So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1601: New year special

The first chapter of the New Year's special chapter of the first chapter of the six chapters of the Suya memories (a)

On January 28, 2006, today is the first New Year's Eve that Yang Ming ushered in after the first year of high school.

"Da Ming, get up quickly, and you will be treated by a big brother!" Yang mother knocked on Yang Ming's room door and urged: "So big boy, still lazy, don't know what is an important day today?"

"Ah, Mom, let me sleep for a while, I slept late yesterday..." Yang Ming listened to the uncle to eat, and some were reluctant to go. These years, the relationship between the Dabo family and their own family is not very good.

Because of some contradictions between his father and the uncle, the two now even sit together to eat, and there is no such a lively atmosphere of relatives in the past, but full of a sense of cynicism.

At the beginning, Dabo was also a worker at the Songjiang Bus Factory. He only chose to go to the sea in his early years. When he lobbied his father to go to sea with him, he was not only rejected by his father, but was also opposed by his father to go to the sea, so the contradiction between the two was born. It is.

Dabo believes that there is no iron rice bowl for a lifetime. To get rich, he still has to rely on himself, but his father believes that being a worker is not bad for eating and wearing for a lifetime. At least there is no risk.

I have to say that the idea of ​​the uncle is ahead of the curve. From these years, the economic benefits of the Songjiang Bus Factory are getting worse and worse. The uncle’s move is correct, and the father’s thinking is too conservative.

From the time when my father initially hoped that he could pick up his class, and now hope that Yang Ming should not also make his follow-up change, he can also see that his father regretted it.

However, it is useless to regret it. The contradiction between the two has already arisen. It is not so easy to mediate. It is impossible to mediate with Yang Ming’s current ability.

Every time Dabo Yangshan is not showing off himself and earning much money, he is comparing his schoolmate Yang Li’s academic performance with himself, which leads to his family having no face.

"Sleeping to sleep? What did you do last night? Did you watch online novels?" Yang Mu heard that Yang Ming said that he slept late and immediately became angry: "You are holding a big fishman’s second generation. Butou novel, looks around the middle of the night without sleep, you do not want a beating? "

"Mom, I didn't watch..." Yang Ming denied.

In fact, he really didn't look at it. The novel of the second generation of the fisherman called "Rebirth and Beauty" was already finished, so Yang Ming watched it for a few hours and didn't hold it all at once. .

He slept late last night and was still insomnia because he remembered the New Year's Eve three years ago.

At that time, Yang Ming had just been in the first day, and his academic performance was also very good. The contradiction between the family and the uncle’s family has not been intensified to the present level. He has his second final exam, and his father is at the wine table. Very talkative.

Yang Ming remembers very clearly that his cousin Yang Li only took the class. Therefore, even if there is a big money to make money, the two are still quite equal, and the uncle does not dare to sneer at his own family, fearing that his father will transfer the topic to the children's achievements.

That year, the place to eat was not a night hotel. However, this day's night is not an industry that is violent, but an industry invested by a southern boss. It is Yu Xiangde who looks at the scene here.

In the box, listening to the big brother boasting the boring business scene, Yang Ming felt a little boring, borrowed the head of the bathroom, and went to the hotel's downstairs.

"Huh-!" Yang Ming walked out of the smoky box. At this time, Yang Ming did not smoke, so he was somewhat disgusted with smoke.

Just outside the elevator door opened, a wave of guests came up, Yang Ming quickly ran two steps and entered the elevator.

Pressing the button on the first floor, the elevator slowly slides down, and finally stops on the first floor, and the elevator door opens slowly again.

"Hey?" Yang Ming walked out of the elevator, but saw the familiar face of a group of people coming over the face - a delicate girl like a porcelain doll, his own table Suya.

At the moment when the elevator door opened, Suya also saw Yang Ming, a slight glimpse, and saw Yang Ming just want to say hello to himself, Su Ya quickly extended his finger to the mouth and made a squeaking gesture.

Suya came with her father and several business partners of her father. She naturally could not let her father know the embarrassing feelings between herself and Yang Ming.

In fact, this is also because Suya is too careful, there are ghosts in his heart. If it’s just ordinary classmates, meet each other and say hello, there’s nothing wrong with it. Father Su Haikuo can’t think too much.

Although Yang Ming did not understand why Suya did not ask him to speak, but seeing several adults next to Suya, Yang Ming could guess something, so he nodded slightly and continued to step out of the elevator.

Yang Ming resisted not to see Suya, but his heart was somewhat disappointing. From the holiday to the present, neither of them had seen each other again.

"Wait for a while." At the moment the two men passed by, Suya said softly in Yang Ming's ear with a low, unspeakable voice.

However, the sound of this mosquito makes the spirit of Yang Ming's whole person vibrate! Suya let her wait for her for a while... Is she going to find herself?

Although Yang Ming had too many questions at the moment, he did not dare to ask. After all, Su Ya’s family was on the sidelines. Yang Ming said more, that is, he was uncomfortable.

Reluctantly turned back to see Suya's ***, Yang Ming continued to move forward under the feet, has been out of the hotel's door, only to breathe a sigh of relief, could not help but look behind.

The Suya family and the friend of the Su's father had already entered the elevator. At the moment when the elevator door closed, Yang Ming saw Suya's star-like eyes, as if he had stunned himself.

"I didn't expect that the Suya family also came here to eat, it seems that her family is not simple!" Yang Ming said with some sighs. It is also a very high-end entertainment venue in Songjiang. It is a favorite of catering, ktv, bowling alley and game hall. It is the place of choice for family gatherings and business negotiations.

Although Yang Ming is only a junior student at the moment, under the influence of the inferiority of the uncle, he also understands some rules in this society.

Yang Ming tied the coat of the coat and sat on the steps of the parking lot in front of the sky. In this era, there are not many people with cars, and the parking lot is very empty.

Yang Ming, who had come to think quietly, became so heart-wrenching at the moment that almost every other moment, he would go back and see if Suya came out to find himself.

However, after looking back a few times, he did not find the figure of Suya. Yang Ming was somewhat disappointed. He even suspected that he had just misunderstood and had an illusion.

Perhaps, I want to see her too much, and my own hearing has a problem? Probably so.

"Oh..." Yang Ming sighed at some self-deprecating. What is this? Early love? It seems that it is not, it should only be a good impression on Suya, just want to see her, talk to her, and no other thoughts are mixed in.

"Yang Ming, how do you sigh? Today is the New Year!" A sound like a scorpio sounded behind Yang Ming: "I have said that after a year of sighing, I will sigh for a year. Do you think you are not happy for a year?"

The voice made Yang Ming's heart tremble, and quickly turned back, but saw that Suya was standing behind her, a pale pink down jacket, in this snowy season, like a fairy in the snow.

"Are you really coming?" Yang Ming was incredibly *** *** his own eyes: "I have no hallucinations?"

"I didn't just say let you wait for me. I just thought, will you wait for me?" Suya took two steps forward, swooped down, patted the snow on the steps, and then sat. At the side where Yang Ming was sitting.

"Oh..." Yang Ming scratched his scalp and smirked.

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