So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1603: New year special

The first chapter of the six hundred and three chapters of the new year special chapter dreams (1)

Thinking of the past, Yang Ming is nostalgic and sighs.

Suya left herself for more than two years. In the past two years, there has been no news, so that Yang Ming has been somewhat discouraged from the initial expectations.

Perhaps he is a short-lived guest in Suya's life. When he meets again, he is already a human being.

Yang Ming sighed and climbed up from the bed, shook his head, and shouted outside the door: "I know, Mom, I will get up!"

"Grinding, you take care of it for a while, your father's mood has been bad, you don't want to anger your brow!" Yang mother reminded.

"Oh..." Yang Ming sighed, his father was not happy, and it was also reasonable. With the departure of Suya, he also became degraded. Without thinking, he went to study again. He was confused and mixed into high school. The final exam of one semester failed the general course, ranking the first in the class, which made the father feel better?

This year is still the Dabo family to drink wine, and today's Dabo family has not been the same! Compared with the small boss three years ago, today's Dabo Yang Dashan has contracted a sand field and began to provide building materials for construction sites, becoming one of the faces of Songjiang.

And his father, the Songjiang Bus Factory, is getting more and more depressed. The bonuses are already gone, and even the wages are often in arrears. This makes Yang Ming, who was not very wealthy, become more difficult.

In the past, because Yang Ming’s performance was good, basically there was no one-sided situation on the banquet. The uncle Yang Dashan was also embarrassed to say more. However, since the beginning of his second year of the second year, he has become the laughing stock of the Chinese New Year wine table.

The uncle is counting on his father's incompetence. The cousin Yang Li is talking about her own learning problems. This makes Yang Ming's family very uncomfortable. The most difficult thing every year is the New Year's Eve.

Yang Ming put on his clothes and pushed the door out of the room. He saw his father sitting on the sofa and not smoking a cigarette. "Dad..."

"Wake up? Clean up, let's go to your banquet." Yang Dahai looked at Yang Ming and said.

"Oh..." Yang Ming is somewhat reluctant, but his father is a stubborn person. He believes that relatives must be together during the New Year, so even though they are unhappy every year, they still have to go to the banquet every year.

Yang Ming went to the bathroom, washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror. Compared with himself, three years ago, he became strong and strong.

Parents don't know how Yang Ming spent his three years in the past. Hey, fighting and skipping classes, so that he has become excellent in his academic performance.

Yang Ming smiled at the mirror... Perhaps, he should start a new life, isn't it?

In the past, the days of the fall let it pass, and there is no way to make a little punk... Yang Ming has made up his mind more than once, but every time, it has not ended.

The long days of sloppy days have made Yang Ming no longer have the desire to learn. No ideals, no pursuits, no goals.

In the past, Su Ya was in the process of preparing for a high school in order to join her in a high school.

But now, Yang Ming has no pursuit, and no goal. He does not know where he will go in the future.

Graduated from high school, do some small business? Just like his junior high school buddy Xu Peng, open a billiard room, make some money, and live honestly.

Although Yang Ming is helpless, he is not reconciled because it is not the life he wants.

Yang Ming has been arrogant and unfair for more than once. If he does not change according to his original life trajectory, he will finish junior high school, high school, and university together with Suya. After that, he may marry and have children, and spend his life happily.

But let his class teacher Wu Chiren destroy it.

It has also been said that God is always fair. When you lose something, you will compensate you more in the coming days.

Yang Ming also had an illusion. In the future of a certain month in the future, God remembered himself and compensated himself for a super gift, so that he could get back everything he had lost.

Yang Ming washed her face and came out of the bathroom. The mother had already packed up and was wearing a coat. Yang Ming also quickly put on the coat, and the family went downstairs.

"Call a taxi, don't squeeze the bus today." Yang Dahai went downstairs and looked at the weather. The sky was still floating with snowflakes, so he said.

"You said the calculation." Although Yangmu has some distressed money, but today's Chinese New Year, luxury is also common sense.

The three men walked to the door of the community. Yang Ming stopped a taxi and sat in the position of the co-pilot. The parents sat behind.

“Where are there going?” the taxi driver asked enthusiastically.

“Go to the Heavenly Wonderland Hotel.” Yang’s father glanced at the text message and said.

"Okay." The taxi driver started the car and drove in the direction of the heavenly wonderland.

Yang Ming glanced at the famous brand of the taxi driver in the co-pilot position and found that he was the driver of the Da De Yazhi taxi company, named Sun Kun.

Tianshang Wonderland Hotel is the first luxury three-star hotel in Songjiang that was built at the beginning of this year. It was invested and built by Wangshi Century Xiongfeng Group and it is said to cost several hundred million yuan.

Speaking of this Wangshi Century Xiongfeng Group, Yang Ming could not help but sigh that the world is really small! Because the Shaodong family of Wangshi Century Xiongfeng Group is actually his classmate!

The most coincidence is that this person is actually Yang Ming's old acquaintance.

When he first saw Wang Zhitao, Yang Ming felt familiar, but he did not remember where he had seen it.

However, when he opened the parent conference, when Yang Ming saw Wang Zhitao’s father, Wang Xifan, he finally remembered where they saw them!

It was three years ago, in the parking lot in front of the hotel, the license plate for the loose bxx888 Mercedes-Benz, sitting with the father and son!

Because of the previous events, Yang Ming did not have any good feelings for Wang Zhitao. However, Wang Zhitao, a student with excellent academic performance, seems to have no good feelings for Yang Ming. They have hardly said anything.

Wang Zhitao was elected as the squad leader. In Yang Ming’s view, it is also reasonable. The academic performance is good. First, it takes up the time. Then people have more money. They don’t want money to buy a bag of snacks for each classmate in the class before the campaign squad leader. Every three or five times is always a banquet for dinner.

Under the hand, a dog leg called Chen Afu, is to promote the benefits of Wang Zhitao everywhere, so Wang Zhitao no doubt, more than half of the class leader was elected.

Of course, Yang Ming did not vote for him, but this did not hinder the final result of the selection. The power of the individual is small.

Just when Yang Mingbai was bored and looked at the class cadre campaign, a figure made Yang Ming shine! A kind of intrusion buried in my heart for many years has once again poured out.

That was the feeling that I had when I first met Suya.

This kind of heart, let Yang Ming carefully remember the name of this figure. She is the class's study committee member Chen Mengxi.

However, out of his love for Suya and his inferiority in his current situation, Yang Ming knows that the gap between himself and Chen Mengyu is too great.

Years of academic ruin, let Yang Ming pick up the textbook again, it can be said that it is more difficult.

Therefore, Yang Ming can only secretly love Chen Mengyu in his heart, but he dare not express it. Compared with the shackles of Suya, Yang Ming at this time can be sure that he likes Chen Mengxi.

Originally, Yang Ming thought that he would not have any intersection with Chen Mengyu in the future, but there are always accidents in life! Just a Christmas a month ago, I actually walked with Chen Mengxi in the *** field, went home together, and accidentally took Chen Mengxi’s schoolbag back home.

Chen Mengyu, who was harmed, took the bag from her own hand the next morning. Although Yang Ming did not know how Chen Mengxi explained the bag to her family, it would not be easy to come.

"You didn't peek at the things in my bag?" Although Chen Mengyu ran away after trying to take the bag, he couldn't help but ask.

"No! I can swear." Yang Ming said vowed.

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