So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1577:

The first five hundred and seventy seven chapters

"Boss? You finally remembered me?" Tian Donghua's resentful voice passed from the phone.

However, Yang Ming’s title is exactly the same as Zhang Bin’s.

"What is finally remembering you..." Yang Ming sweated a bit.

"You ignored me for so long, I thought you were going to abandon me." Tian Donghua sighed. Like a blame.

"I went out a while ago..." "Yang Ming has no choice. I have to say what I just said to Zhang Bin. I said to Tian Donghua again: "Some things. This is not just coming back..." "Haha. I just talked about it! "Tian Donghua's words and Zhang Binru's words:

"I just work too much pressure. It's boring.

“Working pressure?” Yang Ming stunned.

"I have already begun to learn and deal with the affairs of the Hongjun pro- tonic..." Tian Donghua said: "Other than Sun Shu alone. It is also too busy to come. It is too tired every day. "You are in the East China Sea now? Yang Ming asked strangely.

"Yeah, I have been here for more than a week..." Tian Donghua said: "Although it is very busy every day. But it is very fulfilling." "You are in the East China Sea. I thought you were in Songjiang." Yang Ming said with some helplessness. "I was looking for you to have a meal together at noon. It seems impossible now." "Noon... Still forget it, I will drive back more than an hour, or drive fast." Tian Donghua said: If you take the old road, you can't stop for three hours. "There is a chance next time. You don't have to come back. "Yang Ming smiled." That is, you are busy first. ""Ha ha. Boss. If you have time to see the brothers, I will be exhausted. Tian Donghua is hurting and happy now. Although it is very tired every day, but this feeling of fulfillment makes him very satisfied. Yang Ming shook his head and broke the phone.

"Sun Jie, here!" Zhao Ying waved at Sun Jie, who was talking on the phone.

"Okay, I know." Sun Jie hangs up after talking to Yang Ming on the other side of the phone.

"Zhao Ying. How did you get off the class, I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Sun Jie walked in the direction of Zhao Ying.

"I came out early. But look at the intimacy of your phone call. You can't bear to beat you." Zhao Ying joked: "Who is it? Is it a boyfriend friend?" Hehe "..." Sun Jie smiled undecidedly. : "Xiao Qingjie has not come yet?" "Xiao Qingjie is very busy. Can't say it." Zhao Ying shook her head: "She is over there. It seems to be busy with the project." "Well, I know. What is the wireless network chrome protocol project. Sun Jie nodded. "Then let's eat two, no matter what she is." "What does Sun Jie want to eat?" Zhao Ying asked.

"Like both of us, feel free to go to the school cafeteria. I haven't eaten for a long time!" Sun Jie thought about it.

"Then go to the cafeteria." Zhao Ying nodded.

"Sun Jie, Zhao Ying! It's so smart." Sun Jie and Zhao Ying are talking. Heading over to a handsome young man. It is the classmate Fan Jinzhe of the two-person computer class.

"Oh... yeah. Really good." Sun Jie is much more generous than Zhao Ying. I saw Fan Jinzhe coming over. Go back to the sentence immediately. Especially in the word "real", the tone is added. Fan Jinzhe naturally heard the sarcasm in Sun Jie's discourse, and suddenly looked a little embarrassed. To be honest, he has a good impression on Sun Jie and Zhao Ying. But it is more to Sun Jie! There is no reason for him. It’s just because Sun Jie’s figure is so hot, especially the shockingness of the chest. This makes Fan Jinzhe always use Sun Jie as his own and Zhao Ying, although the appearance is not inferior to Sun Jie. But the figure is a little worse than Sun Jie. but. Zhao Ying is evenly symmetrical, and Sun Jie has a tendency to have some cows. I saw a few times after Sun Jie’s smashing. Fan Jinzhe knows that Sun Jie is not simple, but not so flickering and pursuing. Therefore, Fan Jinzhe is still rationally targeting Zhao Ying. In contrast. Zhao Ying is more pure and shy. In particular, Fan Jinzhe previously studied the physiological condition of women for a period of time. Can be seen, Sun Jie is not ***, and Zhao Ying is ***. So in this way, Fan Jinzhe set the goal on Zhao Ying.

"I haven't eaten at noon? Or, go together?" Fan Jinzhe pretended not to hear the extraneous sounds in Sun Jie's words. Invited: "Look for a restaurant. I treat." "No need. We will eat the cafeteria." Sun Jie shook his head and refused to Fan Jinzhe's "good intentions." "Don't be busy, refuse, Zhao Ying is not yet talking?" Since Fan Jinzhe has chosen the target. I don't care much about Sun Jie's thoughts and directly oppose it.

"I am with Sun Jie. I also eat canteens." Zhao Ying can't stop talking at this time. Although she hates Fan Jinzhe. However, if this time is not expressed, Fan Jinzhe will certainly endlessly endless.

"This..." Fan Jinzhe is even more embarrassed: "Then eat the cafeteria. I also eat the cafeteria." "With yours." "Sun Jie squinted at him. The sigh was really not afraid of death. If Yang Ming was watching him entangle himself, it would be nice not to know him if he didn't know him. So. Sun Jie and Zhao Ying. Going ahead, Fan Jinzhe walks behind. It presents a very weird tail. "How is he so annoying? "Zhao Ying wrinkled. Frowning, she is not very willing to deal with her own pursuers. The former King Kong is like this, and finally Yang Ming helped solve it."

"He, the target is Zhao Ying, you. I am only implicated." Sun Jie shrugged: "But, Zhao Ying. You have no boyfriend. It may be good to think about it. I heard that he opened a school outside the school." The company has a scale of several million. Up and down the income of hundreds of thousands of towers! "Why didn't you think about Sun Jie?" Zhao Ying shook her head.

"I don't have a boyfriend, I just called. You heard it too!" Sun Jie said: "It's you. I haven't seen you and any boy who has a close move... "I... Hey. Zhao Ying sighed: "I didn't talk to you about it. I like a boy, but... I am with him... forget it, don't say it." ""what happened? Why not say it? Sun Jie listened to Zhao Ying and said half of it. Suddenly she was curious. This is the first time Zhao Ying talked to her about feelings. She talked about this topic before. Zhao Ying always avoids it. Speaking of it here, Zhao Ying confided a little bit of heartfelt "Nothing..." Zhao Ying shook her head: "I will talk about it later. The person behind is very annoying, there is him, how can I say something else? "After a while, I will get rid of him in the cafeteria." Sun Jie frowned. She has no good idea for people like Fan Jinzhe. And a gummy candy. You can't get rid of it. Zhao Ying nodded. The two accelerated their pace at the same time. Go in the direction of the cafeteria. Later, Fan Jinzhe did not know that the two had accelerated their pace. The end has also accelerated the pace. Chasing after the two. Into the cafeteria, Sun Jie took a step to find a table for two people. Thus. It is possible to avoid the time when Fan Jinzhe’s dead skin is sitting next to the two. Sure enough, Fan Jinzhe saw Sun Jie choose a two-person desk and frowned. This dead girl. Laozi is pursuing that Zhao Ying is not you. What do you mix with? If you don't see you look beautiful. good body shape. Laozi was a bit early! Fan Jinzhe was upset and could only sit on the table next to Zhao Ying. Although it was more than a meter away, it was at least the nearest one, and it could be seen far away.

"I am occupying a place here. Are you going to have a meal?" Sun Jie looked at Fan Jinzhe who was coming and asked. "Or you go"... I am afraid that when I come up with it, I will pay for it. I can't cope with it... Zhao Ying is worried. "That's good, you are here, I will buy it." Sun Jie said. I am ready to stand up and say: "What do you eat?" "Peace persimmon, a small portion of rice..." Zhao Ying said.

"Is this kind of single?" Sun Jie heard that Zhao Ying had only eaten so little things, and asked some wonders. "Zhongniu. Can't eat too much..." Zhao Ying shrugged her shoulders. Depressed the voice: "There is a fly watching around, who can eat it!" Ok! "Sun Jie heard Zhao Ying use the "flies" to describe Fan Jinzhe. He couldn't help but smile.

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