So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1635: Identity behind

Identity behind the first thousand six hundred and thirty-five chapters

Keck looked at the decoration and service staff of Songjiang International Hotel. The heart is not so bad as Chen Zhiye said. Although it is not a top five-star hotel, Samsung always has it.

Obviously, the overall building of this international hotel is slightly outdated. It is the architectural style of four or five years ago. It has not kept up with the current development trend of the hotel industry. The decoration here has obviously undergone a second renovation, and the style is opposite to those. The current popular luxury hotels are similar, just because of the number of floors and the building layout of the building. The decoration of the day after tomorrow can only provide some remedies, but it cannot completely change the style of the building.

"In a secondary city like Songjiang, it is not bad to have such a hotel." Keck said in the elevator, to Chen Zhiye.

"This hotel was not the kid before. It was a commercial friend of mine. I came back this time. I don't know why. My friend went to jail. This hotel became the bag of the kid." Chen Zhiye said that there was some annoyance in his heart: "The kid is a little punk, and it is estimated that he used some despicable means."

"The hero doesn't ask for a name," Keck smiled. "It's amazing to have such a hotel here."

"However, compared with the boss, you are far worse." Chen Zhiye said quickly.

In fact, Keck also means this, using such a hotel to highlight his identity, but it is not good to say, so I hinted that Chen Zhiye said, I did not expect this Chen Zhiye is really smart.

"This is not comparable, I am the power of the whole family, he is the power of one person." Keck said without pride.

"Boss, you see, when did we start to study hotel investment?" Chen Zhiye was anxious about this. He wanted to give Yang Ming a blow first. Just let the news come out and believe that Yang Ming would be guilty:" This is a very long stage in the hotel. Should we hurry?"

“Nonon!” Keck laughed and waved his hand: “The latest modular building technology, without the use of cement, completely steel frame, it will be able to build a fifteen-story building in two days!”

"Ah? Really fake?" Chen Zhiye asked some unbelievable and inconspicuous questions. Keck’s words were beyond his imagination and it was possible to build a tall building in two days. How is this possible?

"Chen, you are only proficient in the foreign trade industry. To say the hotel industry and the construction industry, our family is an expert!" Keck said with pride: "We have adopted this modularity in many hotels in many countries and regions. Architecture, and this technology was invented by your engineers. It is more earthquake-resistant than traditional concrete buildings. Indoor air is 20 to 100 times cleaner than outdoor. Strong wall windows are completely insulated to ensure indoor constant temperature..."

Keck’s words made Chen Zhiye very shocked, and his heart was also very excited! If you can build a big hotel within a few days, then Yang Ming’s death is really not far off!

"Boss, is this true? You are so good! What are we going to do now?" Chen Zhiye asked excitedly.

"Now, let's first contact the local government and ask for a piece of land to say it." Keck said that he was understatement, but Chen Zhiye did not think that Keck was talking loudly!

If the average person wants a piece of land to cover the hotel, it is not very simple. The complicated procedures and complex human relationships will cause headaches. But unlike Keck, Keck’s identity is foreign, and it is the top family in the world hotel industry. One, to come here to invest in the hotel, is also the glory of the city!

Which leader does not want his territory to be more prosperous? The place where Keck’s family generally invests is a first-tier city with a prosperous economy. This time it can be invested in Songjiang, or it can be said that it has given the affirmation of Songjiang, and the local nature will welcome it.

At present, there are no more than three-star hotels in Songjiang. Keck can invest in a five-star hotel and can also enhance the image of the city. So Keck will be so emboldened.

"This thing, wrapped in my body, I am responsible for the match!" Chen Zhiye said with a chest.

"Well, you do things, I can rest assured." Keck nodded and said.

In the past few days, Yang Ming has transferred 90% of the shares in Mingyang Entertainment and 40% of the famous security guards to Jing Xiaoyu, a 10% share in Mingyang Entertainment and a famous security guard. Sixty percent of the shares were transferred to the violent Sanli and Hou Zhenduo, and they did not bother with them.

The violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu who got the equity transfer book were somewhat inexplicable. They said that they didn't want to, but Yang Ming insisted on giving them.

"Yang Ge, what do you mean by this? Is there something wrong with the two of us, you don't want to use us?" The violent San Li holding the equity book, his face is a little green.

"Yeah, Yang Ge, my Dahou has never had the same heart since I followed you. If I say a lie, I can’t kill the thunder!" Hou Zhenyu was also anxious to start gambling.

"You two should not be excited!" Yang Ming was very touched by the feelings of violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo, but he smiled and said: "In fact, I will give you this one, and you deserve it. I also thank you both. I can do it for so long with my side!"

"Yang Ge... Don't you really want us?" The violent San Liyi listened to Yang Ming's words, and he felt like a grievance.

"I don't want you not... but..." Yang Ming stunned. He didn't want to tell his own things so early, but since they asked, Yang Ming couldn't say anything, otherwise If they are both estimated to be pestering themselves, they will never give up.

"Yang Ge, is there any other reason?" Hou Zhenyu asked with some hesitation, his brain was smarter than the violent, and from Yang Ming's words, he heard some unusual tastes.

"Dahou, Leopard, since you ask, then I will not hide it anymore." Yang Ming sighed and said: "Or, both of you from the very beginning, I feel that my identity is not just superficial... ”

After listening to Yang Ming’s words, violently thought it was a nod. “Yang Ge, I always think that you are a monk!”

The violent Sanli was originally attached to Yang Ming because Yang Ming’s identity was the “Mr. y”. Later, after seeing Yang Ming himself, he always felt that Yang Ming’s behind it was definitely not simple.

"Actually, I am a national agent," Yang Ming estimated that he can only use his words to describe his profession. He is not a serious agent, but he is also inseparable.

"Agent? Yang Ge, isn't it? You are a special agent?" Storm Sanli and Hou Zhenyu were surprised at the same time.

Hou Zhenduo was originally a special soldier. Therefore, it is quite admirable for the extremely dangerous occupation of the agent. In the beginning, the troops were also selected as agents, but they were all excellent special forces to be selected as agents. Extremely dangerous and special tasks.

When Hou Zhenyu was not a disciplinary mistake, he might become a special agent. Therefore, when Hou Zhenyu heard this familiar word, he suddenly couldn’t speak.

Yang Ming nodded. "Dahou, you may know this profession better. You are a special soldier. You should be able to see the authenticity of the military documents. This is the document I have posted in the army. You can look at it."

Yang Ming said, he took the certificate he had in the army and handed it to Hou Zhenxuan: "The agent's documents are confidential. I can't take it out, don't mind."

Hou Zhenxuan trembled with both hands and took over Yang Ming’s documents and nodded: “I understand that discipline is greater than everything, Yang Ge, we will not make you embarrassed.”

Originally, violent Sanli was still curious to see what the agent's documents looked like. After listening to Hou Zhenduo's words, he also gave back what he wanted to say. He didn't want Yang Ming to be embarrassed.

Hou Zhenxuan was born as a soldier. He took the documents and looked at them carefully. He immediately saw the authenticity of the documents, nodded and handed them to the violent Sanli: "Yang Ge, you are actually a special agent! At the beginning, I also feel that I have been wronged with you after doing these things. Later, although I used to it, but because you saved my mother, I am a straight person, and I swear to follow you all my life, but today I know that I followed. The kind of person I admire most is a career, so I have no regrets!"

"Don't say so sensational!" Yang Ming smiled and said: "Since I know all of you, the following things I want to say, Dahou estimates can also guess..."

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