So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1651: Laughter is endless

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-one chapters laughter

According to Zhang Kaiyuan’s original calculations, everyone should shout their own name at this time, and then in this cheer, go to the stage and read out the written speeches, how handsome and handsome!

But the world is unpredictable. Jing Xiaoyu apparently replaced himself and became the one who was called by everyone. Zhang Kaiyuan took a deep breath and looked at the classmates present. His heart was very clear. Some of these people were subconsciously shouting out. The name of Jing Xiaoying, but many of those who followed the attachment were deliberate!

Everyone knows that this time the class meeting was arranged by myself, and I didn’t know that Jing Xiaoyu had become the chairman of Mingyang Entertainment beforehand and other students. So before this event, there was no Jingxiao’s business. The person referred to in the ceremonial fish mouth may not be Jing Xiaoying.

But everyone is calling the name of Jing Xiaoyu. Isn’t this embarrassing to yourself? For a time, Zhang Kaiyuan has some difficulties in riding a tiger! Indeed, he did not know what to do at the moment. He stood up and interrupted the master of ceremonies. The content of the speech that ended this stage was not, nor did he stand up, nor could he go to the stage to continue his speech!

In fact, in addition to Zhang Kaiyuan, there is Jing Xiaoyu.

Originally, Jing Xiaoyu didn't care much about what the ceremonial fisherman said. She thought that things like the speeches on the stage were arranged in advance, and it was impossible to have anything of their own. In fact, the truth of the matter is the same, but the students who do not know the truth have first called the name of Jing Xiaoying. What is even more frustrating is that the students who have guessed the truth have also made the bad followers.

However, under Jing Wei's slight glimpse, Jing Xiaoyan also guessed the truth about the matter, and he could not help but be a little funny.

"Hey, everyone told you to come to power!" Yang Ming also guessed the cause of the matter, and some ridicule said to Jing Xiaoyu.

"The arrangement is good, should it be Zhang Kaiyuan?" Jing Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "I am going to go up and say what happened? I will not be prepared yet..."

When all the classmates shouted the name of Jing Xiaoyu, the host fisherman continued to say: "It seems that everyone's voice is quite high! Then, as everyone wishes, let the most successful person in your mind come on stage. Come and say a few words for the opening of our party. I have the class with the highest annual achievement - Zhang Kaiyuan took the stage!"

The host fisherman was completely in accordance with the pre-rehearsed lines, but he had to say that he was a little stupid. He did not hear the classmates calling the name of Zhang Kaiyuan but Jing Xiaoying.

It is said that this fish is originally a network writer, but because the written book is very good, it is a novice, so it is a novice, has not experienced similar situations and did not pay attention, so it will continue to follow the arrangement of lines, called Zhang Kaiyuan came to power.

The fisherman’s words suddenly made the audience into a silence. Everyone looked silly at the host fish. Some people didn’t know what to say... let Zhang Kaiyuan come to power?

Jing Xiaolu didn't feel anything. She didn't think about going to power herself. So the host didn't care who made it to go on stage. She didn't have any other ideas.

However, Zhang Kaiyuan is not the same. Zhang Kaiyuan’s embarrassment at this time can be said to be incomprehensible! Under this circumstance, the host also called his own name. Isn't this a face? It’s just the face of the red fruit!

Zhang Kaiyuan's old face is red, sitting in the seat is like sitting on the stove, only feeling that sitting is not standing or not. If you come to power now, isn’t it just like finding yourself? If you don’t come to power now, what’s the matter?

Looking at the whole scene of silence, the host fisherman did not realize what happened. I saw that Zhang Kaiyuan did not come on stage as scheduled. It was a little anxious. I thought that everyone did not applaud some cold spots, so Zhang Kaiyuan felt that No face, so he said: "Please ask everyone to applaud. This year's 39th Middle School 02, the sixth most successful class - Kaiyuan Trading Company General Manager Zhang Kaiyuan came to power!"

After that, he took the lead and applauded.

"Boom..." I don't know who brought the head. I finally couldn't help but laugh. Then more and more people laughed together, and then someone took the lead and raised their hands. The laughter and applause were heard. If you don't know, I think you are performing a wonderful comic dialogue on the stage!

This sudden and quirky reaction made the host fish a bit incomprehensible, and these people applauded and applauded. What are they laughing at? Is your own host, so funny?

It seems that I have the potential of being a laughing star. In the future, the industry of this master of ceremonies will not be able to mix, and it is also good to be a cross-talker.

Zhang Kaiyuan did not expect this fish to call once, but continued to call the second time, but also applauded! The applause of this "squeaky" is like a slap in the face of Zhang Kaiyuan, so that he is self-confident.

Seeing that Zhang Kaiyuan still didn’t come to power, I still don’t know what happened. The fisherman spoke again. He thought that he had enough humorous cells, which led to the laughter of everyone in the audience, so he still said that he was self-righteous: The ones who have come to our highest achievement are still very tweaked! They are still half-faced, and everyone’s applause is not enough. You can give some strength!"

"Oh..." The voice supporting the mermaid has just fallen, and the applause from the audience has once again warmed up. However, I don’t know which classmates made the bad, and once again shouted the name of Jing Xiaoyu: "Jing Xiaoying! Jing Xiaoyu!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The laughter from the audience came again, and then someone began to reconcile: "Jing Xiaoying! Jing Xiaoyu-"

Zhang Kaiyuan’s face was even worse. He had a hundred times in his heart, but there was no way at all. He decided that he could not give the fish a penny!

This time, the voice of the singer called "Jing Xiaoying" was finally heard clearly. When the people in the audience shouted "Jing Xiaoyu", he didn't even hear it at all, but he didn't care too much. At this time, listen. When someone called the name of "Jing Xiaoying", at this time, some of them came back to God. Is it called the wrong person?

The person who came to power at the moment should be Jing Xiaoyu, not Zhang Kaiyuan?

Thinking of this, the host fisherman suddenly burst into a cold sweat, not too little experience in doing his own master of ceremonies, and giving people a wrong name? Seeing that the people under the stage were so high-spirited, the name of "Jing Xiaoying" was called. The more the host, the more likely he was, the more likely he was to read the lines of the pre-prepared lines from his pocket.

When the host fisher clearly saw the name of the word "Zhang Kaiyuan" written on the record instead of the name of "Jing Xiaoyu", suddenly there was some doubt, and he did not call the wrong name. How many people were there? Calling the name of "Jing Xiaoxiao"?

What the **** is going on here?

After watching these people in the stands, the host fisherman touched his hair and said: "Are you calling the wrong name? I think the person with the highest achievement in the class should be Zhang Kaiyuan?"

"Ha ha ha ha ..." The host's fish voice just fell again and attracted a burst of laughter from the following classmates, and even some people laughed and tears flowed out.

"What do you laugh at?" The host fisherman looked down at some tweaks: "Is it so funny to have a program hosted by others? I am so honored!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The classmates at the stage laughed even more happily.

The host is a fish girl, and he really has a talent for hosting! The atmosphere of this scene has been active, and it has reached a limit. Who else has such a big charm besides himself? It’s just too proud!

"Everyone laughs and laughs. However, is it right now to ask Zhang Kaiyuan to come to the stage to tell us a few words?" The host fisherman said with some narcissism: "Since everyone is so willing to watch my show, then you can come often. Join the game!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The laughter under the stage is still endless.

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