So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1677: General Manager Yan Yuemin

The first general manager of the first thousand six hundred and seventy-seven chapters

In fact, Jing Xiaoyu is also very embarrassed. He wants to turn around and go out, but he also thought of the same thoughts as Yang Ming. He stopped his footsteps and looked at Yang Ming. "That... what about the original?"

"The original I put under your handbag." Yan Ming said.

"Oh... scared me, I thought I was taken away by the waiter." Jing Xiaoyu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Then take a shower, I will not bother you."

Jing Xiaoyu quickly rushed out of the bathroom and patted her own nervous chest. How could she be so colored? After entering, she stared at Yang Ming and kept watching... Well, his figure was quite good.

Yeah, what do you think about yourself? However, Jing Xiaoyan turned to think, my heart, I saw what happened, I like him, now is his girlfriend, and what can't be seen?

When I think of it, Jing Xiaoyu is somewhat justified, and it is natural and natural to see it.

Jing Xiaoyu returned to the room and found the previous sheet under his handbag. Jing Xiaoyu quickly received it in his handbag.

After the waiter went out from Yang Ming’s room, he went back to the main station and asked the colleague less than: “Less than, the guest in Room 307 just lost the original sheets, and I gave them a new bed sheet. You said a piece. How much is the bed sheet? He said he will pay."

"This... I don't know, I haven't seen this before!" Less than shaking his head: "Can the previous sheets be found? If you find it, you can make a normal account, you don't have to pay."

"The key is that he lost his previous sheets..." The waiter shook his head.

"Then I don't know, I suggest you ask the general manager, I don't dare to do anything about it." Less than said.

"Well, this is the only way!" The waiter stood up and was ready to go to the general manager."

Yan Yuemin was very depressed recently. The eldest brother rushed into the inexplicable and was killed. His nephew Shuguangqi received the huge amount of property of the family, and the status of the squad became a bit embarrassing.

When the older brother was there, he made some small moves at this immortal resort, and he only did not see it as a sneak peek, letting his brother get some benefits.

But now, the people in power are not eager to enter, but the son of 隋 进 隋 隋 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Originally, I was thinking about it. After all, I was a my own child. Even if I found some problems, I would definitely not be jealous. I would be honest afterwards, but I didn’t expect that when I was dead, it would seem like a person.

Since then, Yu Yuemin still remembers the words that he said to himself after he had taken power to check his account.

At that time, in this office, Twilight Kai sat in his current boss's chair, tilted his legs and looked at the pile of data on the table. He rushed into his rudeness and complained a little. My heart is also yours. Uncle, you are sitting here, do you still have the concept of an elder?

But now in the company, everyone is talking about business, and Yue Yuemin can't pick out the truth. After all, regardless of the actual identity of Shu Guangqi, who is his own, Shuguang Kai's current identity is the company's new chairman, even if he is his second uncle. It is also his subordinate.

"Uncle, this resort, for so many years, is not profitable?" After seeing the data, Shuguang Qi looked up and asked faintly.

"Oh... this, Guangqi, you know..." Yu Yuemin just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Twilight.

"Uncle, this is a public servant, you should call me the chairman." Shuguang Kai frowned, my heart, I told you that a second uncle is giving you a face, you still don't know how it happened, but also Climb! I don’t have any eyesight to see it?

·This..." The expression on the face of the people was stagnation, a little embarrassed, and some anger! In the past, when the eldest brother was the chairman, he also called his eldest brother, and the older brother did not have such a thing, nor would he ask himself to Call him the chairman.

But my own nephew... But now, anyway, I am doing things under the hands of others. I am stunned by the people who bite their teeth. I have to endure it: "Chairman, you know that this resort is located in a remote location in Songjiang and Gitton. On the West Star Mountain between the cities, so far, only people will come on weekends. Usually they are all vacant. There are so many people expenses. Where can I earn?

"Is it?" Shuguang Kai listened to Yu Yuemin's explanation. He smiled uneasily: "But it seems like I didn't see it?"

"Ah..." Yi Yuemin did not know what Shuguang Kai wanted to say, and some embarrassment.

“What day is it today?” He asked the first secretary to turn around and ask the glamorous secretary around him.

"Dong Dong, today is Monday!" the secretary said in a sullen voice.

"Have you heard? My second uncle, the general manager of Xianren Resort, is Monday! Twilight started a voice: "Everyone said, Monday, trading is rare, but the result? Xiaotao, tell him, what did you see when we came? ”

"Yes, Dong Dong." Secretary Xiaotao smiled at Shuguang Kai, but then he turned to the face of Yue Yuemin: "Mr. Yue Yuemin, when the chairman and I came, I saw that the door was full of cars, although there was no weekend. There were many times, but two-thirds were filled up! The chairman went to the front desk to consult, and originally planned to be the most luxurious set of top presidential suites. As a result, the front desk waiter told us that the presidential suite had been wrapped up all the year round. !"

·This..." The sweat on the face of Yan Yuemin immediately fell. He didn't expect the donkey to be so aggressive.

"Uncle, this top-level presidential suite, every day, but more than 3,000 pieces? Every year under the package? Even if you make a 50% off, you have to be 547,500 yuan, how can the resort not earn? "Twilight Kai looked at Yu Yuemin: "A light presidential suite is down for a year, just like this, what else? You don't tell me, your labor costs are very expensive here, and each waiter needs 100,000 yuan a month, then I I will come to work here later!"

"That presidential suite ... in fact ... in fact, did not pack out ..." Yan Yuemin cold sweat, but in desperation, had to explain.

"No package? Where did you go? There is room not rented to the guests, your business policy is very problematic?" Shuguang Qi smiled coldly.

"Actually, I lived alone. The resort is too far away from the city. It takes a few hours to get to and from work every day. It’s too much trouble. I will take you two, and I will stay in the resort together!" Explain: "I don't think there will be any presidential suites, so I live there..."

"Oh? You mean, you live in the presidential suite, is it for the resort to consider?" Twilight Kaile, asked.

This... isn’t it...” Yu Yuemin knows that Shuguang Qi is here for himself.

"Uncle, you are so enjoyable? I live in the top presidential suite, dare to love this resort into your home?" Shuguang Qi sneered aloud: "This thing will not be said first, you tell me, how is this resort usually? No one is going to use it? We don’t have to go and see now, what is the occupancy rate of this resort?”

This... no need to..." 隋 民 民 冷 冷 冷 ) ) ) ) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = “ “ “ “ ”

Yan Yuemin also thought about it. He is the second uncle of Shuguang Kai. If he is too big to be beaten up, how can he still be? He feels that his nephew just wants to take his own strength, but he is not worried, but there is no Any way.

"Uncle, your thing, to say it to the younger, is the family affairs of our old family, but to the big say, you are an economic crime, I will pay your account to the team, you What do you think?" asked Shuguang Kai.

"You..." Yu Yuemin did not expect that Shuguang Kai wanted to kill him and sent himself to the prison. He immediately rushed: "Xiao Guangqi, I am your uncle, you are two uncles! When you were young, I still played with you. It! You can't do this!"

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