So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1664: go to hell

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-four chapters, go to hell.

Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu followed Ma Laosi out. Yang Ming was preparing to knock on the window of the Nissan van, letting the two acquaintances come out to see him, but he did not wait for Yang Ming to knock on the window, Nissan van. The door will open and jump from the top!

Yu Xiangde saw Yang Ming coming out of the bubble shop, and couldn't help it anymore. He wanted Yang Ming to look good and let Yang Ming pay the price! I gave myself the cost of a foot!

Yu Xiangde can bear the hatred of the violent San Li, but for Yang Ming, the hatred of the little rabbit, Yu Xiangde feels that he does not have to endure any more, otherwise, he is simply a coward!

His current strength, fear of fighting but not violent, but for Yang Ming such a single individual, what reason is he afraid? It should be that he is afraid of himself!

Therefore, the violent San Li can no longer control his emotions, and directly went to the car door and jumped out of the car.

"De Ge, what are you doing?" Zhang Kaiyuan was shocked by the actions of De Ge, and he subconsciously bowed his head, afraid to be seen by Yang Ming outside!

However, after Dege got off the bus, he quickly re-closed the door. This made Zhang Kaiyuan breathe a sigh of relief. As long as he did not expose himself, it would not matter if Dege went down. Since Yang Ming and De Ge had had grudges before. Then, this time, Yang Ming would not even doubt his own head. When he pushed Jing Xiaoyu to forcibly, Yang Ming would only count the account on the head of the violent San Li.

Zhang Kaiyuan was a good-looking abacus, but he did not expect that Yang Ming had the ability to be there. He already knew that he was in the car. He was hiding in hiding.

"Yang Ming, we haven't seen you for a long time!" Yu Xiangde stunned his face and got out of the car. He sneered at Yang Ming: "At the beginning, it was a fierce sigh!"

Saying, Yu Xiangde also subconsciously touched his nose, as if the pain and humiliation of the original came to the forefront, and the hatred of Yang Ming was deeper.

"Oh, who am I, isn't this to Yude?" Since Yu Xiangde got off the bus himself, Yang Ming did not intend to reveal the fact that he already knew that he was in the car before, pretending Very surprised look at Yu Xiangde. After all, if you suspected in Germany, it is also a problem, although Yang Ming is the most afraid of trouble.

"Hey, Bunny, you know you, Grandpa?" Yu Xiangde saw Yang Ming recognize himself, but he was a little surprised. Yang Ming and Yang Ming are just one side in the detention center. They can remember Yang Ming because Yang Ming brought his own pain and insult to make himself unforgettable, but Yang Ming can remember that he was kicked by him. People, it is not easy.

However, Yu Xiangde did not think much, he just thought that Yang Ming had a good memory. This has saved the trouble explained to Xiangde. Before Xiangde specifically emphasized the foot, he also wanted to remind Yang Ming of his identity. I am afraid that Yang Ming does not know who he is.

"For those who have forgotten the pain, I always remember very clearly, I am going to give him a more profound lesson next time." Yang Ming looked at Yu De some contemptuously and said.

"My grass." Yu Xiangde spit on the ground: "Little sister, you are very arrogant? Today, your uncle is with you to calculate the general ledger! I let you know, when you were that foot, What a mistake!"

"Yes..." Yang Ming smiled faintly: "It seems that you haven't learned any lesson. You have driven you out of Songjiang City. You don't have to be honest, but it seems to start shaking again?"

"Less **** nonsense!" For Yang Ming, he knew that he had been riddled by the riots. Although Yu Xiangde felt that he was somewhat surprised, he did not feel anything particularly weird. This is not too secret. Things, as long as you know someone in the community, you can understand the details: "Ma Laosi, a few of you give me, interrupt the hands and legs of this kid!"

"Ah? Good!" Ma Laosiyiyi, what he said before was just a slap in the face of Yang Ming. The words that interrupted his legs were just scaring and scaring Yang Ming. I didn't expect De Ge to order them to do this! However, after hearing the dialogue between De Ge and Yang Ming, they should have a lot of hatred before the two, so Ma Laosi quickly rushed down and waved to the hadron and said: "Do it!"

Ma Laosi raised his fist like Yang Ming smashed the past, and the hadron violently lifted his leg and slammed into Yang Ming.


The four sounds, in the case that Germany did not see what happened, Ma Laosi and his three men all lay on the ground, and they did not move, life and death are unknown.

Four little punks, Yang Ming dealt with them, it is a breeze, if Yang Ming wants, you can kill them in seconds. They and Yang Ming are not a heavyweight opponent at all.

Yu Xiangde is stupid, completely stupid! With a blink of an eye, all four of his men lay on the ground like a dead body? I haven’t seen it yet, what is going on? Is this over? Yang Ming’s skill is too horrible, right?

This kind of skill, I have to teach others, isn’t it a dead end? Yu Xiangde finally felt that something was wrong. It’s no wonder that Yang Ming has always been a lazy person who doesn’t care about anything. It’s like there is no fear, he’s not afraid of how he is!

"Yu Xiangde, I found that you have no special memory." Yang Ming looked at Yu Xiangde with some regrets: "Looking out, you are reluctant to recruit, and recruited a group of men to try to make a comeback. But I have to say, You are not self-aware.

There is a saying that it is not too late to avenge a gentleman, but if you can’t report it in 10 years? If it is impossible for revenge in twenty or thirty years or even one hundred years, will he still take revenge?

When you see me, the first thing to do is to rush to scatter the scorpion, instead of pretending to be with me, I am already very bullish, and I can find revenge. That will only make you die faster. ”

Yu Xiangde was told by Yang Ming that his face was red and white, and he was not willing! Yes, he is not reconciled! Obviously, I brought people to look for Yang Ming’s troubles, and I was able to see it before the snow. How did the whole situation suddenly reverse?

Yang Ming became so powerful, and instantly fell over his four men, became Yang Ming threatening himself?

Is it really so hard to take revenge?

Yu Xiangde’s red eyes looked at Yang Ming. He now does not believe that he has failed. It’s so difficult to find Yang Ming’s revenge. Is there any hope for finding a violent triad?

Yu Xiangde’s breathing became more and more nervous and he was not satisfied. He wanted Yang Ming to die. Finally, the anger and hatred in Yu’s heart defeated reason. Yu Xiangde took out a pistol from his pocket. Come, pointing to Yang Ming: "Yang Ming, you are going to die!"

This pistol is a card for Yude! Under normal circumstances, he will not come out, only to take out this pistol in the most critical moment!

After all, the gun is a contraband, although Yu Xiang is a black-skinned person, but this obviously gives people a handle, and he does not want to go out and publicize.

This is what he bought from a Vietnamese shackle. He spent a lot of money. He has been lying on his body in addition to his brothers. Fortunately, the conflict with others has been a one-sided situation. They are not used to move to Germany. Under the few hands of Xiang De, the other side’s fart is rushing, and there is no chance of using a gun.

"Yang Ming, didn't you think about it? Haha, didn't you think I had a gun?" Yu Xiangde looked at Yang Ming, who was a bit stunned. He immediately became proud of what he wanted. He felt that Yang Ming was not that. Everything that is calm and calm is in the grasp of the expression, Yu Xiangde is very enjoyable!

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