So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1576: Don't give up

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-six chapters will not rest

"Hey, you are still threatening me." Chen Zhiye heard the meaning of Yang Ming's words: "Yang Ming, although you also have hundreds of millions of assets, but some people have something, not as simple as you can see on the surface! You are also qualified for you to be equal to me? I will tell you that there is a backing behind me!"

"Rely on the mountain? Ok, let me just!" Yang Ming did not want to have more theory with Chen Zhiye, turned and prepared to leave here: "I should have said it, I want to think about it,"

"Well, Yang Ming, since you don't know how to lift, then we will walk!" Knowing that this hotel is Yang Ming, Chen Zhiye is relieved that Yang Ming is unlikely to be in his own hotel. Maybe the security guards at the door will come in and see how they are.

Yang Ming shrugged and didn't answer, and quickly walked out of the room. Then the door was closed, and in a blink of an eye, the security captain Xiao Zhang, who was still standing at the door, was seen.

"Yang Ge!" Xiao Zhang saw Yang Ming coming out and quickly asked.

"Xiao Zhang? Why are you still here?" Yang Ming said that he was not surprised. After all, he had already explored with his abilities. Xiao Zhang has been waiting for himself at the door. It is only this abilities that cannot be revealed. So I will have this question,

"Yang Ge, I am going to take the two guys down. I am afraid that if you have anything, I will wait here, what will not hinder you?" Xiao Zhang quickly pleaded guilty.

"Nothing." Yang Ming shook his head and said: "Where are the two people there?"

"Now it is locked in the basement." Xiao Zhang said: "Yang Ge, you didn't say how to deal with it, I don't dare to act rashly."

"En" Yang Ming was very satisfied with Xiao Zhang's obedience, so he said: "Look for a few brothers, let them go and put them away. It is useless to hold them. Is it still expected that we can't feed?"

"Oh, that's it, wait until they are hungry, let them order at the hotel, and count as a hotel to generate income!"

"The position of the hotel security minister is still empty. In this way, you should also serve as a deputy minister. After a while, you can find someone to take over the position of your captain. Just turn right." Yang Ming’s performance for Xiao Zhang today is still More recognized, so Yang Ming will never be jealous of those who really do things for themselves.

"Thank you Yang Ge!" Xiao Zhang did not think that he had also hit the Universiade. He still envied Xiao Wang as early as possible. In this blink of an eye, he also promoted himself. I am afraid that he is the fastest moving person in history. The security captain had not arrived yet, and he was promoted to the deputy director of the security department of the hotel.

You know, the Deputy Minister of Security is one of the company's top leaders. I don’t have to go out on duty at all times, as long as I sit in the office, and the authority is much bigger. Not only the people who manage these security teams, but also the gymnasium, swimming pool and other places of the hotel are also managed by the Security Department. The security captain is much stronger.

Yang Ming waved his hand: "Do it well, don't let me down!"

"Do not worry, Yang Ge!" Xiao Zhang quickly determined to: "I must work hard and live up to your expectations!"

Yang Ming nodded. "Well, go back to work. I will talk to the violent Sanli, but now I have to leave."

"Yang Ge, you are going slowly!" Xiao Zhang said quickly.

Yang Ming indicated that he did not have to follow up and walked into the elevator himself.

Looking at Chen’s reaction and the last few words, it seems that he did not give up. Although he gave him some shock today, it is obviously not enough. Chen Zhiye estimates that he will not stop.

Yang Ming sighed. Some people, just can't face themselves, don't know how to do it, but they have to do something other than their own ability. When they regret it, they go late.

In Yang Ming’s opinion, Chen Zhiye is such a person. Although he has already hinted at him by slamming his side, he should not self-destruct the future and do it right himself. However, Chen Zhiye obviously did not listen to it. Instead, he felt that he was threatening him and his heart was even more Dissatisfied.

As a result, Chen Zhiye will also do something, which is foreseeable.

"This is the last chance for you... If you are still obsessed with it, then I have no way," Yang Ming said to himself: "This time I let you go, because Chen Shu is also from Chen. On the face of the village, the next time, I will not be merciful. I hope that you can do it yourself, you can leap on the cliff."

Yang Ming came from the elevator, still nodded to the manager Liu, and quickly left the hotel.

When I walked into the parking lot and just got on the car, the phone bell rang and it was called by Sun Jie.

"Hey Xiaojie." Yang Ming picked up the phone,

"Yang Ming, I am going to class. Is there anything before?" asked Sun Jie.

"Nothing, I want to tell you, I came back from the outside, now in Songjiang, when I called you, I was in school, I want to ask if you have time, have a meal at noon." Yang Ming said,

"At noon, I am afraid I can't do it at noon. I have already made a appointment," Sun Jie said with a little sorry.

"About people? Will it be sunny?" Yang Mingxiao asked: "If it is sunny, then it will be together!"

"It is indeed a sunny sister, but there is also a classmate in our postgraduate class. The relationship with me and Xiao Qing is good." Sun Jie said: "I have already said that I have to eat together at noon... you are not very good at coming. Let's see what she is up to. What awkward."

"This way, then forget it, then change the day." Yang Ming said with some regrets.

"At night, I am fine at night, I will ask Xiao Qing sister not to do it." Sun Jie thought about it,

"Well, let's call the time." Yang Ming hasn't been intimate with Sun Jie for a long time. Thinking of Sun Jie's body, Yang Ming can't help swallowing it... especially thinking about Sun Jie and Xiao Qing. It’s a bit of a heart.

"Oh, how, not happy?" Sun Jie seems to feel that Yang Ming's mood is not quite right, so he asked.

"Nothing, I am getting ready to drive..." Yang Ming said with some embarrassment.

"Nothing, then I hang up first, my classmates came over..." Sun Jie said with a smile and Yang Ming.

"Okay, contact again." Yang Ming heard Sun Jie on the phone, someone was calling Sun Jie's name, so he said.

However, the voice calling on Sun Jie’s name seems to be familiar. It seems to have been heard, but it’s not very clear when it’s passed over the phone, especially if it’s not directly talking to the phone, but from afar. Yang Ming recalled it a little, and did not expect anything, so it was not going on.

On the car, Yang Ming drove in the direction of the school. Yang Ming plans to have a meal with Zhang Bin and Tian Donghua at noon. He hasn't seen these two brothers for a long time.

"Zhang Bin, where is it?" Yang Ming drove while calling Zhang Bin.

"I rely on, boss, really is you!" Zhang Bin suddenly yelled and said: "I thought you were missing a while ago, if you can see the nightmare, know that you went to the field. I thought you were taken away by aliens!"

"Your boy is serious!" Yang Ming listened to Zhang Bin's words and then laughed and laughed: "I am a little bit of a thing, just out of the door."

"Haha, I just talked about it," Zhang Bin said with a smile: "Boss, I am at school, how is there anything?"

"I have nothing to do for a while, have a meal together?" Yang Ming asked.

"I rely on, what is the space? The boss has an appointment, and I have to push down the important things! When I call Sisi, we will have you at noon!" Zhang Bin said.

"Well, then wait for me, I will go to school in a while." Yang Ming said.

"Well, wait until I first go to the toilet and empty my stomach!" Zhang Bin screamed.

Yang Ming has some helplessness. This is a good brother. He is always a living treasure. It has been like this since high school.

Yang Ming hung up Zhang Bin’s phone and dialed Tian Donghua’s phone again.

"Boss? You finally remembered me?" Tian Donghua's resentful voice passed from the phone.

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