So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1617: Camp problem

The 1671th camp issue

"You are also Yang Ming's little lover?" Sun Jie looked up and down the thrush, thinking that if Liu Meimei, a classical beauty with a watery atmosphere, was let out by Yang Ming, it is simply unreasonable.

"Hey?! Me?" Liu thrushed and stunned, and looked at Sun Jie so stupidly.

Usually, although Liu Meimei is quite crowded in Liujia, but in terms of feelings, no one dares to make jokes with her. This kind of thing that touches the bottom line is known to the father, and certainly will not be better.

And Liu Meimei, after taking a break from school, began to take over from his father. In the Jiangyan Group, there is a fight between Liu and Nan. How can I talk about my boyfriend? Therefore, in terms of feelings, it is completely blank. In normal times, no one will mention similar topics with her.

In the family, the mother served in front of her father’s bed all day, and there were not many opportunities to meet Liu’s thrush. Outside, although the group was mostly Liu family, there were several people who really care about Liu’s personalities. people? I am afraid that even the old man does not want Liu Meimei to marry as soon as possible. One reason is that Liu Yemei can serve in Liujia for several years. Secondly, Liuye’s marriage can be used as a commercial chip.

Therefore, when Sun Jie asked such a sensitive question, Liu’s thrush was stupid. Although he had extraordinary talents in business, he was still blank in his feelings. He was so ridiculed by Sun Jie that he really didn’t know what to say. It is.

"Well?" Sun Jie saw the reaction of Liu Meimei, but also a slight glimpse: "Are you not?"

"I am not..." Without waiting for Liu's thrush to answer, Jing Xiaoyu first answered Sun Jie's question.

"I know that you are swearing at each other, not completely together." Sun Jie looked at Jing Xiaoyan and said.

"Ah?" Jing Xiaoyu was flushed by Sun Jie's words: "This... you know?"

When Sun Jie saw Jing Xiao’s forced appearance, he was quite proud of his heart and looked at Liu’s thrush: “You will not be such a relationship?”

"I?" Liu Meimei finally recovered from the shock of the past, and shook his head again and again: "You made a mistake, I didn't know Yang Ming and I didn't even see each other."

"Oh?" Sun Jie looked at the look of Liu Thrush carefully. It didn't seem to be lying, and then apologized: "Sorry, I got it wrong."

"Nothing..." Liu thrushed and shook his head. After all, Sun Jielai solved the problem for himself and the company. Even if Sun Jie ridiculed his own two sentences, it would be a harmless joke. How could Liu Tsao really get angry? Just a little bit puzzled in the heart, what kind of person is Yang Ming? Sun Jie will actually be his wife?

Sun Jie is who Liu Lei naturally knows that although the time involved in the business community is not long, but Sun Jie, a celebrity in the province, is still famous for his long name. Before Sun Jie and Jing Xiaoyu whispered the phrase "I am Yang Ming his wife", Liu Meimei can hear it clearly.

However, it is very magical for Sun Jie’s generosity and indifference to Jing Xiaoyu.

Jing Xiaoyu was also distracted by the company's affairs. When she had no time to think about Sun Jie's words, she subconsciously believed Sun Jie, but now I think about it, but it is a bit wrong. Is Yang Ming's wife not Chen Mengxi? How did you become Sun Jie?

Jing Xiaoyu is not a good person. Although she is grateful to Sun Jielai for solving her problems, the principled problems cannot be ambiguous, but must be determined.

How do you say it now is a good friend of Chen Mengxi, how have you never heard of Sun Jie’s existence? Is it that Yang Ming is another woman outside the camp?

At this time, I have to grasp it myself. I can say that I am a member of the camp of Chen Mengyu. I can’t be partial to the outside world. It’s not a good thing to pedal two boats.

"Miss Sun Jie, although I am very grateful to you for helping our company solve the immediate troubles, but there are some principle problems, I have to figure out." Jing Xiaoyu indulged, still asked.

"Oh?" Sun Jie looked at Jing Xiaoyu with amazement. She did not expect her to become so calm after a short period of shame. It was a powerful figure.

"As far as I know, Yang Ming's wife is Chen Mengyu? Then, are you?" Jing Xiaoyu asked one word at a time, although some aggressive meanings were, but it was very polite.

"Giggle..." Sun Jie listened to Jing Xiaoyu's question but smiled: "What do you want to ask is this? Then I tell you, I am his other wife, I don't know this answer, are you satisfied or not?"

"Ah?" Jing Xiaoyu did not expect Sun Jiehui to be this reaction! Originally, in her expectation, Sun Jie was either embarrassed by her own question, or she would be angry with her own reason, but did not expect such a relaxed and joke.

"It looks like, did you want to be Chen Mengyu in the first place?" Sun Jie blinked and guessed Jing Xiaoyu's careful thought: "Don't rush to deny it, I don't blame you. After all, we didn't know it before."

"..." Jing Xiaoyu was really confused by Sun Jie and did not know what to say. Jing Xiaoyu had to admire Sun Jie from the heart in his heart. This woman is very simple. No matter what the occasion, she is not humble and comfortable. This kind of woman is the sage of Yang Ming, and now Chen Mengyu is fundamental. Can't compare with it.

I have to say that a woman like Sun Jie is what she always wanted to be.

"However, you are actually the deputy general of Mingjiang and the vice president of famous entertainment and famous security. This makes me very confused. Do you like work?" Sun Jie’s observation is still very keen. Jing Xiaoyu’s weakness, so she is ready to start from her weaknesses.

Although Sun Jie does not want to have any conflict or anxiety with Chen Mengyu, in the eyes of Sun Jie, Chen Mengxi is still a little girl who has not grown up. Two people can not meet each other, try not to meet each other, each has their own life without mutual interference, but from yesterday Zhao Ying's participation came in, so that Sun Jie had to consider in advance the future of a series of problems derived from Chen Mengyu!

There is no intersection between Sun Jie and Chen Mengyu. However, with the addition of Zhao Ying, the danger of meeting the two sides is invisibly increased. Zhao Ying is the teacher of Chen Mengyu, but also her own friend, especially knowing Chen Mengxi’s temper, Sun Jie had to make some precautions.

After seeing Jing Xiaoyu, Sun Jie had the idea of ​​pulling her into her own camp. Even if she could not succeed immediately, she would do it as a small spy around Chen Mengxi, and then she would not help. The last two did not help, and basically reached Sun Jie. The result you want.

Jing Xiao slammed his mouth and vaguely guessed the meaning of Sun Jie. He couldn’t help but hesitate to let her do something to sell Chen Mengyu. She naturally couldn’t do it. Let’s not say that she is not Yang Ming’s girlfriend. Yes, I will not do this kind of espionage with a lack of smoke, but I can't bear to lose the opportunity to learn from Sun Jie.

"It seems that talking to a smart woman is easy." Sun Jie saw Jing Xiaoyu understand what he meant. He smiled a little and didn't have to explain anything more: "I still lack an assistant, are you interested?"

"It's not necessary, now it's quite good, it's also a good exercise..." Jing Xiaoyu struggled for a long time, finally made a decision and rejected Sun Jie's temptation.

Although following Sun Jie, his own growth will be faster, but is that still his own intention? I originally wanted to be able to be alone, help Yang Ming to handle some things, and relieve Yang Ming of some burdens, but if he really went to host Chen Mengyu with Sun Jie, wouldn’t he find something for Yang Ming?

Sun Jie did not say anything, but Jing Xiaoyan faintly guessed that his own thoughts should be inseparable from the ten. This kind of thing, I still don’t want to participate.

"Oh? Then forget it." Sun Jie was only a temporary enthusiasm. When he saw that Jing Xiaoyu could still hold the house, he would not say anything more: "You are here to train people and have trouble all day."

Sun Jie's ironic words made Jing Xiaolu blush, but I don't blame people for saying that Mingjiang really did not go well from the beginning.

"If there is any trouble, I can call my phone at any time." Sun Jie handed Jing Xiaoyi a business card: "Your mind, I understand, I will not let you be embarrassed, and in fact, I don't want to have this. one day."

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