So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1705: I'm dead

The first thousand seven hundred and five chapters I am dead

"No need to call, the owner has already left." The bodyguard looked at Chen Zhiye without any emotion, and said coldly.

"No! Impossible, Keck will not give up on me. I am his loyal man. I was born and died with him. After he is busy, he will not give up. You deceive, you will give me Keck. Come here!" Chen Zhiye screamed exhaustedly.

The bodyguard listened to Chen Zhiye’s words and was a bit funny. He said, you are his loyal men? Seems like me? I am his bodyguard, and he was born and died with him. After busy, are you saying the opposite?

"You don't have to look for it. The family mainly sees you. I have seen you for a long time. If you don't see you now, you will never see you again." The bodyguard said: "Don't talk nonsense, do you go or do you take me away?"

"I...or myself..." Chen Zhiye said, suddenly stood up, hugged the bodyguard, and smothered him, not letting him move a half, then shouted: "Little dragon, run fast !"

"" Chen Xiaolong was scared enough before, but there was still no way for him to talk, so Chen Xiaolong had been hiding behind his father. At this time, he saw his father holding a bodyguard of Keck. Let yourself run fast, Chen Xiaolong is a little overwhelmed!

Although he has a little bit of a tiger, he is not too stupid. At this moment, he understands that his father is willing to let himself run, and his father must not run away. At this time, he ran away...

"Don't ink, run!" Chen Zhiye was anxious, and shouted: "What are you doing? Don't you still run?"

"Ah...Yes!" Chen Xiaolong knows that staying here with his father will not help, he will not work hard, and there is no means of self-protection, let alone save his father.

I ran away, and I wanted to come to my father to laugh at Jiuquan. When I thought of it, Chen Xiaolong responded and then ran away.

Keck’s bodyguard looked disdainfully at Chen Xiaolong, who ran to the door of the conference room. Some of his disdain shook his head and punched Chen’s little abdomen. Chen Zhiye snorted, but he still clung to the bodyguard. .

When the potential of human beings breaks out again, there is no limit. Chen Zhiye now has only one belief, that is, he has to hold the bodyguards when he is dead, so that Chen Xiaolong ran away, so Chen Zhiye’s grasp of the bodyguard’s hands became tighter.

The bodyguard frowned. I didn't expect Chen Zhiye to be so difficult. I thought I could beat him with a punch. The bodyguard saw Chen Zhiye grabbed tighter and punched the ball again. This time, he did not hit Chen Zhiye's abdomen, but directly hit the deadly part - the head.

"砰" a loud noise. Chen Zhiye’s temples were directly recessed into the half.

This bodyguard is professionally trained and powerful, and the average person cannot be selected as Keck's personal bodyguard.

Chen Zhiye this time, certainly can not withstand the impact of bodyguards, his head shell has been beaten, and directly fainted, but his hands still hold the bodyguard tightly.

It can be seen that his love for Chen Xiaolong has surpassed all. If Yang Ming is present, he has to sigh the greatness of his father's love, but the relative and excessive love is the cause of Chen's father and son's tragic experience today!

If Chen Zhiye didn't love Chen Xiaolong, he wouldn't ask Keck to help, and it would not happen today. So this kind of fatherly love, don't worry about it.

"Dad!" When Chen Xiaolong ran to the door, he also saw Chen Zhiye’s head shell being flattened halfway! Obviously, if you don't send it to the hospital immediately, Chen Zhiye will not be able to live. Even if he is sent to the hospital, it will be said that he can be rescued.

Chen Xiaolong screamed and shouted, tears falling in his eyes. At this moment, he regretted some regrets, regret not provoke Yang Ming, and should not harass Chen Mengyu...

Chen Mengxi, not his own, the result of the insistence can only be a tragedy.

However, if you have already done it, there is no turning back. The father died because he protected himself. He must live strong and not let his father die!

Chen Xiaolong stepped up and quickly ran out of the conference room.

The bodyguard frowned, he couldn't let Chen Xiaolong run, or he could not bear the anger of the owner. Looking at himself, Chen Zhiye’s hands, still tightly detained, the bodyguards slammed hard.

"Oh..." The sound of a broken bone, Chen Zhiye’s hand was directly cut off by the bodyguard, thrown aside, and pulled out to chase Chen Xiaolong in the direction of escape.

To say that Chen Xiaolong also has no experience of running away, run out of the conference room, directly into the elevator, press the button on the first floor. In his opinion, it is the fastest to take the elevator. The bodyguards catch up and can only wait for the elevator to come up again. At that time, he had already run away.

However, he has forgotten that there is another thing in the world called emergency exit. Every hotel has stairs in addition to elevators.

The bodyguard chased the elevator and looked at the elevator that fell. Then he turned and ran into the emergency exit and went down the stairs.

He was professionally trained. He didn't have to take the stairs. He sat directly on the handrail of the stairs and slid down. Several landings had already arrived on the first floor, and then they were stuck next to the elevator on the first floor.

The elevator has not come down yet.

"叮", the elevator reached the first floor, the elevator door slowly opened, Chen Xiaolong did not look outside, pulled out and rushed outward, he wanted to escape here at the fastest speed.

"砰" Chen Xiaolong just ran out of the elevator, but felt that he had hit the top of it, and almost directly hit him.

"Mom, don't block the road!" Chen Xiaolong found out that he was an individual, so he shouted and wanted to run away from him. I can't think of my neck collar being smashed.

"Go back, boy, you can't run away." The bodyguard said coldly. He said that this kid is a tender thing, otherwise he would have to work hard to catch him.

"Ah--" Chen Xiaolong just wanted to call for help, but he was stopped by the bodyguard and gave him a back. The bodyguard grabbed him into the elevator and closed the elevator door.

Then press the button on the floor of the conference room, and the elevator slowly starts to rise.

In the elevator, the bodyguard also released the hand holding Chen Xiaolong's mouth. The surveillance video in this elevator is the hotel's own, and is not afraid of Chen Xiaolong yelling and calling for help.

"Kid, don't think about running, the people who are mainly made up, no one can run away!" The bodyguard still does not have the slightest expression of cold.

Of course, this can only be said with Chen Xiaolong and Chen Zhiye. The father of Gud, the former owner of the Douglas family, did not want to let Yang Ming go. What happened?

Chen Xiaolong was shocked and angry now. He did not expect that the bodyguard would be blocked at the door of the elevator faster than himself. He was caught back. Can that be better?

However, if you want to run now, you will definitely not be able to run. Where is your opponent of this big man?

Yes, pretend to die! Chen Xiaolong consciously thought of a trick, that is to pretend to die, if he is dead, then this bodyguard will let go of himself?

I have to say that Chen Xiaolong’s idea is really silly and naive.

"A themselves... I am dead..." When Chen Xiaolong thought of it, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. He slammed, and Chen Xiaolong was lying in the elevator.

"Hey?" The bodyguard is a bit dumbfounded, dead?

Before gradient, I said that I am dying?工具人很很? Is there any... Is there... Is there discovered?

The bodyguard didn't commonly know what to say. He couldn't describe his mood at the moment in the language. The world's first thing made him run into it. He didn't expect that there were still two people in the world, and they all came to a certain realm. Now!

He thought he was a god? Can you predict before you die?

Looking at Chen Xiaolong, who was rolling his eyes and lying still on the ground, the bodyguard was really speechless and didn't know what to say.

"Hey?" The bodyguard kicked Chen Xiaolong.

Chen Xiaolong did not move, it is also a very painful thing to want to kill, Chen Xiaolong's eyes have turned sour, I hope this bodyguard can believe it.

"I heard that when a person dies, he will extend his right leg and say a scream..." The bodyguard wanted to play Chen Xiaolong: "This kid didn't say, wouldn't it be a fake death?"

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