So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1593: Misunderstanding is relatively large

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-three chapter misunderstandings are relatively large

"Ah? I thought, if you look at the rainstorm, you always chanted this Yang Ming, and you will get him in front of the rainshake!" Shen Daqi said with a sigh: "So, kid, is it your own request?" ”

Shen Daqi turned his head to Yang Ming and asked.

"It's me..." Yang Mingmu nodded. Looking at the eccentric look of Shen Yuxi, this girl likes herself? It seems that it seems that I often mention myself at home, so it has caused misunderstandings.

"Well, then you said, do you want my family to rain or not?" Shen Daqi asked Yang Ming.

"I..." Yang Ming listened to Shen Daqi’s words and suddenly he was crying and laughing. Is there such a way to sell his daughter? Although Shen Yuxi is now unaware of his legs, but his appearance is also a national fragrance, can not be said to marry?

"Dad, you haven't got enough!" Shen Yuxi heard his father still chattering and asked Yang Ming something that he had to do, and couldn't help it anymore: "Dad, what are you talking about? Yang Ming is famous. The group, which is the chairman of the head office of our company, is not my boyfriend!"

"Ah?" Shen Daqi suddenly stopped, incredulously watching the rain: "Snow, what are you talking about? You said... Yang Ming is not your boyfriend?"

"Not originally!" Shen Yuxi squinted and shook his head.

"He is the chairman of your group?" Shen Daqi looked at Yang Ming with a look.

"Yeah, he was the chairman of our group!" Shen Yuxi nodded.

"So to say...he is not your boyfriend?" Shen Daqi scratched his scalp with some doubts.

"Of course not!" Shen Yuxi bit his lip, looking down and blushing, today's things are a bit too shameful, being daddy by Dad, how do you face Yang Ming later!

Shen Daqi slammed his head and changed his name to Yang Ming: "That... Chairman Yang... Sorry, I have made a difference. I will treat you as a boyfriend of the rainshake. I will give you a look before. I am really embarrassed..."

"Nothing..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "I can figure it out. I thought I had offended you..."

Yang Ming did not feel any bad feelings about this simple middle-aged man. When he saw him, he thought of his former father, so Yang Ming was not angry, but he had a very helpless feeling.

"Hey, don't mention it!" Shen Daqi also smiled bitterly: "I blame the raindrops for this dead girl, always mentioning your name, and it is also emotional, I thought you were her boyfriend..."

"Dad! If you say it again, I... I... I won’t be with you!" Shen Yuxi is really anxious. Before the matter, if Yang Ming asked, the cover-up will pass. Now my father actually said everything in detail, so that I can face Yang Ming in the future!

"Well, I won't say it, don't say it!" Shen Daqi was shocked and quickly stopped.

For the little daughter of Shen Yuxi, Yang Ming felt a little funny, but he couldn’t laugh, and there was no serious reason in his heart. Knowing the thoughts of Shen Yuxi, Yang Ming has a bit of worry. If it is normal, I am afraid there is nothing, but now under this situation, my own unintentional words will probably hurt the fragile heart of Shen Yuxi.

Therefore, Yang Ming is also somewhat embarrassed, stiff, and does not know what to say.

"Yang Ming... Chairman Yang, you don't have to listen to my father's chaos..." Shen Yuxi saw Yang Mingzhen there, and he quickly explained with a tweak: "Before, you saved me, I thank you from the heart." You, so I said a few more words... I was misunderstood by my father..."

"You still call me Yang Ming, don't call Yang chairman, some awkward." Yang Ming smiled and waved.

"That... okay." Before Shen Yuxi did not know how, he directly called Yang Minglai, Yang Ming and her age gap is too small, let her regard Yang Ming as a leader, but it is really not used to .

"It's okay," Yang Ming said. "It's just a misunderstanding. If you clarify it, you don't have to worry about it."

"Well..." Shen Yuxi nodded. "That... are you still here?"

"I found the book, I will send it to you naturally." Yang Ming nodded.

"Well," Shen Yuxi nodded again.

"Then I am leaving?" Yang Ming asked.

"Well." Shen Yuxi nodded again.

"Sir Uncle, I am going to leave with the violent Sanli. If there is something, I will call the leopard," Yang Ming said to Shen Daqi.

"Okay, Chairman Yang, I was really embarrassed!" Shen Daqi was still embarrassed to face Yang Ming.

After knowing Yang Ming’s identity, Shen Daqi suddenly understood the reason for the incident. It must have been her daughter’s unilateral secret love Yang Ming, and she also said that Yang Minghao had a good meal, so Shen Daqi was very embarrassed.

"Nothing." Yang Ming waved his hand: "All said, it is a misunderstanding."

Looking at Shen Yuxi, Yang Ming waved her hand. Shen Yuxi saw that Yang Ming did not care about the previous things. Happy also put a hand on Yang Ming, and Yang Mingcai and Shen Sanli came out together.

Shen Yuxi could not get up, Shen Daqi sent Yang Ming and violent Sanli to the stairway.

"Sir Uncle, go back." Yang Ming said.

"I have time to play!" Shen Daqi said enthusiastically, changing the cold before.

Out of the corridor, Yang Ming was relieved.

"You already know?" Yang Ming glanced at the violence and asked.

"Yang Ge...I'm sorry." Storm Sanli was shocked and quickly apologized.

"Who made you apologize?" Yang Ming frowned. "I asked if you knew it already."

"Know some..." The violent three nodded. "Before, when the rainstorm was not in the night, there was a rumor that she was your lover. I was promoted to be the foreman. I also have this reason."

"Jing Xiaoying, Shen Yuxi..." Yang Ming slammed his eyes and said: "You are arrogant, and there is nothing wrong with the eight characters. You are ready for the first step."

"Yang Ming...I'm sorry." The storm broke into the heart and was careful.

"I said, I didn't apologize for you." Yang Ming waved his hand: "Your approach is nothing wrong, but this sinking rain, when did you have a good impression on me? How can I not know myself?"

"That time, did you save her in the box?"

Yang Ming thought about it, and only this kind of possibility, and nodded: "Her legs, is there any hope to cure?"

"This... I can't say..." The violent Sanyi hesitated. "Trying a lot of Chinese medicine museums has no effect. However, there are a few liars, and I am buying medicine to buy nutrients." I was so angry that I asked him to smash his signboard. The rest of the family did not have much effect. It was estimated that although it was not a liar, it was a quack."

After listening to the violent San Li, Yang Ming almost didn't laugh at death: "How are you still so reckless? This kind of incurable disease is not a good cure."

"I will try my best to contact you again."

"When I look at the raindrops next time, give me a call." Yang Ming can't talk about the sinking rain, just think that this girl is a bit cute. The reason why Yang Ming said this is entirely because he wants to keep the rain showers in a positive and up-to-date attitude, and to face each day with joy, so that the hope of healing is also greater.

In many cases, the recovery of ills depends on the patient's own will.

"Okay." The storm stood up and nodded.

After getting on the bus, Yang Ming’s mood slowly calmed down. How to deal with the relationship between Shen Yang and Shen Yu, made Yang Ming a headache. For such a girl, Yang Ming does not have the heart to directly say what is rejected.

However, what Yang Ming did not expect was that the taxi company in Dade was performing an amazing scene.

"Zhang Yuliang, you can call me again." Zhang Laibao ordered Zhang Yuliang.

"Ah?" Zhang Yuliang did not know what Zhang Laibao meant: "Four Grandpa, what are you talking about?"

"I said let you call me again, you didn't hear it?" Zhang Laibao said.

"Hit you? What are you doing?" Zhang Yuliang said: "Four grandfather, Yang Ge has already gone... What else do you want to do with this bitter?"

"Let you hit you, how much nonsense?" Zhang Laibao saw Zhang Yuliang's mother-in-law, and she was a little unhappy.

"That line... then I play, this is what you let me play!" Zhang Yuliang said helplessly.

"Hurry, don't ink!" Zhang Laibao frowned.

"Hey..." Zhang Yuliang slaps a fan on Zhang Laibao's face.

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