So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1600: You offended the grievance

Chapter 1600, you offended the grievances

"It may be no problem!" Fan Jinzhe waved his hands, but his heart was so angry that he turned his eyes! Before that, he called himself Jin Zong, and he has long been admiring for a long time. Now he is still long-awaited, and it is simply insulting himself!

However, in order to have a good relationship with Yang Ming, Fan Jinzhe said with a hard scalp: "How do you call it?"

"My name is Yang Ming." Yang Ming said faintly.

"Long time and longitude..." Fan Jinzhe also learned from Yang Ming, "It turned out to be Ming total!"

"Oh? How do you know that my little name is Ming Zong?" Yang Ming stood up in surprise and violently beat Fan Jinzhe's shoulder and shouted: "My friends privately call me Ming total!"

"Hey... is it?" Fan Jinzhe was almost vomiting blood by Yang Ming, but he did not know whether Yang Ming was deliberate or not. Looking at Yang Ming’s enthusiasm, Fan Jinzhe could only be too happy to be Yang Ming. Caused.

"Yeah, you are really amazing," Yang Ming continued to slap Fan Jinzhe's shoulders with a smile: "I miss them so much!"

"I miss... Oh, I understand, it must be your former friend," Fan Jinzhe understood and looked at Yang Ming.

"Yeah, I burn paper to them every year." Yang Ming sighed and said.

"Burning paper... ah? Burning paper? What do you mean?" Fan Jinzhe was shocked and made a big jump.

"Nothing, oh, just, these friends who call me Ming are dead..." Yang Ming said with some sadness.

"Hey?" Fan Jinzhe is like a duck. When he comes to his mouth, he stops suddenly: "Death - dead?"

"Yeah, I also miss those who call me Ming, but... I don't know how, they are all dead." Yang Ming said, and some sadness wiped his eyes, like crying.

"This..." Fan Jinzhe looked at Yang Ming, and he was at a loss. He didn't know whether Yang Ming said it was true or not, but looking at Yang Ming's sad look, it seems to be really more!

Fan Jinzhe really wants to fan himself a big slap, how is his mouth so embarrassed, nothing to say "Ming Zong", before Yang Ming may have unintentionally called himself "Golden General", but he was deliberate, and the result Good, not only evokes the sad past of others, but also curses yourself!

If this person who called Yang Ming "Ming Zong" is dead, isn't it dangerous?

Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe hit a slap in the face, a burst of aversion.

"That... Mr. Yang, I am sorry, I have whipped up your sad past!" Fan Jinzhe said with blame: "I should not call you Ming total..."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, I just listen to you calling me Ming, I am excited, I remembered the previous things!" Yang Ming said: "I like this title..."

"Cough... is it..." Fan Jinzhe is helpless. I don't know if I continue to call Yang Ming "Ming General" or not.

"Yeah... forget it, but you still don't call it. After my friends died, I went to count it. That counted Mr. Yu said that I have a grievance on this person, and that grievance is called Ming Zong. Those who called me Ming total were cursed and died because of their sinful resentment." Yang Ming said seriously: "So, for the safety of your life, you still don't call me Ming total..."

"Hey?" Fan Jinzhe completely stayed, and the heart was all together, wouldn't it? Why are you so bad? Just calling a name can cause a curse, which is too bad luck?

"Ah! Not good, Fan Zong, just the grievance in my ear said, your thoughts have offended him, he wants to curse you!" Yang Ming suddenly exclaimed.

"Ah? Wraith can still talk to you?" Fan Jinzhe stunned, some look at Yang Ming, half a sly, his face became a bit ugly and angry: "Do you play with me? How do you feel? Can you talk to you?"

"I don't know, it's a strange feeling, like your thoughts told me by the grievances, he said he punishes you!" Yang Ming is not in a hurry to argue, but a serious statement.

"Really?" Fan Jinzhe frowned. "You and I are loading it? Why don't I believe it?"

To say that Yang Ming’s friend said that he’s dead, counted, grievances, Fan Jinzhe still believes, although not all-in-one, but after all, he still feels cautious and somewhat uneasy.

And Yang Ming said at this time what grievances spoke to him, saying that his thoughts were offensive and resentful, which made Fan Jinzhe unable to accept it! He is also a graduate student, master of culture, how can you believe this nonsense?

So after Yang Ming said this, he was a bit skeptical! He sneered in his heart, Yang Ming is really a superfluous snake! It is estimated that I hate myself for revenge and he called him "Ming Zong" and told himself such a cold joke.

If there is no later grievance to talk to him, then Fan Jinzhe will not be completely suspicious.

"Really, what do I lie to you!" Yang Ming is still a serious look, without any pretentious work.

"Then you said, what do you say about the grievances?" Fan Jinzhe sneered and asked.

"Worry and I said, you just thought: No? How do you be so bad? Just call a name, can cause a curse, this is too bad luck?" Yang Ming said.

"This...this is impossible!" Yang Ming’s voice just fell, Fan Jinzhe’s face was green, his eyes widened, and he was filled with panic: “This is impossible, how is this possible? How do you know that I was Think so?"

Yang Ming sneered in my heart, of course I know what you think, my ability is to do this. Before Fan Jinzhe’s nervousness, it was just that Yang Ming’s ability to display his abilities and his thoughts, so he could be said to Fan Jinzhe. Of course, these things Yang Ming will not talk to Fan Jinzhe.

"I have said to you, it is the Wraith and I said." Yang Ming spread the hand, a fact is like this.

This time, Yang Ming’s words are not allowed to be Fan Jinzhe’s unbelief! Before, he also thought that Yang Ming was cheating him and fooling him to play, but now, he really heard Yang Ming's words repeating his thoughts, and Fan Jinzhe has no doubt at all!

He doesn't think that Yang Ming can guess what he thought before, and even if he can guess, guessing the approximate meaning is already very great. How could it be that it is not bad at all?

"What does the grievances say?" Fan Jinzhe has a feeling of collapse. "How do you deal with me?"

"The grievances say that your thoughts offend him, he wants to curse you!" Yang Ming said with regret and sympathy: "I'm sorry, Fan Zong, this you and I just met, it brought you a big trouble." I am so embarrassed!"

"Cursing me..." Fan Jinzhe thought of Yang Ming saying that those friends were dead before, and suddenly turned his eyes, almost did not faint on the spot, but fortunately his psychological quality is relatively strong, and endured the fear of the heart, to Yang Mingxi Road: "Why didn't you remind me before? Why don't you remind me? Why don't you tell me, can't call you Ming total! Why? I have a hatred with you? Are you hurting me?"

Said, Fan Jinzhe rushed to Yang Ming, a pair of desperate and Yang Ming desperate.

"I... I know that you will call me Ming total!" Yang Ming grievances, and gently flashed, Fan Jinzhe rushed to the air, almost did not fall to the ground.

"This..." Fan Jinzhe once stopped, awake a few points! Indeed, Yang Ming has never let himself call him "Ming Zong". It is his own whim and he is called "Ming Zong". Who can blame?

"And, I said, this thing is really embarrassing, I have no way..." Yang Ming sighed and said.

"But... what should I do now?" Fan Jinzhe asked anxiously.

"I don't know." Yang Ming shook his head.

"Then tell me how your friends died!" Fan Jinzhe said.

"How do you die, sick and dead, killed by a car, accidentally fell to death, riding a motorcycle and hitting a road and hitting a cancer dead..." Yang Ming extended his fingers to count...

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