So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1666:

Chapter 1666

"You open! You are shooting now!" Yu Xiangde naturally does not believe Yang Ming's words, seeing that Yang Ming is calm, the more he thinks he is very sane and does not dare to shoot himself! So he wants to anger Yang Ming!

Either Yang Ming put himself in this way, or he fired himself. Anyway, he had no hope of revenge. It didn’t mean to live. It was better to be killed by Yang Ming. Then Yang Ming was sentenced to an indefinite period. He also earned himself. .

"Yang Ming, don't be impulsive!" Jing Xiaoyu was a little scared this time! She was afraid that Yang Ming would be impulsive and really shot! Although this kind of **** feeling makes Jing Xiao boil, but Jing Xiaoying also knows that the movie is a movie, the reality is reality. Once Yang Ming shoots, waiting for Yang Ming will be a prison sentence: "Don’t listen to him nonsense, you thousand Don't shoot!"

"Oh, Xiao Yan, you don't feel it, this person is very damn?" Yang Ming looked at Yu Xiang, asked Jing Xiaoyu.

"He is **** damn, naturally someone will pack him, but if you kill him, but you have to break the law!" Jing Xiaoyu did not want Yang Ming to do anything.

"Oh, since damn, then he can go to death." Yang Ming talked, naturally pulled the trigger, Yu Xiangde had no warning, Zhang opened his mouth, a blood hole appeared above his forehead, slowly falling On the ground.

Yang Ming’s angle of shooting was very artistic, so that Yu’s forehead did not spill blood, nor did he spill his brain, and there was no feeling of disgust at all. Yang Ming deliberately chose such an angle in order to be afraid that Jing Xiaoying would be nausea after reading it.

This is a very easy thing for Yang Ming, who is a killer.

Shooting! He really shot! Jing Xiaoyan’s eyes widened in horror: “Yang Ming, why did you shoot it! Are you really shooting?”

"Well, I didn't expect you to be quite strong. When you watched this person die in front of you, there was not much fear." Yang Ming had some surprises about Jing Xiaoyu's reaction. She thought she would scream.

"How can I be scared when this scum is dead! I am too happy to come!" Jing Xiaoyan frowned. "But what can you do? You shot and killed people. The police will come to arrest you soon? You said you What happened? How is it so impulsive, oh, mad at me!"

Jing Xiaoyu was really anxious. He grabbed Yang Ming’s clothes and kept shaking: "How do you worry about it, you are caught, what can I do? What do you do with your dream sister? You talk. Yeah?"

"He first prepared to shoot me, I naturally killed him." Yang Ming shrugged, no matter what.

"Oh, you are not a policeman. He shot you and you can't kill him!" Jing Xiaoyan said: "If you don't, you give me the gun, I will erase the fingerprint for you, and then I will say it to me." Shooting and killing him!"

After Jing Xiaoyu finished speaking, he was going to grab the gun in Yang Ming’s hand.

"What are you doing! Xiaoyan!" Yang Ming was shocked. He did not expect that Jing Xiaoyu was so fierce. There was actually the idea of ​​going to jail for himself. This made Yang Ming’s heart tremble and touched his heart.

"What do I do, you will give it to me! It will be too late to be late. You still have so many things to do. I am a lonely man. Nothing. Take care of my grandmother for me. If I am not sentenced to death, you will I often come to see me..." Jing Xiaoyu said that the more emotional, even left tears.

In fact, her heart is not willing to be separated from Yang Ming, but a belief that does not want Yang Ming to have something to support her.

"Well, Xiao Yan, I know your mind, thank you." Yang Ming took a deep breath: "This is not a white death in Xiangde, at least let me understand your thoughts on me."

Yang Ming originally thought that Jing Xiaoyu was not very practical about his love. After he went to Yunnan, Jing Xiaoyu gradually forgot himself, but did not expect that Jing Xiaoyu would be like this!

Today’s events can also be seen in Jing Xiao’s firm mind.

"Yang Ming, what are you kidding!" Jing Xiao sighed and laughed: "This time, are you kidding?"

"Small, don't be afraid, nothing." Yang Ming pinched the small hand of Jing Xiaoyu and comforted.

"How can it be okay?" Jing Xiaoyu wondered. "So many people have seen it! Although the place where you kill is more back, but before you come out from the bubble shop, you and the guy’s men are being Many people have seen it, and when it comes to investigation, it will definitely doubt you!"

"That is, they all saw the trouble of looking for me to come to Germany. It would be better." Yang Ming smiled. Speaking of this, Yang Ming suddenly thought of Zhang Kaiyuan in the Nissan van.

The heart naturally understands that this is about 10 to 10 and Zhang Kaiyuan. This kid is quite sinister. If he doesn't work hard, isn't he here today? Jing Xiaoyu was also taken away by him? What will happen at that time, Yang Ming is imaginable!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming angered into the heart and looked into the Nissan van, but saw Zhang Kaiyuan excitedly holding a mobile phone and calling: "Hey, is the Keaton City Police Department? I want to report the case, in the immortal In the alley next to the Xi’an-style mutton-bubble shop near the resort, there was a murder case. Come on!”

This kid actually still alarms? Yang Ming is a bit strange, is this not what he found in Xiangde? I was thinking about it, I saw Zhang Kaiyuan’s self-talking words: “De Ge, I’m sorry, I didn’t expect to come to you for help, but I took you in, but nothing, you’re dead, just the police will Yang. Ming arrested, Jing Xiaoyu is mine! Haha, De Ge, I will give you more paper, you don't blame me!"

Yang Ming saw Zhang Kaiyuan’s words, and his heart was good and funny, and even more worthy of morality. This is a bit too bad to die in Germany. It’s so ruined for no reason, it seems to be Planted in his own hands, in fact, Zhang Kaiyuan had his life.

However, Yang Ming was very annoyed at Zhang Kaiyuan's sinister behavior. This kid actually thought about framing himself at this time and then occupying Jing Xiaoyu. Can Yang Mingxi still keep him?

Feel free to raise his hand and fire a shot. Where can the thin door panels of the broken vans that have been scrapped can block the bullets? Yang Ming shot a shot on Zhang Kaiyuan's crotch, and Zhang Kaiyuan immediately screamed and fainted.

Yang Ming’s gun is very accurate. He directly revoked the life of Zhang Kaiyuan. This kind of person, Yang Ming is absolutely unrelenting.

"Ah? Yang Ming, how did you shoot again? There are people in this car?" Jing Xiaoyu also heard the screams of gunshots and Zhang Kaiyuan, and looked at the van with some horror.

"Zhang Kaiyuan is inside, this is what he is looking for in Xiangde," Yang Ming said faintly. "This kid is not a thing. Seeing that I was killed in Yude, I want to call me and take over and take over." So I killed him directly."

"Ah!" Jing Xiaoyu didn't have time to think about how Yang Ming knew this thing. At this time, she had subconsciously believed Yang Ming's words. What she was most worried about at the moment was how Yang Ming was rehabilitated.

However, when Jing Xiaoyu was worried, Yang Ming took the phone and dialed the phone of Xia Bingyan.

"Xia Ge, I am Yang Ming." Yang Ming said.

"Yang Ming, what's the matter?" Xia Bingyan knew that Yang Ming would never call him when he was fine, so he had become accustomed to Yang Ming's phone call, knowing that Yang Ming had nothing to do with the Three Treasure Hall. .

"I am at the Xianren Resort. A former enemy shot me..." Yang Ming said.

"What! Then you are fine now?" Yang Ming did not finish, Xia Bingyan quickly asked. Now Yang Ming is a national treasure, and can't make any mistakes. The trip to Yunnan is just around the corner. Actually, something happened: "Is there a wound?"

"No, I was killed, one of his accomplices ventilated and was injured by me." Yang Ming said: "I guess I was a little scared, the task thing..."

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