So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1609: Company accident

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-nine chapter company accident

Today, a major event happened in Songjiang. A cash truck of Mingjiang **** company disappeared for no reason!

If it was just an ordinary banknote escort, it would not cause any sensation, but on the van that disappeared, it escorted hundreds of millions of dollars!

According to the regulations of the **** company and the bank, each **** car can not send more than 10 million banknotes each time, but this **** car has escorted hundreds of millions of banknotes!

If there is no problem with this **** car, but a peaceful cross, perhaps it may not cause any arrogance, and no one is paying attention, but this **** is missing! As a result, people's sights are immediately attracted to this.

The topic above the network has also been transferred to this. From the initial one, some people suspected that the **** car was hijacked. Later, it was speculated that the **** company had a ghost inside. For a time, *** became a one-sided situation!

An article such as "There are serious management problems in Mingjiang **** company", "Mingjiang **** company supervision and self-stealing", "Mingjiang **** company vice captain privately swallowed 100 million yuan" and so on, and so on.

Many netizens began to question why there are so many banknotes on this car alone. Is it premeditated beforehand? In this way, it can reflect the management confusion of Mingjiang Company and internal problems.

The vice captain of a **** team actually guarded against theft. This can also be seen from the fact that the overall team of Mingjiang **** company is of low quality, crony and employable.

In short, for a time, the reputation of Mingjiang **** company fell to a low point.

There are more and more voices in the community. I think that a security company that has just been established for less than a year is involved in the bank **** business. Is it too rushing? Is there any shady inside?

Jing Xiaoyu was called by Liu Yemei from a school cafeteria. He heard that a transport truck that transported hundreds of millions of banknotes had disappeared for no reason. Jing Xiaoyu almost didn’t faint on the spot.

100 million yuan, how much is that! Jing Xiaoyan thought, so much money, if it is really gone, can I pay off in my life?

On the way to the company by car, there was almost no car accident. Jing Xiaoyu went over to the company all the way and went straight to the office of Liu Meimei.

The atmosphere inside the company is very low, it seems that everyone has got this bad news! In the view of the employees of these companies, if this billion yuan is really not found, then the newly established **** company will inevitably be dragged down by the debt of this billion yuan.

"Emei sister." Jing Xiaoyu also refused to knock on the door, directly pushed the door of Liu Thrush Office and rushed in: "Drawing eyebrows, contact Liu Xiaolei?"

"Oh, you are coming." Liu Meimei smiled a little and shook his head. "No, all the contact methods have been tried. This person is like a human being."

"Is the alarm?" Jing Xiaoyu heard the words of Liu Mei, the heart is a cool, so it seems that most of Liu Xiaolei is absconding with money.

"It has already been reported, and there is no news yet." Liu Meimei sighed, and did not expect that the famous Jiang **** company he had hosted had such a large disclosure!

Although according to the contract, Songjiang Mingyang Security Company played a leading role in business, it was only auxiliary, but no matter what, this matter has already caused a fatal blow to itself!

In the small companies that they lead, there are such large disclosures. If you change to a large group, the consequences can be imagined. As a result, the identity of the competitors in their own competition group is less hopeful, and their own cousin Liu Duanan will never be easily revealed.

Liu Yuannan was sitting in the office very proudly at the moment, holding a cup of fragrant tea in his hand, and Liu Youfei, standing on the side, said: "Is Liu Xiaolei arranged there?"

"It has been arranged to sneak into Russia from Bianhai City." Liu Jifei said: "I have a friend who is a gangster in Russia. He is there to meet..."

"Well, don't show any disclosure," Liu Yannan nodded. "Aircraft, you are my confidant. You should know that this time, I am desperate, but I can't go wrong!"

"Do not worry, Nan Ge, if you have a problem, I can't run away," Liu Jifei said. "So anyway, I will arrange it properly... but, there is a sentence, I don't know. When you talk about it improperly..."

"Aircraft, I said, you are my confidant, what is still hidden in the squat?" Liu Yannan frowned, some blame said.

"That Nan Ge, I can say it, don't be angry..." Liu Jifei hesitated and said: "In fact, there is no impenetrable wall in this world. If you want to never suffer, then there is only one way... ..."

"One way? What do you mean?" Liu Yannan gave a slight glimpse, but immediately, his face was slightly changed: "Aircraft, do you mean..."

"Not bad," Liu Jifei saw Liu Yannan also thought of this, so he nodded: "Only the dead, will not speak, this secret, only you, I will know, you and I are on a rope Grasshopper, no one will find a way out, but Liu Xiaolei is different, this person, I believe it..."

"But, this is killing! It is illegal." Although Liu Yannan is a somewhat sinister person, he has not yet practiced a hot heart. When Liu Yufei wants to kill people, he is afraid of it immediately. ......

"Nan Ge, the big event is not confined," Liu Jifei said: "There is a saying that it is non-toxic and not a husband. In order to achieve great cause, Nan Ge, you can't leave some time bombs!"

"But...the murder, I haven't done it yet..." Liu Yannan was hesitant.

"Planning the robbery of the **** car is also a crime of death, Nan Ge, you have to think clearly!" Liu Jifei hurried.

"But... these two properties are different..." Liu Yannan still hesitated.

"Nan Ge, you think about it, once Liu Xiaolei Annai can't live back in the future, if you show your feet, you and I will have to spend the rest of your life in prison!" Liu Jifei said: "Where, this Don't use Nange, you don't have to worry about it. As long as you nod, everything has me! Who can discover the killing on the high seas?"

"This... well..." Liu Fennan hesitated and finally nodded. Liu Jifei said that it is non-toxic and not a husband. If this matter is carried out, it will be a fatal blow to himself.

"Nan Ge, I will arrange this." Liu Jifei's eyes crossed a hint of twilight.

"Park Ge, the boss has come up with new instructions. When we sneak into the air, we will do something on the boat. Does your person not be more leisurely?" A bald man said, adding a stack of banknotes to him. "Pak brother" man.

Park Gee took a look at the banknotes in his hand and looked at the bald man. He nodded slowly: "I will say hello to my men."

"I know that Park Ge is the most reasonable!" The bald man saw that Park Ge received the money, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief, his face showed a satisfied smile.

This bald man is Li Jian, Liu Jifei's faithful follow-up dog. He was a monk. He used to be a desperate person. Later he met Liu Jifei and saw his own opportunities. He knew that he was in the society again. It was also small. There was no background and no background. It is a cloud.

Only by relying on a strong backing, can you eat spicy and succulent in the future. Therefore, Li Jiao decisively voted for Liu Jifei. Although some of the minds don't look down on Liu Jifei, this is the highest level of people Li Zhi can reach.

Even the most powerful person, Li Sticky can't get in touch. When Liu Jifei succeeded in the knot, he became a confidant, and when he became the confidant of Liu Biannan, Li Geng found that he was really very visionary and did not follow the wrong person!

Once Liu Yannan is in the upper position, Liu Jifei is a hero, and his identity will rise. Although Li Sticky knows that the benefits of Liu Yanan are more than that of Liu Jifei, his smart person is not a fool.

He did not think that after he changed his position, Liu Yuannan would be used to him. Compared with Liu Jifei, he had no place in Liu Yinan’s mind.

If Liu Jifei hates this again, and say a few bad words in front of Liu Yannan, who will believe in Liu Yuannan, the result can be imagined. Therefore, Li Sticky does not expect anything else. He can follow Liu Jifei. It is already very good to mix well.

This time, personally sending Liu Xiaolei to Russia is his moment of loyalty to Liu Jifei and Liu Duannan. And to get rid of Liu Xiaolei's suggestion, he also proposed to Liu Jifei. Otherwise, Liu Mifei will not be able to do such a hot fruit.

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