So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1678: Yu Yuemin wants to be blackmail

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-eight chapters

"Oh, yeah, you are my second uncle, pro-two uncle, so I just assume it." Shuguang Kai smiled: "Two uncles, it’s exactly what you and my uncle are doing, I don’t Investigate your criminal responsibility, but in the past few years, how much you have fished, spit it out to me... "I... I am fishing, light, you don't talk nonsense!" Spit it out, and it hurts a little now. It’s more cruel than getting him into jail.

"Hey," Twilight started to sigh as a difficult look: "Uncle, okay, look at my dead father, your big brother's face, then, I will give you a clear road, you want to go, We will still be uncles in the future, and I will not pursue your other responsibilities. If you disagree, then we can only do business."

"Public business... What do you mean..." Yan Yuemin is anxious: "Light Kai, you chase - two roads, do I still have a choice?"

"Oh, uncle, you are a smart person, choose which one, you know clearly." Shu Guangqi is still a sneer expression.

"Well, count you, I choose the first one!" said Yu Yuemin.

"Well, the first road, the second uncle, you are the right one." Shuguang Kai said: "Two uncles, how much have you swallowed before, you know my heart, so many years, huh, huh, not good to say If you open another resort, you will have it."

· there are so many..."隋跃民 does not deny that he is eating company money, but he does not want to admit that he has taken so much.

"These need not be said, how much, I don't want to pursue it," Shuguang said: "Like, this resort, the market value is now 120 million, see you are my uncle, I will give you Take a discount, it will be 100 million, this resort is sold to you, and you will continue to operate you in the future, it has nothing to do with the group.

·This... Where can I come up with 100 million yuan? Although he said so, he thought it was feasible to analyze this matter.

"Would you like to play it out, how to get it out, and it has nothing to do with the group." Shuguang Qi said: "You are borrowing, you have to make a deposit. In short, I am giving you this road. It is already done right." Think about it yourself, is it in jail, or will you continue to be your general manager?"

"Good! I buy!" Yan Yuemin bit his teeth and said. He has nowhere to go. Twilight Kai gave him this road. He has taken care of him. Although these years, the Yue Yue people have also avoided a lot of money, 100 million up and down, but this billion spit out, this resort is its own And I will not earn it before.

Obviously, before the dawn of the light, it was already calculated, knowing how much you have been fishing in these years, and you can’t bargain again. This is something that everyone knows.

"It seems that you are an alliance person." Shuguang Kai nodded. "That's what it is. Congratulations on your uncle, you have become the chairman of the holiday lining."

Yan Yuemin smiled twice and did not know what it was like.

The resort is now its own, and there is no way for the squad to be able to save money as it was before, but now we have to think about business.

After this billion yuan was given, Yi Yuemin had hundreds of thousands of dollars left on his hand. It was not enough for the usual entertainment and maintenance of the resort facilities. Therefore, Yi Yuemin tried his best to collect more money to make up the money.

As for the previous top presidential suite, Yan Yuemin had already moved out and lived in an ordinary room with his wife. This resort is now his own. This room is of course used to make money.

"When Dangdang..." The voice of the knocking door came from outside the office door, and Yue Yuemin said casually: "Please come in!"

The waiter of the reception desk, Xiao Zhang, pushed in and came in: "Hey, I am Xiao Zhang of the reception desk."

"Well, is there anything?" Yan Yuemin looked at Xiao Zhang and was a little impressed, so he asked.

"This is the case. Before a guest asked me to send another piece of sheet sheets, I went to replace him, but he said that the previous piece of sheets had been lost..." said the waiter Xiao Zhang: "Guest said he would price Compensation, but I have never seen such a thing before, I don’t know how much it will cost him..."

"Is this little thing used to find me?" Yan Yuemin frowned. "Where is his bed sheet thrown, pick it up and take it back to the top of the account, just a sheet of paper..."

"I said the same thing, but the guest said that the sheets were gone, it was gone, he had to pay."

The waiter Xiao Zhang explained the difficulty.

"Nothing? What did he say?" Yu Yuemin made a slight glimpse, and his face suddenly became interested.

"Yes, he said so." Xiao Zhang said.

"Oh, you talk about this guest is a few people? Is it a man and a woman?" Yan Yuemin's face showed some strange smiles.

"Yeah, when they went back to the villa building, when I parked outside, I helped guide you."

Xiao Zhang nodded.

"Oh..." 隋 民 民 奸 - - - laugh: "I know what his sheets are used for!"

Yan Yuemin’s head is very good, or else he can’t get so much money from the resort. When he thinks about it, he understands that it’s definitely a piece of paper and a man’s daughter. This kind of thing used to be It’s not that it’s not happening. It’s just that many people cut off the sheets and left, and they won’t buy the entire sheets.

"Ah? What to do?" Xiao Zhang did not respond.

"Do you remember someone who cut the sheets and took them away?" asked the smug and smiled.

"Ah! I understand..." Xiao Zhang’s face was red, and he also understood the meaning of Yu Yuemin.

"What kind of car do they drive?" A plan of Yu Yuemin came to mind.

"BMW x5" Xiao Zhang said.

"BMW x5? Is it rich? It seems to be a son who has a family?" Yue Yuemin listened to the passenger's car, suddenly overjoyed, and his plan was fixed.

"No, I think it is the girl driving the car." Xiao Zhang explained.

"Girls? That's better!" Yue Yue said with a smile: "Before I was afraid that this son would not pay for the girl's sheets. This time, it seems that this girl is also a little princess with rich people!"

"Hey, you... what does this mean? I don't understand?" Xiao Zhang is somewhat inexplicable. "So important things, of course, you have to pay more money, so, you will go to the guest in the room for a while, 100,000. That sheet of 100,000 pieces!" Yan Yuemin was really a bit crazy in the past. Before changing to the previous one, he didn't really look at the 100,000 pieces, but now he has to take the 100,000 pieces of emergency.

"What! 100,000?" Xiao Zhang suddenly surprised when he opened his mouth: "Hey, how much do you say?"

"100,000, what's wrong? You just said to them, saying that this sheet is Australian wool, imported goods, 100,000 yuan is cheap." Yu Yuemin casually swears.

This is not very good:" Xiao Zhang suddenly had some difficulties: "What if the other party does not give it?"

"Don't give it, you will let him find the sheets that he has thrown away, just fine," said Yu Yuemin.

"Hey, I think we are doing this, is it a bit too much?" Xiao Zhang did not want to extort people.

“I am the general manager or are you?” Yan Yuemin frowned. “What? You are irrelevant?”

"No... well, let me go..." Xiao Zhang had no choice but to nod.

"I can't do anything like this, what else can I do? Something is always calling me! Yu Yuemin waved his hand and indicated that Xiao Zhang could go out.

Xiao Zhang had no choice but to go to Yang Ming’s Room 307 in a bitter face. He is the son of a nearby peasant. He is very simple. He has never done anything bad. He will also pay back the things that the guests have left. This time, the boss has let him deceive others... to the door of the room. Xiao Zhang hesitated, or knocked on the door.

"Who?" Yang Ming just went to the pajamas after bathing and heard the knock on the door, so he asked.

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