So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1704: Abandoned Chen Zhiye

Chen Zhiye, who was abandoned in the 1st 704th chapter

"What's wrong?" Yang Ming shrugged. "You will describe it."

"Ha ha!" Guo Jianchao laughed. "Yang Ge, you don't know. When I took Chen Zhiye to the staff room, I didn't see Chen Zhiye's panic and ignorance. It was so cool. Maybe he still doesn't understand why he is abandoned by Keck."

"Under the premise of family demise and death, Keck will naturally give up Chen Zhiye, which is beyond doubt." Yang Ming said with a smile.

Yang Ming said that there is nothing wrong with Keck. When he and his family’s life safety were threatened, he decided to give up Chen Zhiye.

Keck’s bodyguard quickly came to the conference room and saw Keck, respectfully asked: “Homeowner, do you need me to do anything?”

"Two people in the preparation room, I don't want to see them in the future, do you know how to do it?" Keck pointed to the waiter's preparation room not far behind him.

"Understand, the homeowner, rest assured, just give it to me." The bodyguard nodded solemnly. This is the first major event since the family took office. The bodyguard will naturally do it all the time. Only in this way can he get it. The recognition of the owner.

The bodyguards don't want to be taken away soon after they do it. After all, they are mixed with the homeowner. Although it will be dangerous, the benefits are great, and the monthly money is much larger. There are also a lot of people staring at this position, and the bodyguards are afraid to go out of trouble.

"Well," Keck nodded, stood up and turned to the meeting room, believing that the bodyguard had already understood what he meant.

Keck’s meaning is to let the bodyguards kill Chen Zhiye and Chen Xiaolong’s father and son and let them disappear from the world forever. For this matter, Keck did not feel that there was anything wrong, because the Douglas family was originally a gangster in the town of Ai Luo, killing a few people, it is a normal thing for the family.

Although it is not Ai Luozhen, but Keck is not worried about anything. He is still very reassured by the means and methods of doing these bodyguards, and will not leave any traces.

After Keck left, the bodyguard went to the waiter's preparation room and kicked the door of the room. He looked at the frightened Chen Zhiye and his son: "Come out, I will take you to a good place."

"Don't! You can't do this! I want to see Jack! Where is Keck!" Chen Zhiye also heard the conversation between Keck and the bodyguard in the conference room outside the room. He didn't believe that Keck gave up on him. He is not willing!

He knows that this bodyguard is looking for himself to go out, and he is estimated that he will not come back, so he is looking for Keck and looking for Keck to meet!

"The homeowner won't see you." The bodyguard said coldly: "Don't force me to do it."

"No! I was born and died with my family. For so many years, I made a horse for him. After the saddle, he can't give up on me!" Chen Zhiye said: "No, I must see Keck, I have to ask him, he still There is no conscience!"

Keck did not go far. He stood in the conference room not far away. He heard the snoring of Chen Zhiye, but he did not go in. He clearly chose.

Although the heart is going to let Chen Zhiye go to death, Keck is also very embarrassed, and some disappointment, after all, this is the person who started his career together with him, so he gave up on him...

However, in front of the family interests, everything that blocks the family's interests must be removed! What's more, Chen Zhiye is not dead, that is, he is dead, and Keck is not so stupid.

"Hey, if you didn't yell at me for the sake of your son, I was right with Yang Ming. Can I come to Songjiang? Can I fall into this kind of end? If it weren't for you, I could lose all the Douglas in China." What about the hotel?” Keck secretly thought, and his heart was no longer uncomfortable. All this was the result of Chen Zhiye’s self-sufficiency. If it weren’t for him, he would not be like this. He still sat in his home in Europe. Breathing in the rain, not so happy.

Thinking of this, Keck took a step, strode out of the meeting room, and went downstairs. He still has a lot of things to do, such as counting the number and assets of all Douglas hotels in China.

Although he is the owner of the family, it is also necessary to communicate with several elders within the family. Chen Zhiye once again called the elders.

"Kecker, how come you call again? Is there anything else?" The elders were a little confused about Keck’s successive calls.

"Great elders, please let us know the location and asset structure of all Douglas hotels in China," said Keck.

"Oh? How do you suddenly count this?" the elder asked with some doubts.

“I am going to send all the Douglas hotels in China,” said Keck.

"What... send it out?" The elders suddenly squatted there, did they not hear it wrong? Does Keck actually send all the Douglas hotels in China? What international jokes are there? That is the assets of billions!

"Yes, send it out." Keck also said very helplessly: "It must be sent, symbolically collected two million, but it is not always possible to get a hand."

"Keck, are you fainting? Let's give away the family's industry? What do you think? How do you eat this house?" The elders suddenly got angry. According to the seniors, he is Keck's uncle, so You can go directly to Keck.

"The elders... I have no choice. If I don't send them out, I guess I will be finished. We are finished with the Douglas family..." Keck is not prepared to say anything about helping Chen Zhiye to support him. He is only vague. The words have been taken, otherwise, this matter has to be his own responsibility, he does not want to be removed as soon as he took over.

"Well? Keck, what are you talking about? Who are you going to send? Who dares to say this big words, can we let the Douglas family finish?" The elders came to the air, what kind of family is the Douglas family, who Is there such a big tone?

"Yang Ming..." Keck sighed and said.

"..." The elders, after hearing the name Yang Ming, suddenly became silent.

Keck did not urge him, but let him digest it. When I just knew that Yang Ming was the monk, wasn’t it amazed for a long time?

"Keck, you mean, Yang Ming wants our family to be in a hotel in China?" The elders finally spoke up, changing the arrogant tone before, but instead changed into a cautious way of speaking.

"Yes...that's him...this is why I called you to confirm it before." Keck said directly that Yang Ming wanted it, but did not say the cause and effect of it. Anyway, this time he brought everyone. It is your own confidant, and you are not afraid to be known by the family after you return.

"Well, I am looking for someone to liquidate the location and assets of all Douglas hotels in China, and give you an answer as soon as possible." The great elders heard that Yang Ming wanted to, and agreed to it without saying anything.

Yang Ming is the person, the elder is the most clear, he is very convinced that Yang Ming wants the Douglas family to die, it is only a matter of minutes, is the Lanser family not a forerunner?

"Well, call me as soon as possible," Keck said.

Hanging up the phone, Keck also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the elders did not ask why Yang Ming would want the hotel. Otherwise, he would have to explain it in a very troublesome way.

Where does he know that the elders don’t want to ask at all, does Yang Ming want all the Douglas hotels in China to use the reason? It can be a temporary intention, but it can be premeditated long ago. Anyway, if you want it, you will have it. If you don't give it, you have to give it.

Keck has not personally experienced it. He doesn't know Yang Ming's terrible, but the elders know how powerful Yang Ming is and how unscrupulous.

Turning to the elevator, Keck couldn't hear Chen Zhiye's shouting. This is also a disaster that he has made himself. Let him bear it.

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