So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1617: new task

The first task of the 1667th chapter

Sun Jie’s words made Jing Xiaoyu slightly stunned. Originally, she thought that Sun Jie was trying to get up with Chen Mengxi, but listening to Sun Jie’s last words, she did not want to do so.

Is there something that I don’t know, but what is forced to happen? There is an ominous premonition in Jing Xiaoying's heart. Sun Jie knows Chen Mengxi, but Chen Mengxi does not know Sun Jie's existence. With Chen Mengxi's temperament, if he knows this thing, what kind of reaction will he make?

I have to say that the sixth sense of a woman is still very keen, and a conspiracy against Yang Ming and all his women is slowly unfolding...

Yang Ming also watched the live TV broadcast of the press conference and sighed. Sun Jie was really not honest. He actually broke out of such an insider, but he also successfully transferred the eyes of those reporters and successfully solved the company. This crisis.

Shaking his head, although most people may not pay attention, but Sun Jie took the stage, turned off the microphone, whispered and Jing Xiaoyu said, others did not hear, but Yang Ming who can read the lip language is watching Clear and clear.

This small detail, I am afraid that only Yang Ming will pay attention, but I am not worried about what others will know.

As soon as I went up, I gave Jing Xiaowei a horse, this Sun Jie! Yang Ming shook his head, Sun Jie's unwilling personality, and actually made Yang Ming have some headaches. This is why Yang Ming has never told Chen Mengxi about Sun Jie's things, because Yang Ming is really afraid of some disharmony in his family.

The phone ringing, Yang Ming thought it was Sun Jie, but looked at the phone number, but it was Xia Bingyan.

"Ice brother, how are you? I am looking for you." Yang Ming picked up the phone and said casually.

"Ice brother? What ice brother? Don't scream." Xia Bingyan is a little crying and laughing. "You either call me Xia Ge, or call me Xia team, don't say these messy names."

"Oh, then Xia Ge, I am joining you now, but also because of the help, and there is no sense of subordinate level." Yang Ming said: "So the summer team is still forget it."

"Well, follow you." Xia Bing said: "I have already asked about the last thing you said to me. Don't worry, Xie Wenjin and others are basically more than ten years."

"A decade... It’s a little bit less, but it doesn’t matter." Yang Ming said faintly after listening. Yang Ming wants a few people to die, basically just between the thoughts, the disciple of the king of the killer wants to kill, who can still live well?

"You don't want to mess up, but find me to wipe your ass." Xia Bingyan listened to Yang Ming's words and warned.

"I won't do it. I am very good with the people of the Butterfly family. This is not a secret. I believe you know it too." Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu’s affairs, a long time ago in Europe, and Yang Ming’s whereabouts are not a secret in the eyes of Xia Bingyan.

Yang Ming does not mind that Xia Bingyu will know more about his own affairs. As long as there is no actual evidence, it does not matter. He can completely deny it.

"Oh..." Xia Bingyan laughed. It seems that he, as Yang Ming said, has some understanding of what Yang Ming and the killer organization have to do.

"Well, don't give me any trouble." Xia Bingyan reminded: "And, you have already settled in Yunnan Miaojiang. This action is very dangerous. We use this trump card in addition to you." In addition, I will send someone to assist you. This person is also a trump card in our hands. Currently training in California, I will arrive in Songjiang for a while, meet you, then you, Xia Xue, and he will travel to Yunnan together. ”

"Wait, you said Xia Xue also went?" Yang Ming frowned. "So dangerous place, what is she going to do?"

"This... cough..." Xia Bingyan coughed twice: "It’s the arrangement above... let her experience..."

"Top?" Yang Mingyi.

"Cough... is my head..." Xia Bingyan explained with some embarrassment.

"Your head? Let her go through the experience? You are not a system?" Yang Ming was inexplicably confused by Xia Bingyan.

"Actually, my grandfather... is also Xia Xue..." Xia Bingyan said.

"..." Yang Ming is speechless. It turned out to be such a relationship. I knew that the background of Xia Xue was not simple. There was such a backing. Could it be that this mysterious investigation bureau is responsible for Grandpa Xia Xue?

"Well, I know that your relationship with my sister is good. On this road, you take care of her a little..." Xia Bingyan said: "Although I don't want her to go, but there is no way... I don't say Count..."

"Rely, you will find something for me!" Yang Ming said with some helplessness: "You don't know the danger of the right elders? I went to die if I went."

"How come you have no confidence? If you can get the right elder for the first time, you can get him a second time. Moreover, this time I received the latest news, a very important news." Xia Bingyan said.

"Oh? What news?" Yang Ming asked.

"Mr. Li Cifang, a famous old Chinese doctor in China, had a student reaction before his disappearance three years ago. The person he saw last time, and the right elder looks like..." Xia Bingyan said.

"So you suspect that Mr. Li Cifang was arrested by the right elders?" Yang Ming rolled his eyes: "You don't want me to save this Li power again?"

"Yang Ming, I found your ability and the ability to predict!" Xia Bingyan shouted.

"Get out of the way." Yang Ming said with no anger: "Who is this Li Jifang? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"It is Li Shizhen's successor, a very powerful Chinese medicine practitioner, and acupuncture and moxibustion." Unfortunately, before being taken away, there is no one who has the essence of the present. Although there are several students, they have not learned. The true marrow of Mr. Li..." Xia Bingyan sighed.

“Li Shizhen?” Yang Ming rolled his eyes again: “You didn’t fool me?”

"No, I am telling the truth, I know that this task is very dangerous, but..." Xia Bingyan said here, some embarrassing can't go on.

"But you still decided to let me go?" Yang Ming went on to say: "I am not good at this cannon fodder. If it is not good, I will die."

"Don't say that... Li Cifang has a doctor who has returned to life. You have to save him. Later, your relatives and friends, there are any difficult illnesses. When Li Jifang is sure to save," Xia Bingyan said.

"Can't you say something good?" Yang Ming sighed: "Can I refuse?"

"No," Xia Bingyan said affirmatively.

"Then you still discuss with me a fart, directly inform me that it is not enough, waste my tongue." Yang Ming smiled bitterly.

"Is it good for you to ask me before?" Xia Bingyan is also speechless.

"Well, I have promised this matter for the time being, but I can only do my best, I can't guarantee that if I endanger my life, I will save my life first." Yang Ming said very straightforwardly.

"Yes." Xia Bingyu agreed quickly. He also did not want Yang Ming to die.

"Then things are set aside, I still have things to look for you." Yang Ming said.

"I haven't done one thing for you, I will become your errand." Xia Bingyan couldn't help but hear Yang Ming's words: "Your boy is not willing to suffer."

"I don't think that I am a member of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation. Should I be low-key, or I will do it myself..." Yang Ming said seriously.

"That's it, you have something, or I will do it for you." Xia Bingyan was shocked and said quickly.

"Help me find a person, called Liu Xiaolei, who used to be the vice captain of the famous river **** company." Yang Ming said.

"Well, I found out to call you." Xia Bingyi heard this kind of thing, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief, and he was afraid that Yang Ming would find another trouble to find him.

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