So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1599: Negative heart

The first thousand five hundred ninety-nine chapters

"Influencing our friendship?" Sun Jie raised his eyebrows and looked at Yang Ming charmingly, but said: "You too overestimate your influence? Will you affect our friendship? Zhao Ying, what do you say?" ”

Zhao Ying was asked by Sun Jie, but then he could not help but be amused by Sun Jie’s expression. He shook his head and whispered: “Nature will not...”

"Haha, that's good..." Yang Ming didn't care, touched his back and smiled. The heart has to secretly admire Sun Jie's not simple, simple sentence, let the anger in the presence of anger.

Seemingly slamming Yang Ming, but it is forcing Zhao Ying to make a statement, and Sun Jie’s relaxed and generous attitude also makes it easy for Zhao Ying to resolve the stagnation in her heart, so that the two There will be no trace of friendship between the two.

Yang Ming secretly cast a glanced eye on Sun Jie, and Sun Jie was very proud of his eyes.

"Yang Ming, the original Zhao Ying mouth, that negative heart is you?" Sun Jie turned to the topic of Yang Ming, but did not deviate from the purpose of coming here today.

Yang Ming listened to Sun Jie’s question and frowned slightly, without answering. He couldn't understand why Sun Jie said this sentence at this time. Is it to support himself and Zhao Ying to continue, or not?

"Negative Han... can't it be?" Yang Ming smiled a little.

"Isn't it? Then Zhao Ying said that if you and her are separated, they will not express their attitudes?" Sun Jie asked.

"Xiao Jie, don't tell him, it's actually bad for me..." Zhao Ying saw Sun Jie attacking Yang Ming, some embarrassed, and quickly explained.

I don't know why, after Zhao Ying just knew about Sun Jie and Yang Ming, her heart was only slightly stagnation and then returned to normal.

It was much better in my heart than when I saw Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoying. That time, it was really depressed. Is it because of the smile of Wang Xiaoyu's previous car, he has immunity?

Or maybe, Sun Jie and Yang Ming are together for a relatively early time, which they can't match, so they don't think much about this matter. Or is it because Sun Jie’s easy-goingness makes him feel bad?

There may be it... Although Zhao Ying’s heart is very chaotic, there is no such loss.

"You, what is your personality, what progress can you make?" Sun Jie looked at Zhao Ying with some helplessness: "At this moment, you have to crusade with me, you will excuse him, you will How to do?"

"I...I..." Zhao Ying was speechless by Sun Jie. I have been in the middle of the day, and I don’t know what I want to say. It’s a mess in my mind. Today’s things are completely out of Zhao Ying’s expectations. !

It is obvious that he brought Yang Ming to Sun Jie, but he became a boyfriend who wants to grab Sun Jie. Although Sun Jie did not say this, or did not think so, but Zhao Ying’s heart has a negative The sense of guilt, she can no longer be happy and Sun Jie to talk about Yang Ming.

Zhao Ying is such a forward-looking person, character makes it, let her once again choose to retreat: "Xiao Jie, thank you for saying these words, but I am now in a mess, I want to go back and have a good time, can you? ”

"You!" Sun Jie hated the iron and looked at Zhao Ying. For Zhao Ying, Sun Jie did not feel that it would become a potential threat to her. Even Chen Mengxi, when it comes to Zhimou, Sun Jie also asks himself. It is her own opponent, but she is somewhat jealous of her status at Yang Ming. Therefore, for these things of Yang Ming, Sun Jie mostly has a supportive attitude.

Zhao Ying bowed her head and did not dare to look at Sun Jie and Yang Ming. For a time, the atmosphere in the box became cold.

At this time, the sound of knocking on the door came from the box.

"Please come in." Yang Ming said.

A waiter came in and respectfully asked: "Mr. Yang, can you serve?"

"Oh... yes." Yang Ming nodded and said.

"Okay, is there any request?" the waiter asked.

"Nothing." Yang Ming waved his hand and made a gesture indicating that the waiter could leave.

The waiter smiled a little and then withdrew from the box. When he turned around, he almost ran into a sneak peek at Fan Jinzhe who was standing behind him!

"Who are you?" The waiter closed the door of the box and asked Fan Jinzhe, with some badness in his tone.

Fan Jinzhe just saw Zhao Ying and Sun Jie’s box enter a waiter, and quickly followed the past. I wanted to see a few people in the box, and he did see it clearly. There were only three in the box. The individual sat on the sofa and no one else was there, so Fan Jinzhe also made up his mind to enter the box.

Therefore, despite the waiter's questioning, Fan Jinzhe did not have the slightest tension: "I am this box, how do you walk? Don't look at the road?"

The waiter was swayed by Fan Jinzhe's arrogance. According to Fan Jinzhe's tone, it seems that he is really a member of this box. So there are some deficiencies in the box: "Sorry, the store has regulations, the waiter must go backwards." Box, so I didn't see you, sir."

"Forget it!" Fan Jinzhe waved his hand and turned and knocked on the door of the box.

The waiter saw Fan Jinzhe knock on the door of the 307 box, and he believed what he said. He thought that Fan Jinzhe was a member of the box, so he turned and walked away.

He was terrible, Fan Jinzhe turned back and pursued the matter just now, and then slammed him.

"What is it?" Yang Ming thought that he was still a waiter, and there was some slight intolerance in his tone.

"Hello!" Fan Jinzhe pushed the door in. Politely nodded to Yang Ming: "Are you Sun Jie's boyfriend?"

"You are?" Yang Ming looked at the people with some doubts. He didn't know where he came from, and how to know that he was Sun Jie's boyfriend, because he simply didn't know the person in front of him.

"Oh, I am a graduate student of Sun Jie, and a good friend of Zhao Ying!" Fan Jinzhe deliberately said something, but also squinted at Yang Ming, a "you know" look.

In Fan Jinzhe's view, since Yang Ming is Sun Jie's boyfriend, then he pursues Zhao Ying, and Yang Ming can give him some help. It is also a tacit understanding and friendship between men.

"Good friend?" Yang Ming wrinkled again. This time, Yang Ming read his meaning from Fan Jinzhe's eyes. Is this guy who is Zhao Ying's pursuer? I did not expect that I actually came here!

"Yes!" Fan Jinzhe naturally did not notice the slightest disappointment in Yang Ming's eyes. He also smiled at Yang Ming with a slight smile: "Brothers have already embraced the beauty, I still need to work hard!"

"Giggle..." Sun Jie couldn't help but grin. Fan Jinzhe said this, it was just too funny. And Yang Ming said these words, isn't it asking for trouble?

When Sun Jie smiled, the matte and charming, let Fan Jinzhe look hot! However, at this moment, he can only suppress the inner desires, turn his head, and not look at Sun Jie.

He knows that if he keeps his eyes on Sun Jie, then his ending will be very tragic. Sun Jie, the fox, will take the opportunity to pick things up, and then he hopes to pursue Zhao Ying again.

Of course, he is also afraid that Yang Ming will have a bad feeling towards him. Now, Fan Jinzhe still wants to have a good relationship with Yang Ming.

"Hello, this is my business card!" Fan Jinzhe took out his business card and handed it to Yang Ming.

“Oh?” Yang Ming took a look at the business card and said, Fan Jinzhe, general manager of Jinzhe Trading Co., Ltd.: “It turned out to be Jin Zong, long time, but I don’t have a business card, I’m sorry. I’m unemployed. ”

"Nothing is okay..." Fan Jinzhe waved his hand again, and he even thought that Yang Ming was a character like the second generation. However, after a long period of time, I reacted and said, "Oh... I am not Kim, I am a fan."

"Oh... I read it wrong. I read the above written Jinzhe Trading Company. I thought you were surnamed Fan." Yang Ming was really wrong, and he was not deliberately looking for Fan Zhizhe's happiness. There is no reason for it, but Yang Ming really looks down on Fan Jinzhe and doesn't put him in his eyes: "Well, that is Fan Zong, too, long-awaited!"

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