So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1663: Is an old acquaintance

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-three chapters are an old acquaintance

Before, Zhang Kaiyuan had never said Yang Ming’s name, because he felt that he did not know who he was, and he replaced it with a pronoun like that kid, but he did not expect that De Ge actually Accurately called out the name of Yang Ming!

Do you know Yang Ming before the difficult morals, or what is the relationship with Yang Ming? Thinking of this, Zhang Kaiyuan was a little nervous, and he went to find Dege, but to repair Yang Ming, but De Ge actually knows Yang Ming, can you repair Yang Ming? Don't fix it yourself, it's a bit ugly.

So, Zhang Kaiyuan asked if De Ge had known Yang Ming, and he was a little embarrassed waiting for Yang Ming’s answer.

"Know, natural understanding!" De Ge said with a grin and hate: "I will never forget him in my life!"

"Ah? De Ge, what do you mean by this?" Hearing that De Ge seems to have a bad relationship with Yang Ming, it seems that it is still very bad. De Ge seems to hate Yang Ming very much. Zhang Kaiyuan is only a loose one. Asked tentatively.

"Well, when I was at the detention center, this kid helped me to fight with an enemy, gave me a foot, and collapsed my nose and bones. This is the enemy of the foot, hey, I remember it." "Deco hated and said.

This German brother, naturally, was rushed out of the boundary of Songjiang City with the help of Hou Sanzhao. Of course, Yu Xiangde did not know that Yang Ming was actually the boss of the violent Sanli. He did not know the original. Being driven out of Songjiang City was also done under the instigation of Yang Ming. He had not returned to Songjiang City for a long time, and naturally did not know some inside information of Songjiang City.

His hatred of Yang Ming was only a foot of Yang Mingxi when he stayed at the detention center! Yu Xiangde and even Yang Ming’s family background are not well understood, and Yang Ming has never been seen before, so naturally he will not think that Yang Ming has anything to do with the current violent Sanli.

When he saw Yang Ming's moment, all the new hatreds and old hatreds poured into my heart! The humiliating foot at that time was unforgettable for Yu De! I am also a boss-level figure. I was actually collapsed by a small scorpion's nose, which made his face go where? What makes him feel good?

"Ah? No? Is this kid fighting really good?" Zhang Kaiyuan listened to De Ge's words, and some unbelievably looked at Dege: "Derg, don't you laugh?"

"Of course I won't laugh, this kind of humiliating shame, can I just laugh and laugh?" De Ge looked at Yang Ming and saw the fierce light.

"But this kid is a rich second generation. I used to run against him when I was in the parking lot. He didn't dare to say anything, and he didn't dare to do it. But his subordinate was a temper and almost put me on my neck. The bones are broken!" Zhang Kaiyuan is still very confused, because Yang Ming gave him the impression that he did not know what a powerful person, but it was like a timid child.

"Did this kid turn away after going out from the detention center? Don't dare to do whatever he wants?" De Ge frowned after listening to Zhang Kaiyuan's words. "No, no, no!"

Dege looked at Yang Ming carefully and determined that he did not admit the wrong person, and Zhang Kaiyuan also confirmed that this person is Yang Ming undoubtedly, and De Ge has no reason to suspect that he has admitted the wrong person.

"How, these two roads, which one do you choose?" Hadron found that Yang Ming was not too slow, and seemed to be not nervous at all, and finally could not help but ask himself.

"Oh," Yang Ming glanced at the hadron, a faint saying: "The car is not mine, it is her, I have no right to give the owner to your boss." Yang Ming said, pointing to Jing Xiaoyu.

Then he said: "As for interrupting my hands and feet, I don't think you have this ability."

"You..." The Hadron did not do this kind of scare thing twice, and the party was scared not to be flustered. If they gave such two scary choices, the parties were crying and shouting. Mother's request for himself to give him a way to live, how can it be calm like Yang Ming?

Yang Ming’s reaction was beyond the expectations of the hadron. The hadron was somewhat embarrassed to look at Ma Lao’s four eyes: “Marco, what should I do? This kid is quite arrogant?”

"Kid, look... look at your fine skin ***... It should be pampered and used to it... used to it!" Ma Laosi looked at Yang Ming and opened his eyes: "If you don't... don't want to be broken. I am giving you another choice..."

"What choice?" Yang Ming continued to smile and smiled.

"The girl around you is good, just the type that our boss likes, so let's make us a meal, then let your girl take us away, this is the case!" Hadron saw Ma Lao The four words were really exhausted, so I quickly said first.

"This way..." Yang Ming finally figured out what this group of people was doing, and it was originally directed at Jing Xiaoyu! Before Yang Ming wondered, isn't it just stopping a car? As for the madness of the three-in-one come in a mess?

My car was parked there first, and it didn't stop him from anything. The so-called car that blocked his car was simply nonsense, and there was no basis at all.

To say that they saw the BMW car outside is relatively high-end, and the temporary intention to fight the autumn wind, Yang Ming does not believe. After all, there are a lot of people in this store who are eating. Why do these guys determine that the BMW is their own and Jing Xiaoyu? Are they all living gods?

Therefore, Yang Ming directly found Jing Xiaoyu and himself to these people. With some doubts, they heard what they called the car and then interrupted their legs and hands. They felt that these people had ulterior motives!

If you want to fight yourself, you can do it directly and say so much nonsense?

In the end, this hadron finally said the purpose of this group of people, that is, Jing Xiaoyu! Yang Ming did not think that this matter was directed at Jing Xiaoyu, but felt that this matter was directed at himself, but at the moment he understood that he seemed to be wrong.

Yang Ming looked up and glanced at the Nissan van outside the shop. Before Yang Ming didn't think so much, naturally he didn't use the power to see the inside of the car. Now things have become a bit weird, Yang Ming naturally wants Explore what is going on.

When Yang Ming’s line of sight penetrated the steel plate of the Nissan van and landed on the face of the person inside the car, Yang Ming’s expression suddenly became strange!

When seeing one of the people in the car is Zhang Kaiyuan, Yang Ming has a feeling of sudden realization and expectation! This guy has been coveting Jing Xiaoyu, and he has enemies with himself. It is not a rare thing to find a few people to repair himself and take away Jing Xiaoyu.

But when Yang Ming saw another person in the car, he stopped! This person is actually an acquaintance of Yang Ming! To be precise, it is still an old acquaintance, because Yang Ming has known him for a long time, although he has never seen it before, but he is very impressed!

However, when the first violent Sanli seems to have said to himself, this Yu Xiangde has already hanged up? How come here? Is he the person Zhang Kaiyuan found?

Just thinking about it, the hadron spoke again: "Kid, go out with us!"

Said, Hadron and another Ma Laosi’s men pushed Yang Ming to the door of the bubble shop. There are more people in the bubble shop, it’s inconvenient to move, and the Hadron will not be in the crowd. The place is hands-on, lest some people go to the police.

Yang Ming saw Yu Xiangde, who was in doubt, so the hadron pushed him, and he didn't mind. He just wanted to go out and meet in Germany to see what this kid is and Zhang Kaiyuan.

Jing Xiaoyu saw that Yang Ming did not resist and followed Hadron and others. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he also knew that Yang Ming had never done anything unsure, so he also followed Yang Ming’s body with peace of mind. Ma Laosi thought Pushing her away, Jing Xiaoyu said: "I will go by myself!"

Ma Laosi’s four minds, this is the woman that Zhang Xiaoying’s kid is watching. He can’t move to the rough, so he didn’t go to Jing Xiaoyu. He went out with Jing Xiaoyu’s behind the bubble shop.

The customers and shop owners of the bubble shop have sighed. It seems that this kid is inevitable, but his beautiful girlfriend, I don’t know what kind of insults will be suffered!

What a pity! However, for the big hooligans of Ma Laosi, no one dares to speak up, they are afraid that they will lead the fire. After all, these people are ordinary people, where are those confusing opponents?

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