is really hasty.

However, this is also a no-brainer. Before Xiao Qing did not intend to resign or Yang Ming did not drop out of school, this matter could not be disclosed. Yang Ming did not care, but he was afraid that Xiao Qing would not be able to stand the strange eyes of others.

After all, the brother-in-law is still not very acceptable.

Out of the computer department's teaching building, thought about it, Yang Ming gave Sun Jie a phone call, and the phone rang a few times, but was cut off.

Yang Ming stunned and wanted to dial again, and the text message came in.

"I am going to class, what are you doing? Is there something?"

Yang Ming looked at the text message and smiled a bit. He returned to the past: "Nothing, then you go to class. I am back to Songjiang. You can contact me after class."

Sun Jie didn't have a lot of classes, but it happened to be caught up.

After a while, Sun Jie returned a "Hm" word.

Yang Ming dialed Xiao Wang’s phone: “Xiao Wang, where are you?”

"Yang Ge, I have arrived, just at the main entrance of Songjiang Engineering University." Xiao Wang has arrived, has been waiting for Yang Ming's phone.

"Well, then wait for me in front of the teaching building of the computer department. My car will stop there. The BMW x5, you can see it when you go." Yang Ming said.

"Okay, Yang Ge, I will pass." Xiao Wang Yingdao.

Yang Ming hung up the phone and walked from the teaching building to the teaching building. Before he went to the teaching building, he saw an Audi a8 side by side and parked next to his car. Xiao Wang was dragging one. The gas pump is carefully inflating the tire around the BMW.

Yang Ming smiled and laughed. The little king's eyesight and observation were good. After coming here, he saw that his car tires were out of breath, and he knew that he had let him use the air pump.

"Yang Ge!" Xiao Wang rushed to the air, while the rest of his eyes were still watching Yang Ming come over, seeing Yang Ming, Xiao Wang quickly called.

"How are you going to rush out?" Yang Ming asked.

"The last one!" Xiao Wang said, he unplugged the air pump, and then measured the tire pressure with a tire pressure gauge. He nodded with satisfaction: "Get it, Yang Ge!"

"Well, this early morning, toss you a trip, this tire does not know which one of the pickpockets is put out." Yang Ming is very satisfied with Xiao Wang's attitude, even if he sees his tires being placed The gas is gone, and there is no doubt. This way of doing things is a qualified driver. Don’t ask questions that should not be asked.

"Oh, I am waiting in the company to wait for the service of Yang Ge." Xiao Wang smiled: "What troubles, I am afraid that I have nothing to do."

"Well, then go back first, I will find you again..." Yang Ming nodded to Xiao Wang and said he could go back.

"Okay, Yang Ge!" Although Xiao Wang had no other things for Yang Ming to let him do something disappointing, but did not show it: "If there is something, I can call me at any time, I am on call for twenty-four hours!"

round-the-clock? Yang Ming smiled, this little king seems to be a makeable material, at least this enthusiasm is good. Even if Yang Ming does not need him later, he will be sent to his father or uncle to do things.

Yang Ming is going to move the car to a position. Since it is Li Boliang's little bastard, then park the car in front of the teaching building. When he comes out, he will see it again. Maybe he will deflate the car.

Yang Ming can't stare at the car, so it's better to transfer a safe place. In fact, in the school, the safest place is the parking lot at the door. There are guards on duty, and the average person will not be confused under their eyes.

However, there are generally no cars in the school where the car is parked there. If there is a pass like Yang Ming, you can drive the car into the campus at will, and no one will stop at the parking lot at the school gate.

Yang Ming got on the bus, started the car, and headed for the direction of the school gate.

A crisp mobile phone ringing, Yang Ming took out the phone, thought it was Sun Jie who gave it to himself after class, and looked at the caller ID, but it was a strange number.

"Hey, how are you?" Yang Ming picked up the phone.

"Yang Ming?" asked the person on the phone.

"It's me, who are you?" Yang Ming frowned, the voice on the phone was a bit strange, but it seemed to have heard it.

"I am Chen Zhiye, I want to talk to you." The people on the phone did not hide.

Chen Zhiye? Yang Ming stunned, no wonder the voice is familiar. It turned out to be Chen Xiaolong’s father Chen Zhiye! Yesterday at the reception, although his words were not many, he only said a few words, but Yang Ming still had some impressions.

"What's the matter? Let's just say it." Yang Ming did not have any good feelings for Chen Zhiye, a faint road.

"I want to meet you, don't worry, after you come, you will definitely have the unexpected benefits!" Chen Zhiye said.

"Oh? Unexpected benefits?" Yang Ming sneered a sneer, but did not want to agree, but thought about it, Chen Zhiye's things, always have to solve, it would be better to use this opportunity to beat Chen Zhiye, can also avoid Some unnecessary conflicts.

Although Yang Ming is not afraid of conflict, he even believes that only by giving Chen Zhiye a blood lesson can he be long-term. However, due to Chen Fei’s face, Yang Ming still tried to suppress himself and prevented Chen Fei from doing it in the middle.

"Yes," Chen Zhiye smiled and said: "How? Interested? Where are you now, I will send you a car to pick you up!"

"No, you can say a place, I am going." Yang Ming's performance is still very cold, and the so-called benefits will not be tempted at all.

"That's good, half an hour later, at the Songjiang International Hotel, 1222 Presidential Suite." Chen Zhiye received.

"Good." Yang Ming replied faintly.

Yesterday, the two bodyguards Yang Ming was clear and clear. After Chen Zhiye knew it, he felt that he was unfavorable. Since Wu did not work, he would meet directly.

I want to come to the so-called big advantage, but to give myself some benefits.

Yang Ming slammed his mouth and did not stop. He drove directly to the direction of Songjiang International Hotel.

During the daytime hotel entrance, there were not many vehicles parked. Yang Ming just found a parking space and stopped. The newly appointed security captain Xiao Zhang was the former vice captain. Xiao Wang was promoted today. Xiao Zhang’s envy was also I am excited to be promoted to the security captain.

"Yang Ge!" Xiao Zhang knew that Xiao Wang was promoted. He suddenly saw Yang Ming’s car coming to the parking lot again and hurriedly ran over.

"You are?" Yang Ming asked Xiao Zhang, who was wearing the captain's costume.

"I am the new security captain Xiao Zhang, Yang Ge!" Xiao Zhang quickly replied: "This is my contact information, Yang Ge has something to call me!"

Xiao Zhang said, respectfully handed over his own business card.

"Well," Yang Ming took a look and glanced and said that he knew. The business card above is also the deputy captain of the hotel security team, I think I have not had time to change.

Xiao Zhang no longer said anything, but flashed to the side. He didn't expect Yang Ming to look at it once. He had just been promoted to the security captain, and he would not want to have higher achievements in the near future.

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