So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1610: Against the plot of Mingjiang

The first thousand six hundred and tenth chapter against the conspiracy of Mingjiang

Liu Xiaolei, Liu Xiaolei, you are a chess piece. From the day you walked into the office of Liu Biannan, you are doomed to your results today.

Li Zhe looked at Liu Xiaolei’s face and sneered.

"Li Ge, I have already packed it up. When will I get on the boat?" Liu Xiaolei looked at his watch and was nervous. After all, he had made such a big case and was caught dead.

"Just wait for Parker's boat, don't worry, I can definitely go today." Li sticky said faintly.

"That... Liu Ge promised my money before, no problem?" Liu Xiaolei asked some questions.

"Do not worry, one point will not be less than you, will be transferred to your Russian account through wire transfer, batch." Li sticky said: "Liu Ge wants you to help keep secrets, will not cross the river to break the bridge."

"That's good, I just ask casually..." Liu Xiaolei sighed in his heart after hearing Li's words. Li Jiao said that there is also reason. Liu Yannan and Liu Jifei must also keep their own secrets, but they are not afraid of them. Will cross the river to tear down the bridge! If they do not honor the original promise, then they must fight with the danger of death, and they must die with them.

"The ship is coming, let's go." Li sticky glanced at the text message on the phone, then looked up and walked toward the port.

Liu Xiaolei quickly followed, and from now on, he will drift in his hometown. Thinking of everything he did, Liu Xiaolei did not regret it. He was able to leave a sum of money for his younger brother. He was able to cure the old father’s illness. What did his own contribution count?

Moreover, I am not very miserable now. At least there are a lot of banknotes in my hand. After arriving in Russia, I can live a good life under the protection of the Chinese gangs. Thinking of this, Liu Xiaolei's heart's melancholy dissipated a few points.

However, where did he know that his legs would never be able to land on land since the moment he boarded the ship.

"Everything went well." Liu Jifei received a message from Li Sticky, and his heart was loose. He said to Liu Yannan on the side: "Nan Ge, Li Sticky has already done Liu Xiaolei."

“Very good.” Liu Yannan also breathed a sigh of relief: “No one else knows?”

"At the time, only one of the snakeheads responsible for the smuggling in Bianhai was under the command," said Liu Jifei. "This kind of person will not be idle."

"That's good." Liu Yannan nodded and picked up the phone, ready to beat his sister Liu Yumei.

All the troubles have been lifted, and it is also the time to show up. Liu Yanan dialed the mobile phone of Liu Mei.

Seeing the caller ID on the phone, Liu’s thrush frowned. She didn’t want to pick up the phone. At this moment, Liu Biannan called and Liu Yumei could use the toes to think about what Liu Yannan would do.

However, in the end, Liu Meimei still picked up the phone. She is not a person who is afraid of things. If something goes wrong, people who only know how to avoid responsibility will never be a big event.

"Hey, big brother." Liu Meimei picked up the phone.

"Thrush, I heard that you have an accident over there? How did you do it, Grandpa has asked him!" Liu Yannan first sentenced Liu Jiang along the father.

"Big brother, is your news very well-informed?" Liu Tshuai said coldly, and he knew that Liu Yannan was uneasy, but he did not expect that he could not resist it. The phone just jumped on and jumped out. .

"Ha," Liu Yannan hit a haha: "The network has been heated up, I am not well informed."

Those on the Internet are not conducive to the name of the Jiang **** company, and the one-sided *** is basically published by Liu Jifei. How could he not know Liu Yannan?

"Is it?" Liu painted a faint reflexive sentence.

"Thrush, not the big brother said to you! Before Liu Xiaolei was in the company's big noise, I told you in advance, this person is afraid that there are some problems in your heart, let you pay more attention, you see, you did not have I care, now it’s alright? Finally something happened?” Liu Yannan said with a sigh: “Emei, you are still too young!”

Liu Yuannan is very proud now, and his "previous vision" has become a bargaining chip for himself. Liu Yemei, under his own reminder, also made such a disclosure. It is conceivable that Liu Jiang, even if he loves her again along the old man, can no longer consider the things that make her ***. After all, the fate of the group is not a joke, even if Liu Tsao has some ability, but the company's helm, light ability can not, people with the ability to start a business, there is no problem, but sometimes, business is more important than entrepreneurship !

If you want to keep your business, now it seems that Liu Meimei is definitely not the best candidate.

"Big Brother, when you call this time, isn't it just to say this? If so, then I am sorry, I am very busy here, I don't have time to chat with you." The tone of Liu Thrush became stiff.

"This is not, thrush, listen to the big brother to persuade, your current experience is still too little, next time on the board of directors, I will recommend to my grandfather, let you continue to go back to school, after the real academic success, come back Take over the company affairs." Liu Fennan does not talk nonsense with Liu Mei, since Liu Yemei toast does not eat and drink fine wine, Liu Yannan is also ready to tear his face, anyway, there must be such a day.

"Emei sister, who called, you are so angry?" Looking at Liu Mei's eyebrows was so angry that the chest was ups and downs, Jing Xiaoyu asked.

"Nothing, it's my big brother." Liu thrushed and shook his head: "He borrowed this thing and wanted to attack me on the board. It seems that he can't help it anymore."

"This is the case..." Jing Xiaoyu knows that this is the chores of Liu Mei, and he can't insert himself.

"My brother just mentioned Liu Xiaolei's thing, saying that he reminded me before, let me pay attention to Liu Xiaolei, now Liu Xiaolei really happened, just to confirm his foresight, this time, hehe..." Liu thrush has a physical and mental exhaustion a feeling of.

He was placed outside of Songjiang, and Liu Biannan still did not relax his vigilance. He did not let go of any opportunity to attack himself.

"Liu Xiaolei..." Jing Xiaoyan frowned. "Draw a thrush, you say this, I suddenly have a strange feeling."

"What do you feel?" asked Liu Liumei.

"Emei sister, you said this between Liu Xiaolei and Liu Biannan, can you have any secrets?" Jing Xiaoyu said with a deep sigh: "I always feel that this thing is revealing, there is a kind of saying no. It feels like coming out."

“Oh?” Liu’s thrush glimpsed: “Xiao Yan, what do you mean, Liu Xiaolei’s thing, is my big brother involved?”

"Liu Nannan did not participate, I don't know, I am not sure, but I think that Liu Xiaolei wants to privately swallow the money in the car. Liu Yuannan seems to be an informed person in advance." Jing Xiaoyu said: "Because I think of it The phone that he called you before, let you pay attention to Liu Xiaolei, according to the character of Liu Yuannan we know, it should not be so kind. So I always feel that this thing is a bit evil."

"Small, I was told by you, I have this feeling too. Isn't it, Liu Xiaolei's thing, my big brother is really an insider?" Liu Mei's brow gradually locks, if Jing Xiaoyu's guess is true, then ... Liu Thrush does not know whether to cry or should laugh, his big brother in order to deal with himself, actually concealed such a big thing!

"Isn't it, don't be sure now, let's see it." Jing Xiaoyan sighed and pointed to the window: "Resolve the troubles in front of us now. There are already reporters in the downstairs packed with companies, want us. Come out and interview to find out the truth..."

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