So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1594: Beaten addicted

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-four chapters are addicted

"Oh--" Zhang Laibao screamed.

"Four grandfather, what happened to you?" Zhang Yuliang hurriedly asked.

"It’s too light, with a little effort, what if you didn’t eat?” Zhang Laibao touched the face that Zhang Yuliang had beaten and said: “Strong!”

"Ah?" Zhang Yuliang did not dare to use much strength, did not expect not to use energy? No way, Zhang Yuliang had to extend his hand again. The "啪" fan fanned to Zhang Laibao. This time, there was no reservation, and the strength of 10 to 10 was hit on Zhang Laibao's face.

"Hey-!" Zhang Laibao screamed.

"Four grandfather, are you okay? you ask me to use your strength?" Zhang Yuliang asked with a painful face.

"Shuang!" Zhang Laibao spit out a word, a smile full of satisfaction: "Of course I told you to force! This time is not bad, come again!"

"Ah? Come back?" Zhang Yuliang really didn't know what to say, these four grandfathers are not sick? Yang Ming is gone, let him beat him?

"Crap, hurry," Zhang Laibao said.

"Oh..." Zhang Yuliang raised his arm at once, and slaps a slap in the face, playing Zhang Laibao with a nosebleed.

"Silly, really cool!" Zhang Laibao shouted.

Zhang Yuliang suddenly had a cold, and his four grandfathers, is there a tendency to be masochistic? Why do you like to be beaten like this?

Zhang Yuliang, I really guessed it! Before Zhang Laibao had pressure in his heart, in the face of Yang Ming, he only hoped that Zhang Yuliang could beat himself and beat him better, so that Yang Ming would forgive himself.

Therefore, under the pressure of the heart and the hope of Yang Ming's forgiveness, Zhang Laibao's heart has produced distortions, which has produced an unspeakable pleasure for beatings. This is also the reason why he let Zhang Yuliang continue to beat him why.

“How did it stop?” Zhang Laibao frowned. “Continue!”

"Ah..." Zhang Yuliang looked at Zhang Laibao, who had already become a pig's head. He sighed and had to wave his arms again...

If Yang Ming knows that Zhang Laibao’s heart has been abnormal in an instant, I don’t know what to think.

"Yang Ge, where are we going now?" asked the violent San Li.

"At night, I had dinner with Sun Jie. When I asked her about her location, you would send me to me later." Yang Ming said: "Xiaojie has a car. I am sitting in her car at night."

"Okay." Violently replied. The relationship between Yang Ming and Sun Jie is very clear, so there is no doubt about Yang Ming and Sun Jie eating together.

Yang Ming looked at the time and dialed Sun Jie’s phone.

"Sun Jie, where are you?" Yang Ming asked.

"Yang Ming? I am in class," Sun Jie said. "What's the matter? Is there anything?"

"You are still in class, I see the time, I thought that you are already fine." Yang Ming said apologetically: "Isn't it good to eat together at night? Where are you going? I will go to the position first. ""

"Well... I think about it, or go to the night or the international hotel, anyway, it is your site." Sun Jie said.

"That's OK, then the international hotel." Yang Ming did not choose not to stay in the night, because Sun Jie was attacked there last time, Yang Ming was afraid that Sun Jie had a psychological shadow, and then remembered some unpleasant things.

Moreover, on the top floor of the Songjiang International Hotel, Yang Ming also owns a villa. When he finishes eating at night, he can stay there directly and save another place.

"Well, then after you have set the room, just send me a short message." Sun Jie said.

"Okay, then I will contact you by SMS." Yang Ming said.

Hanging up the phone, Yang Ming and violent San Li said: "Go, go to the international hotel. Help me book a private room."

"Okay." The storm stood up and nodded and started the car.

In the afternoon, Zhao Ying’s mood was very tense. If it wasn’t for Sun Jie’s embarrassment, she said that she would not come out with Yang Ming. However, with Sun Jie cheering on the side, Zhao Ying also agreed to confuse.

In the afternoon, after the mind calmed down, it was a little embarrassing. What reason do you want Yang Ming to come out?

Can you say that your friend wants to meet him? How awkward! I am not a relationship between a man and a woman. After I have gone, what if Sun Jie asks some untimely words?

Therefore, Zhao Ying wants to be more and more afraid. When she was in class all afternoon, she was absent-minded and played with her mobile phone. She didn’t know how to go and Yang Ming’s opening.

However, Zhao Ying has already promised Sun Jie to eat together at night. At this time, she has to repent and is not very good.

"Hey, what should I do?" Zhao Ying couldn’t make up her mind. For such a long time, I didn’t contact Yang Ming. I suddenly asked him to come to dinner, or because Sun Jie wanted to see him. If Sun Jie said something that made him feel ashamed, how can he face Yang Ming after that?

Zhao Ying also became a bad student today. When she was in class, she was divided into gods. When she remembered that she used to be a teacher, Yang Ming didn’t know what to think about underneath. Zhao Ying smiled.

Zhao Ying did not expect that she would become a student one day, and she would be distracted during class.

Oh, I heard a noisy voice coming from the classroom. The classmates around me stood up one after another. Zhao Ying was suddenly fascinated. I didn’t know when I had finished class, but I didn’t hear it.

"Zhao Ying, do you have time at night? Have a meal together?" Fan Jinzhe smiled and walked over. He stood next to Zhao Ying and reached for a pose.

Fan Jinzhe went back to change his clothes, and then found Zhao Ying's curriculum, specially waiting for Zhao Ying to attend the class door, waiting for the class, and then came into the classroom.

He washed a new one and wore a suit that he thought was chic, just to give Zhao Ying a new look.

He believes that as long as Sun Jie is not in trouble, he must be sure to capture the heart of Zhao Ying! Because Fan Jinzhe also saw it, Zhao Ying is a very simple person. There are not so many opportunities, but Sun Jie is like a little fox, and it is not cheap at all.

"Ah? At night, I don't have time, I have someone else's appointment." Zhao Ying was shocked to see Fan Jinzhe, listened to Fan Jinzhe's words, shook his head and refused.

"Oh? You have a date? Who is it?" Fan Jinzhe was slightly disappointed, but still asked unwillingly.

"I have dinner with Sun Jie." Zhao Ying said.

"This way, it doesn't matter, it's just together," Fan Jinzhe heard Sun Jie, although he was a little reluctant, but in order to get in touch with Zhao Ying, he still said.

Zhao Ying frowned, how is this person so difficult? However, she is not the kind of person who is good at expressing her emotions. She does not know how to refuse Fan Jinzhe. She only has to say: "That is what you said with Sun Jie."

Fan Jinzhe gave a slight glimpse. I didn’t expect Zhao Ying to play Taiji’s push. The reason why he asked Zhao Ying to say this is that Zhao Ying is the kind of girl who is not good at expressing herself. If she changes to Sun Jie, he is really a little. I have no grasp of it, is it not enough at noon?

There was something in Zhao Ying’s heart, and he was too lazy to pay attention to Fan Jinzhe. He took the small bag and walked to the door of the classroom. Fan Jinzhe quickly followed up and shouted at the back: “Zhao Ying, wait for me!”

Zhao Ying did not speak, and she hated Fan Jinzhe in her heart, but added confusion at this time. Out of the teaching building, when I looked up, I saw Sun Jie waiting for myself in front of the teaching building. Zhao Ying was happy and quickly accelerated.

"Xiaojie!" Zhao Ying waved her hand.

"Zhao Ying, how did you get off the class, your tutor is enough to drag." Sun Jie saw Zhao Ying, and also waved to her, complaining.

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