So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1636: Nothing wrong

The first thousand six hundred and thirty-six chapters are not wrong.

"Yang Ge, are you going to perform dangerous tasks?" Hou Zhenyu looked at him and immediately thought of something, looked up and asked.

Yang Ming nodded: "Yes."

"Is this mission very dangerous?" After repeatedly listening to Hou Zhenduo's words, he repeatedly asked, although he was a rough man, but at this time he also understood why Yang Ming said the previous words.

"Whether the agents are not dangerous?" Hou Zhenduo explained to the violent Sanli: "The nature of the agents and the death squad is basically the same, and each mission may be killed!"

"This task is indeed extremely dangerous. I have not had a single grasp yet." Yang Ming smiled and nodded and said: "The task is completely unknown, so can I come back? It’s hard to say that it’s not optimistic at the moment.”

"Yang Ge, since it is so dangerous, what are you doing? Let others go!" said the violent three subconsciously.

"Leopard, how can you say this? As a soldier, naturally when the country needs you the most, come forward, what is the danger, will not go? Also ask others to go?" Hou Zhenyu listened to the words of the storm, some I looked at him with contempt and immediately corrected him: "How are you so selfish?"

"What is selfishness?" Storm Sanli immediately became unhappy: "Don't tell me what sacrifices me to become a big citizen. I am a small citizen. I don't want Yang Ge to have something. What's wrong? Dahou, you are better than me." Smart, doing business is better than me, but in this matter, I say this is the idea!"

"Well, it's alright!" Yang Ming waved his hand with a smile: "You two don't quarrel! Dahou and the leopard, you are standing on your own point of view, there is nothing wrong with it. Dahou is starting from big interests. And the leopard, you are also good for me, I understand these, but, go, it is my decision, you two, who can be the master?"

When Yang Ming’s words came out, both the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu bowed their heads, like two children who did the wrong thing. Yes, both of them are Yang Ming’s men. Where can I interfere with Yang Ming’s decision?

"Yang Ge, we are wrong!" Feng Sanli and Hou Zhenyu said at the same time.

"I said, you two are not wrong," Yang Ming said with a smile: "This time the mission, I have to go, so before I go, I must settle the things in my home!"

"But this stock..." The violent Sanli still can't turn to bend.

"This stock, if I can't come back, what use is it?" Yang Ming said: "If you don't like this, these shares will be deposited with you first. If I come back, you can The shares are returned to me. If I can't come back, this stock can only be given to you."

"Yang Ge, what are you dreaming of? You should leave the shares to them!" It was a little strange that Yang Ming gave his company shares to himself and Dahou and Jing Xiaoyu, but not to others.

"They, I left them with other things, it is enough." Yang Ming said: "This company was created by you and Dahou. As for Xiaoxun... you don't have any idea?"

"Of course not!" Storm San Li quickly waved his hand: "Yang Ge, I just want to say it, or just give me and Dahou's shares to Xiaoyan, we really can't..."

"Do you mean the meaning of Dahou?" Yang Ming looked at the storm and asked, laughing.

"This..." The storm broke out.

"Yang Ge, I mean this too." Hou Zhenyu listened, and said quickly.

"Well, I don't care what both of you mean, but the current shareholding distribution is what I mean!" Yang Ming suddenly smiled and said, "The two of you can understand? This is my decision!" ”

"This... is!" Storm Sanli just wanted to say anything more, but when she saw Yang Ming’s serious expression, she did not dare to say anything more.

And Hou Zhenduo, is more capable, with a little more of the style of the troops, after listening to Yang Ming's words, immediately called it.

"This thing, you two know, you will know, but don't say it." Yang Ming looked at the two of them and shouted.

"Do not worry, Yang Ge, we will not talk nonsense." Storm San Li and Hou Zhenyu quickly agreed.

Yang Ming nodded. For the violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo, he still trusted very much. The two men would not give themselves any trouble.

Hearing that Yang Ming insisted on giving shares to himself, Violent Sanli and Hou Zhenduo no longer insisted. Anyway, Yang Ming also said that if he returns, the shares will be deposited with them, and Yang Ming will be returned. All right.

If... It is said that if Yang Ming really can't come back, then Violent and Hou Zhenyi also decided to leave the shares to Yang Ming's family. The two of them looked at each other and read each other's minds from each other's eyes.

What Yang Ming gave them is enough. Just because they are in Songjiang’s status, even if they are in a poor position, it is not easy to create a career. It is not difficult.

"Yang Ge, can you tell me about the status of the dangerous missions you have performed?" Hou Zhenyu hesitated, but still asked, Yang Ming’s career was his dream, although he could not do it, but listened Listening to Yang Ming’s deeds is also very enjoyable.

Yang Ming stunned, dangerous mission? Speaking of the task, I seem to have really not done anything, except for the right elders...

Seeing that Yang Ming did not speak, Hou Zhenyi thought that Yang Ming wanted to keep it secret. He couldn’t just say it casually. He smiled apologetically: “Yang Ge, I’m sorry, I forgot the secret discipline, I didn’t ask! ”

"There is nothing!" Yang Ming shook his head. "If you want to listen, then I will tell you, you don't go out!"

Yang Ming intends to talk about Chen Afu’s incident with violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu.

"Yang Ge, our two mouths, you still don't know what, we shouldn't say anything that we shouldn't say." Violently patted the chest and promised.

"You don't say anything to Jing Xiaoyu, thank you very much." Yang Ming gave him a sigh of relief.

"That... and Xiaoyan said that it is irrelevant, serious things, I know."

"Just kidding, my brother hasn't gathered for a long time, leopard, you call the kitchen, let them send some wine to the room, let's have a good meal!" Yang Ming said.

"Well!" After the three listened to the phone, he picked up the phone and called it to the kitchen. Several people were in the box of the international hotel, so it was convenient to have something to eat.

The food soon came up, and the violent Sanli personally called, the lobby manager still did not hurry to go to the office? Manager Liu knows that the three giants Yang Ming, Violent Sanli and Hou Zhenyu gathered here at the same time and personally brought the food up.

As I walked to the door, I saw the security captain Xiao Zhang running over and panting.

"Captain Zhang, what are you doing?" Manager Liu is also very polite to Xiao Zhang. Both of them are now middle managers of the hotel. Although there is no direct relationship, Manager Liu is still good at making some However, Manager Liu knew that Xiao Zhang and Yang Ming’s driver Wang Lin had a good relationship before, so he was also polite to him.

"I have something, look for Yang Ge!" Xiao Zhang said: "Liu Zong, Yang Ge is in the room?"

"Yes, but he is talking to the general manager of the storm, you see, your business is not..." Manager Liu said with some embarrassment.

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