So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1667: What do you do if you die?

The first thousand six hundred and sixty-seven chapters, what are you doing?

"Yes, stop! I think you are very good now!" Xia Bingyi listened to Yang Ming's task, suddenly shocked a big jump, but he was afraid that Yang Ming would not go!

In fact, Xia Bingyan also knows that this mission has been a life of nine deaths, Xia Xue went, the family father decided, there is no way to change, the father's thoughts are different from their own, that Xia Xue should go to experience, otherwise he did it at a young age. The captain of the Interpol is a bit too senior.

But Xia Xue said that it is a person in the system. It is also a good thing to go, but for Yang Ming, it is not very fair. Yang Ming is not a full-time person. He is a college student, has a good life, and let him Is it a bit cruel to perform such a task?

However, there is no way for Xia Bingzhen. After all, this is a major event for the people to get rid of the evil. Once the indulgence of the right long practice has become a sinister act, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Although this is a bit of a biochemical crisis, the sci-fi feeling of human variation, but it really happened in front of us! The right elders used the blood to practice the exercises. Xia Bingzhen also experienced personally.

"Just kidding." Yang Ming said faintly: "I promise you, I will naturally go."

"Hey..." Yang Ming's calm tone, but it made Xia Bingyan's eyes blink a little moist. However, Xia Bingyan still resisted his own emotional changes and said: "Your boy is in trouble, let me wipe you ass, say Well, your specific location, I let people deal with it!"

“Hey,” Yang Ming naturally noticed the emotional changes of Xia Bingyu, and did not say anything more: “Jidun City, a small alley next to the Xi’an-style mutton bubble shop near the Xianren Resort.”

"I let the people in the city of Gidon go over." Xia Bingyan sighed and hanged up.

"Yang Ming, who are you calling? What tasks are not missions? What are you talking about?" Jing Xiao and other Yang Ming hung up the phone and asked some questions: "Can this person help you?" ”

"Look, you know." Yang Ming smiled.

"Then we will wait here? Waiting for the police people to come and catch us?" Jing Xiaoyu felt that she and Yang Ming's behavior was a little stupid, and the killing was waiting here to be arrested? Don't run away?

"It’s not necessarily who you are catching." Yang Ming glanced at the Nissan van and said nothing. This Kaiyuan teamed up with Xiangde to attack himself. Can Xia Bingyi let go of these two guys? Now that he has an important mission, the two men still want to put themselves to death. It is estimated that Zhang Kaiyuan will not be better after he gets rid of Xia Bingyan.

"Ah?" Jing Xiaoyu looked at Yang Ming with some mistakes: "Is the police coming, not catching you, but also catching them? They are victims too!"

"You are wrong, I am the victim." Yang Ming shrugged and said: "He wants to kill me."

"This..." Jing Xiaoying said, they really want to kill you, but you can't kill them in turn!

When the two talked, there was a shrill siren in the distance. A standard police car and a black Audi a6 with a civilian card stopped in front of Yang Ming.

Yang Ming glanced at a row of passes under the a6 car windshield, and knew that the car was his own. It seems that Xia Bingyu’s reaction speed is really fast enough. He actually arrived at the same time as the police, knowing that Zhang Kaiyuan was the first police officer.

However, Yang Ming also knows what kind of institution he is in, and there is nothing strange about the speed of response.

A man in a black suit and sunglasses jumped quickly from the Audi car and walked quickly to Yang Ming. While walking, he looked at Yang Ming against the screen of the mobile phone. Yang Ming can see with his power. On the screen of the mobile phone in the hands of the man in the black suit, it is the photo of himself. It seems that Xia Bingyan sent it to him.

After the comparison, the man in the black suit confirmed that he was convinced: "Mr. Yang? I was sent by the summer team. My name is Li Zhi. Can you look at your documents?"

Yang Ming sighed Li Zhi's caution. After comparing the photos, he still had to check his own documents, but he was careful not to make a big mistake. Yang Ming also understood that he was very happy to hand over his special certificate to Li Zhi.

Li Zhi quickly flipped through it and returned it to Yang Ming. The authenticity of the document can be found by one hand: "Thank you, Mr. Yang, I am sorry, I am also doing things according to the rules."

"Nothing." Yang Ming waved his hand: "Trouble you, come back so late."

"Should, the summer team said to me, Mr. Yang, you are the key protection object, can not be a little lost! These little punks do not have long eyes, actually want to shoot, I really do not want to live." Li Zhi Said.

"Li Ge, the five men lying on the ground have been shot dead in the head, and four are just comatose. The people in the car have been seriously injured and comatose. What should you do now?" The person received a phone call from Xia Bingyan. This case was taken over by his people. He only came to assist Li Zhi in handling the case.

"The injured first sent to the hospital, the death to check the identity." Li Zhi said: "The first to close the faint, wait for me to go to trial with Mr. Yang."

"Yes, Li Ge." Several police officers began to handle the scene in accordance with Li Zhi’s instructions.

Jing Xiaoyu is looking at the fools on the side! Where is Li Zhi sacred? After a few words, the case was fixed, and the policeman seemed to be assisting him!

The strangest thing is that he actually wants Yang Ming to show any documents. After Yang Ming showed the documents, the two people seemed to be intimate with the comrades on the front line! Moreover, Li Zhi actually said that he would go to Yang Ming to interrogate the few fainted people!

Does Yang Ming have this power?

"Mr. Yang, where are you going now? Do you think we are going to review these people now, or will I send you back to rest?" Li Zhi asked.

"I will not go to the trial. You can just ask, the reason is actually very simple. I accompanied my girlfriend to attend the class meeting. The former man who secretly loved my girlfriend was the one who was shot by me. The guy who hit the lower body, found a few people in the community to prepare me for a meal, and then grabbed my girlfriend to the man. As a result, the man who got the gang and I had a little hatred before. I was at the beginning. There was a kick in the detention center, so he wanted to kill me with a gun. As a result, the gun was robbed by me and killed him." Yang Ming said briefly about the matter.

"It turned out to be the case!" Although Li Zhi was somewhat curious about what Yang Ming had gone to the detention center, but did not ask much, what can be done in this trip, maybe Yang Ming is going to do undercover. maybe.

"The follow-up things will help you deal with me, I will not go, I am now ready to return to the immortal resort." Yang Ming said.

"Then I will send you!" Li Zhi said quickly.

"You don't have to send me!" Yang Ming waved his hand: "I can go back by myself. I also have a car here."

"Mr. Yang, the summer team gave me a death order to protect my safety. I must send your safe **** to the hotel!" Li Zhi said firmly.

" don't have to?" Yang Ming said with a smile: "So close, I can go by myself!"

"This is a mission!" Li Zhi said very resolutely: "The Xia team ordered me like this!"

"Oh..." Yang Ming was a little helpless. He only said: "Let's do it, or I will call Xia Ge!"

"This is also OK." Li Zhi nodded. "Mr. Yang, I received an order to protect your safety. The summer team is not loose, I really can't go, please forgive me."

"It's okay, I understand!" Yang Ming nodded in understanding. Li Zhi naturally had to listen to Xia Bingyan. This strict iron discipline also did not follow Yang Ming, and some of the formal editors did not. One is not an order.

Yang Ming said, he took out the phone and dialed the phone number of Xia Bingyan.

Xia Bingyan was quickly connected: "Yang Ming, what happened? Li Zhi rushed past?"

"Come here, it has been solved, but he said that you let him protect my safety?" Yang Ming asked with a smile.

"Yeah, your kid is not being assassinated or shot by someone. I am afraid, don't go to Yunnan yet, you will hang up first, but I have already reported it to my superiors. How are you dead? Crossing?" Xia Bingyan said with some anger.

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