So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1602: New year special

The first chapter of the six hundred and sixty-two chapter of the New Year's special chapter of the Suya memories (2)

"How come you are here? Also come here to eat?" Suya said Yang Ming also sat down: "I just saw you, it was a bit of an accident."

"Well, my uncle is here to treat guests." Yang Ming nodded. "But I don't like that occasion, I will breathe out."

"My dad is also about a few business partners to come here to eat, I don't mean anything. I just saw you how to pass the time. I saw you." Suya smiled happily: "I just found an excuse and ran. come out."

"Then your father is there, will not hurry to find you?" Yang Ming asked.

"No, they talk about business together, how can I find me?" Suya shook her head.

"Then we just walk away?" Yang Ming hesitated, proposed.

"Okay." Suya nodded and stood up: "I am a little cold, so I am freezing!"

Said, Suya put his hand on his lips and breathed two breaths: "The winter in Songjiang is really cold."

"Yeah, but after today, it's spring." Yang Ming nodded. Some hesitantly looked at Sue's white little hand, biting his teeth and grabbing the past. Some stuttered said: "That... ...I help you pick up your hand?"

Suya's face is red, but it is not obvious on the face that has been frozen and red because of the cold.

Some of them insisted on opening Yang Ming, but the warmth in Yang Ming’s hands made Suya feel a little bit sad, or that the feeling of electric shock for a moment made Suya feel a bit sad.

"What about my other hand?" Suya found a reason for the ghost to make a difference.

"This..." Yang Ming sighed, then he said: "First, I will change this one, then change another one after a while."

"You clearly want to take advantage of me." Suya grinned, but let Yang Ming hold himself. This contradictory mood made Suya unable to understand what happened to him.

"No." Yang Ming, who will admit it? I even refused: "If I want to take advantage of you, I will smash my hands together!"

"Well?" Suya said: "What happened to the two hands? Then let's take it together!"

Suya did not understand, how can two hands take advantage of it? It is clear that it is a hand that takes advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of it.

"I still don't want it..." Yang Ming hesitated and said.

"Come on, my other hand is cold too!" Suya urged.

"That... okay!" Yang Ming quickly caught Suya's right hand from behind with his left hand, and then used his right hand to catch Suya's left hand...

"Ah--" Suya exclaimed, her face was thicker and her breathing became a little more urgent. She finally understood what Yang Ming’s so-called two hands were together!

Yang Ming, the whole person from the back of Suya, surrounded Suya by hand!

For a time, Suya even forgot the struggle. Yang Ming was also overwhelmed by this strange feeling. The two were on the snow in the parking lot, like a couple, and they were together.

"Drips -" I don't know how long it took, the car sounded, and a black Mercedes-Benz with a license plate of "loose bxx888" entered the parking lot of the night entertainment city.

Yang Ming and Su Ya, who were immersed in the fantasy feeling, woke up. Suya was shocked and quickly broke away from Yang Ming’s arms. Yang Ming was also a little nervous.

"Huh--" Su Ya, who saw the license plate number, breathed a sigh of relief, blushing and whispering to Yang Ming: "The car number does not know, it should not be my father's friend."

"Scare me!" Yang Ming cursed the owner of the Mercedes-Benz car not to die, to destroy the good things of others.

"You are still scared to death? I am scared to death!" Suya glanced at Yang Ming: "This is not allowed in the future!"

"I... I really want to give you a hand, who knows later..." Yang Ming explained with some embarrassment.

"Don't say it... I know." Suya waved her hand and stopped Yang Ming from continuing. In fact, Yang Ming’s is not blamed. If you want to break free, you can already break free and you don’t have to wait until now.

"Well..." Yang Ming nodded a little embarrassed.

"We, the age is still too small... Would you like to think about these things when you grow up?" Suya was afraid of Yang Ming misunderstanding what, so he raised the words for half a day before explaining to Yang Ming.

“Well?” Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, and some of the surprises looked at Suya’s exquisite shame: “Grow up? How big is that?”

"I hate it, I just talked about it, how can you ask this?" Su Ya was suddenly overwhelmed by Yang Ming, and he was annoyed by Yang Ming’s incomprehensible feelings. Things, he has to master it, how can he ask?

"I... I just asked casually..." Yang Ming explained: "So... can we wait until we are in high school?"

Suya was so angry that she only wanted to slap Yang Ming, but she nodded slightly and scorned: "Well."

"That said yes, three years later, we went to a high school." Yang Ming was a little excited.

"Well..." Suya nodded again with a red face.

"Hey, can you change the place between the two of you? I have to park the car here!" In the Mercedes-Benz, the man driving the car opened the window and slammed his head to scream at Yang Ming and Su Ya, and scared the two again. One jump.

Yang Ming glared at the Mercedes-Benz driver's glance, his heart, so many parking spaces, you don't stop, but what do you stop here?

"I don't know which rabbit bunny, run here to engage in objects, cold weather, neuropathy!" The man continued to marry.

"Who is the little rabbit?" Yang Ming heard the man swearing, and he was anxious.

Su Ya took La Yangming’s sleeve and said: "Forget it..."

Suya knows the model of the car that the man drives, knowing that his father’s car is not so high-end, so he knows that this kind of person himself and Yang Ming can’t afford it.

"Hey you!" The driving man saw Yang Ming still dare to question him, suddenly angry: "Why, do you still have opinions?"

"No." Yang Ming said with a sigh of relief, and when he finished, he took Suya and walked to the side, leaving the parking space to the driving man of Mercedes.

The driving man was a little embarrassed by Yang Ming’s behavior. He watched Yang Ming leave, and somehow closed the window and said: “Nervous disease, you have no opinion, what else do you ask me?”

"Dad, I know! The kid is turning you around!" Sitting on the Mercedes-Benz's co-pilot position, a teenager who was about the same age as Yang next year suddenly woke up.

"Hey me?" A man driving a car: "Zhi Tao, you said he is jealous of me? What do you mean?"

"Dad, what he just asked is who you are yelling at the little rabbit, you carefully think about what it means." The boy named Zhitao explained.

"Bunny rabbit, who are you licking...Bunny rabbit, who are you yelling! Fucking, this kid dares to swear that I am a rabbit!" After the driver reacted, he was so angry that he would open the door to find Yang Ming.

"Dad, forget it, everyone is far away!" Zhi Tao looked at the back of Yang Ming and Su Ya, who were far away, and they were very fond of the chick. It was a good time for the kid.

"If today about Vietnam boss to talk about things, I definitely want to beat that kid meal!" Lengheng man driving a cry: "However, Vietnam guys give me cover investment in a hotel, you can not miss!"

"Dad, are you talking about the Heavenly Wonderland Hotel project?" Zhitao heard it, his eyes lit up.

"Well, that is the project, I am going to build a Songjiang most luxurious hotel, more than no night!" said the driving man.

Hey, Zhitao is very proud of it. In the future, he can have a place where the girl is forced to wear. It is a hotel of his own family. It is so cool! Can also design to frame others, hehe...

When Zhitao and his son entered the hotel, Yang Mingcai took Suya back to the Mercedes-Benz.

"Yang Ming, you are too bad! Actually, the monks who have changed the law!" Suya also understood the meaning of Yang Ming's sentence, and the laughter was not going up.

"He yelled at us first, I just went back. He was stupid and unresponsive. Who can blame?" Yang Ming shrugged.

"What do you take me back here?" Suya was a bit strange. The father and son were gone. How did Yang Ming come back?

"You will know it right away..." Yang Mingxiao smiled, swearing, and began to deflate the tires of Mercedes-Benz...

"Ah!" Suya immediately understood Yang Ming’s intention: "You are really a vengeful person!"

"That's ah! I hope they won't provoke me again in the future, otherwise, oh!" Yang Ming finished the car tires, and some smugly clap his hands.

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