So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1653: Unbearable Zhang Kaiyuan

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-three chapters can not bear to endure Zhang Kaiyuan

This sentence is what everyone wants to say, but there is no such thing as a good word. Before eating, everyone unanimously recommended Zhang Kaiyuan to say a few words, but I did not expect this guy to endlessly say no end, which makes everyone a little annoyed!

However, Zhang Kaiyuan is everyone who is unanimously recognized by everyone. Everyone is embarrassed to say something that is hard to hear. But it does not mean that everyone has no idea.

Others dare not say, but Xiao Wang dare to say that Xiao Wang did not need to give Zhang Kaiyuan any face. Xiao Wang saw Yang Ming’s speech that Zhang Kaiyuan’s endless speech frowned slightly, so he stood up and shouted. One sound.

Zhang Kaiyuan was originally eager to talk about his prepared speech, and he was talking about the exhilaration. It was so cool that he suddenly heard such a sentence and immediately pulled him back from the dream!

Who is so unqualified, actually interrupted himself when he spoke! Zhang Kaiyuan, this hate, although the speech on the mouth did not stop, but was so stunned, some of the impromptu words that were originally played well were all forgotten!

Zhang Kaiyuan hated the opportunity to find the target of speaking, and suddenly saw the ridiculous face of Xiao Wang! Hey next door, it is him! Zhang Kaiyuan felt that he was really **** wrong, and he was played several times in a day by a small security guard!

However, Zhang Kaiyuan did not dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction, because Xiao Wang is not the former ordinary security guard, but the security manager and the deputy manager of the logistics department. This identity is a small trade. The general manager of the company is much stronger.

In particular, I was afraid of Xiao Wang’s security guard. As the saying goes, Xiu Cai’s encounter with the soldiers is unreasonable. For such a barbaric person, Zhang Kaiyuan is not guilty of sin.

However, Zhang Kaiyuan wrote the account to Yang Ming's head. In his view, Yang Ming is a rich second generation who can't resist anything. When he makes some means, he can make his fart flow!

Thinking of this, Zhang Kaiyuan’s heart still feels better. Otherwise, he will be depressed and dead. Now he can only take Yang Ming’s future into obscenity.

Zhang Kaiyuan cleared his throat and continued his speech. He was talking about passion, but he didn't want to stop, so he simply ignored Xiao Wang and pretended not to hear.

In fact, Xiao Wang is still a bit embarrassed about calling out such a voice. He is afraid that Yang Ming feels that he has a lot of things to love publicity, but this is also a kind of gambling on the other hand, and he tries to figure out the boss’s mind. Ming's mind, then Yang Ming will definitely value him more.

However, Yang Ming is indeed a little annoyed. There is no such thing as a slogan on this stage. This makes Yang Ming very uncomfortable. He has to hear his ears, what are the problems? Xiao Wang Just talking, but it saved the trouble of Yang Ming's opening.

Appreciating to look at Xiao Wang, Yang Ming nodded slightly.

Xiao Wang received the eyes of Yang Ming's encouragement. It was like a stimulant. It was in a state of extreme sorrow: "Zhang Kaiyuan, you are so kind, let you go on stage, is to give Your face, look at you as a former organizing committee member, the current classmates' sponsors, but you are a bit unreasonable when you are endless. What do you really think is the most accomplished person? The eyes of the masses are bright, and the most accomplished people are our total, not yours!"

Wang Lin’s unrelenting sorrow suddenly interrupted Zhang Kaiyuan’s speech, and the classmates also fell cold! Although everyone saw the scene outside the resort door, I knew that there was a contradiction between Wang Lin and Zhang Kaiyuan, but I did not expect that the contradiction between the two people has intensified to such a degree. From the current situation, Wang Lin is fundamental. There is no plan to leave any face for Zhang Kaiyuan, and I have already planned to tear my face.

Zhang Kaiyuan did not expect that Wang Lin would be so explicit. In the end, even the words "2b" were used. This made Zhang Kaiyuan's face suddenly unable to fit, standing on the stage, and some did not come to Taiwan.

In fact, Wang Lin’s words have already represented many students’ minds. They came here to come to the party to be lively, instead of listening to Zhang Kaiyuan’s ink. Their work and Zhang Kaiyuan’s gossip are not enough, nor do they expect to do well with Zhang Kaiyuan. What are the advantages of the relationship? Only a small number of people can have an intersection with Zhang Kaiyuan in terms of interests. Only this group of people is the one who really wants to be close to Zhang Kaiyuan.

So, after Wang Lin’s words, it caused the atmosphere of the current cold spot. Finally, one of those who sat at the first table and had a good relationship with Zhang Kaiyuan stood up: “Chang Yuan, I See everyone is hungry, or else, let's have a meal? The Wang Lin brothers speak a little radically, and you don't mind."

Zhang Kaiyuan nodded, and some grateful glanced at this person, then went down the bench and did not speak. At this time, he couldn't say anything more. He said more, and he was also a prostitute.

Originally, Zhang Kaiyuan’s classmates who had planned and smashed for a long time at home were smashed by Wang Lin, which was far below his expected effect and even played a big negative role.

I knew that I would have a few people who had a good relationship with me to have a meal together. Why do I have a classmate? However, why did you know why? Zhang Kaiyuan has forgotten his original purpose. He runs a class meeting to show his achievements in front of his former classmates!

What Wang Lin wanted to say, but was stopped by Yang Ming, Yang Ming made a pause gesture, and then to Wang Lin said: "Yes, no longer have to chase after it."

"Yes, Yang Ge." After listening to Wang Lin, he said quickly and respectfully.

"I don't think this is a big man. I am a little careful. I am afraid that he will take revenge. You should be careful." Yang Ming reminded.

"He?" Wang Lin shook his head with some disdain: "I am really not afraid of him, he is a small one, I can get him three!"

"In short, you should be careful." Yang Ming faintly reminded.

"I know." Wang Lin nodded.

A meal, eaten in a very depressed atmosphere, many Zhang Kaiyuan pre-prepared entertainment programs have to be forced to cancel, but nothing, anyway, the host fisherman has gone, Zhang Kaiyuan can not find a temporary The host came over, but some programs such as his toasting at each table were also cancelled. Now Zhang Kaiyuan, what face is there to go to each table toast?

Although the person at the table next to him is constantly comforting himself, don't care about the security of Xiao Wang, who is a rough man, and ignore him, but Zhang Kaiyuan still sighs.

And those who have nothing to do with Zhang Kaiyuan are more comfortable. Many people have their own small circles. It’s a pleasure to eat and drink together. So, those who have good relations with Zhang Kaiyuan in front, eat It is somewhat depressed and depressed, but the people behind are very happy, just the opposite of the annual situation.

Every year, the tables around Zhang Kaiyuan are full of voices. Other people are envious and embarrassed, but they also know their own identity. They dare not come together and dare to take the lead. But this year, there is a big contrast. .

The more you go back, the more confused the classmates are, the more they feel deflated! In the past years, these tables belonged to no one to take care of, let them eat and drink, but this year, with the words of Xiao Wang, these people are very happy and very happy to eat, shouting, but it is the most in the field. A few lively tables.

What Zhang Kaiyuan is getting more and more is not a taste. In the end, he couldn’t bear it. He used an excuse to go to the bathroom and came to the door of the resort.

Zhang Kaiyuan hesitated for a while, and finally decisively pulled out the phone and dialed a number.

"Dergo? I am Zhang Kaiyuan." Zhang Kaiyuan said nervously.

"Zhang Kaiyuan? Who? I don't know you." After listening to Zhang Kaiyuan's name over the phone, some impatient people have to hang up.

"Wait a minute, De Ge, it is me, Zhang Laofu's son!" Zhang Kaiyuan quickly reported his nickname.

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