So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1652: Prepared

Prepared for the first thousand six hundred and fifty-two chapters

The host fish waited for a long time, and did not see Zhang Kaiyuan coming to power. The laughter of the audience was still there. The fish was suddenly anxious, so it was not a matter of dragging it down!

"Zhang Zong, do you think you should come up?" The host fisherman couldn't help but call Zhang Kaiyuan: "You don't always come to the stage to calculate what is going on? I will go to host others later." Wedding!"

If Zhang Kaiyuan can kill people with his mind, he has already killed this fish. He said, I don't go up, you will continue to the next content link, what is the endless?

The host fisherman screamed and didn't see Zhang Kaiyuan coming to power. It was a little anxious: "Zhang Zong, what's the matter with you? Isn't it better beforehand? You came to the stage to talk, why don't you come up? Already?"

"Ha ha ha ha..." When the classmates at the audience heard the host's fish, the laughter that had already subsided a little bit broke out again.

"What the **** is this!" The host, Yu Zi, was a little unhappy: "Is this a temporary substitution or a slap? Isn't it a change to Jing Xiaoyu? I thought it was Zhang Kaiyuan? Not authentic. !"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The laughter under the stage is still very warm.

"Enough!" Zhang Kaiyuan finally couldn't help it. He took a table and stood up. He shouted at the fish with his fingers. "What happened to you? Have you presided over it? Do you want to take money?" ”

"What happened to me?" The host fisherman did not want to show off Zhang Kaiyuan: "You set the process, I operate exactly according to what you mean, you don't want to give money?"

"What do I mean, don't talk there, hurry up, there is nothing wrong with you here!" Zhang Kaiyuan heard the host fisherman said that the more unreliable, the more he said his previous arrangements. Suddenly anxious.

"What do you say in a mess?" The host fisher said: "Isn't that what you said before, let me play an interactive game with your classmates before you go on stage, let me let them guess, who? It is the most successful person in the class. If you come on stage again, why, you still don't want to admit it?"

"What the **** are you talking about? I am looking for your boss to complain! You are nonsense!" Zhang Kaiyuan was so angry that he was snarling.

"Complaint? Well? How do you know that my boss is talking nonsense? My boss is surnamed Hu, and he is called nonsense," said the host fisherman.

"You..." Zhang Kaiyuan was too angry to say anything. He didn't expect the fish to be so fangs, but he forgot one thing, that is, the host is not arrogant, can he be a moderator?

"I? I am what I am? I see you want to rely on the account and don't want to give money? But it doesn't matter, I don't want the old fish, look at you with a big face, still Zhang, it's a fart, let me Say you are the most accomplished person in the class, have a fart achievement, and you have achievements like this? Are you too narcissistic?" The host fisherman also went out, it seems that he can not get the money. That doesn't have to give Zhang Kaiyuan any face: "I think the classmates in the audience are so bright, they all say that Jing Xiaoying is the highest achievement! I think this is the case!"

"" Zhang Kaiyuan was said to have suffered from the pain in his heart. He caught his heart and almost fainted: "You... you give me a roll..."

"You let me be here, I am too lazy to be there!" The fisherman snorted: "You narcissism yourself, I will not accompany you, you will complain if you love the complaint, in vain, scatter by Nala, ciao!"

After that, the host fisherman turned around and left, and dropped a face of indignation.

The host fisherman left, the atmosphere of the banquet hall suddenly fell cold, only Zhang Kaiyuan stupidly stood on the spot, and the following classmates, before the unintentional move, and later also thought about making a joke, but did not expect Things will be so stiff, and Zhang Kaiyuan is so unbearable to joke.

Can't be so deadlocked, Zhang Kaiyuan doesn't finish talking, this hotel doesn't look like it will be served, no way, the following students don't know who first shouted: "Let Zhang Kaiyuan tell us a few words, everyone said how is it?"

"Well, let Zhang Kaiyuan tell us a few words!" The following people have echoed.

However, this sentence was heard in Zhang Kaiyuan’s ear, but it looked extremely ironic? He felt as if he was a kind of charity. It seems that all the people are giving him alms. He shouldn’t have spoken to him. He should have Jing Xiao’s speech, but now he is allowed to speak. What makes Zhang Kaiyuan feel?

"Or please Jing Xiaoyu to say a few words for us!" Zhang Kaiyuan took a deep breath and said: "Before the fish is sick, everyone ignores him, it is like watching a farce! Originally, I just wanted to ask for class. The most successful person in the story said a few words, but the fisher wants to please me and get some more rewards, so I changed the process without authorization. I didn’t expect him to be angry and bite after I poke him..."

"Oh, we know..." Although everyone said this, it is not known what the heart thinks. This Kaiyuan explanation is too fake. No one will believe the truth of what he said.

"I won't say it, there is no preparation in advance. Is this opportunity reserved for people who have prepared in advance?" Jing Xiaoqi stood up and said faintly: "Yes, Zhang Da organizes committee members?"

Jing Xiaoyu’s words suddenly made Zhang Kaiyuan full of red, like a monkey ass! Although Jing Xiaolu did not say it clearly, he also secretly pointed out that Zhang Kaiyuan was prepared in advance, but he was not prepared. If you want to say it, Zhang Kaiyuan said it.

Although Jing Xiaoying’s words are more funny, the people present are afraid to make extra-budgets again. They dare not laugh casually, lest they destroy the atmosphere that has just subsided, so they can only smile in the stomach.

"Zhangda organizers say a few words!" Everyone is hungry, they are eager to eat quickly. At this time, they will not care about whether Zhang Kaiyuan is the highest-achieving person. Whoever loves it, Jing Xiaoyu does not care about himself. What do you care about?

As a result, the voice of Jing Xiaoying just fell, and everyone began to suggest it.

"Well, since everyone is so esteemed, then I will say a few words!" Zhang Kaiyuan can only be confused at this time. Sometimes it is too bad to understand. Since others pretend not to know, he is happy. in this way.

Zhang Kaiyuan said, just like walking on the stage, halfway through, but I heard a voice coming from a distance: "Is it forced to go on stage? What the **** is it?"

Zhang Kaiyuan was smothered by the sound. Almost no one fell to the ground with his head. Some angry looked down at the sound. It turned out to be the fish that had gone before. I don’t know when it happened at the door again!

"I let you go to the stage, you don't go up, then you go up, I see, you just don't want to pay me, swearing one." The voice of the fisherman rang again.

"You..." Zhang Kaiyuan just wanted to say something, but he saw that the fish turned and disappeared at the door. Zhang Kaiyuan did not recruit, and he could only go to the stage without seeing it.

The process of just a few steps is like the 20,000-mile long march. Let Zhang Kaiyuan use all his strength and finally stand on the stage. Then he said, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, let me represent the whole class, here. I will say a few words at the classmates..."

When talking about the lines that he had prepared for a few nights, Zhang Kaiyuan was excited again. Zhang Kaiyuan seemed to have forgotten the previous unhappiness and fully invested in this speech.

However, Zhang Kaiyuan invested, the following students are a little impatient! Previously, because the host fisherman and Jing Xiaoyu had delayed a lot of time, now Zhang Kaiyuan has a long story here, so when will it be time to eat?

It really took the sentence of Jing Xiaoyu, Zhang Kaiyuan is prepared, otherwise, how can it be said for so long? Everyone in the heart is very upset, I was asked to go up and say a few words, it is to give you a face, but you can come a few short words on the line? Can't you be so endless?

"It seems that Zhang Kaiyuan is really prepared?"

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