So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1723: Take a car

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-three chapters of the car

Of course, Xiaoran’s family and Xiaoran wouldn’t say anything. When they heard that Xiao Wang was sending his boss to the airport, they all took the initiative to cancel the dinner at night. They also said to Xiao Wang that the work is important and the family eats. Can't eat!

Although this is true, Xiao Wang is deeply impressed. This was not the case when he was in the security team. Don’t say that because the work delayed the dinner at home, it was overtime, and it was complained by Xiaoran’s parents. , earning two and a half, still working overtime, no interest.

The gap between the two before and after, let Xiao Wang cherish his hard-won work. Before going to the resort to open a company car, although Yang Ming did not say anything after seeing it, but Xiao Wang has made up his mind after returning. Never use the company's car for your own personal affairs.

For this, Xiaoran also understands very well. As with the parents, Xiaoran’s parents also agree. After all, with Xiao’s current monthly salary, taking a taxi is not a bad thing.

"Yang Ge, let's go directly to the airport now?" Xiao Wang helped Yang Ming put the bag in the trunk of the car. After Yang Ming got on the bus, he asked respectfully.

Yang Ming’s carry-on baggage is a backpack with two pieces of clothes and a laptop. With this trip, Yang Ming does not need to bring too many things, not to go out to play, just bring some life. You must be able to make a product. Moreover, as long as you have money, what is missing, you can buy it directly.

On the highway, as Xiao Wang expected, it was not too far away to queue up a long dragon. Xiao Wang got off the train and inquired about it. The result was that three large trucks were accidentally broken, not only the car was badly damaged, but the goods also fell. .

It seems that the expressway does not know how long it will take to re-pass, and Yang Ming has to catch the plane. Xiao Wang can only adjust the car under the helplessness and go retrograde from the highway. Fortunately, the cars on this side of the highway are on the highway. Waiting in line, it is not dangerous, Xiao Wang drove back from the emergency stop on the side.

Of course, this is just the premise of just getting on the highway. If you go too far, it is not good to come back.

Some waiting drivers are surprised to see Xiao Wang’s car. Although the current situation, retrograde back to the toll station from the expressway is the best solution. This highway from Songjiang to the East China Sea was newly renovated this year. There is another old road to go down here. Although the road is bumpy and rugged, the big trucks are relatively few. After this road is opened, there is very little time for the old road to be blocked.

However, if you go back retrograde, can you go out from the toll booth? Xiao Wang’s license plate is not a privilege number. It is a number plate that Yang Ming asked for the random selection of the violent San Li. He wanted to keep a low profile. Like his own BMW, it was a bit too swaying.

Most of these drivers also knew some privileged car numbers, but did not find a number that coincided with Xiao Wang’s car. So it was a bit strange, and a taxi driver kindly reminded him: "Man, you are so retrograde." The toll booth can't get out, maybe you have to be fined! Still queue up!"

"No way, my boss is eager to catch a plane, can only go down." Xiao Wang smiled and nodded to the brother driver: "Thank you!"

The brother heard that he was catching the plane, and he knew that they were in a hurry. Anyway, they would go to the highway intersection. If the car is left here, it will be punished. Can you not delay the business?

Sure enough, when the entrance to the toll booth was reached, Xiao Wang’s car was stopped, and the administrator of the toll station also informed the traffic police on duty nearby.

Xiao Wang’s car number is nothing, but there is a set of money transfer procedures and a pass for him to get him. Xiao Wang thought that he would give it to the traffic police to see if he would give a face, but he did not expect the traffic police. Not buying it.

This pass was issued by the Municipal Police, but it was used on the cash truck. The traffic police saw that Xiao Wang’s car was Audi A8. Obviously, he thought that he belonged to the kind of pass that was kindly made through the relationship. This model cannot be used to transport money.

When Xiao Wang returned to the car with a bitter face, he and Yang Ming cried carefully: "Yang Ge, I am sorry, I thought it was fine. The result is that something is wrong now, the traffic police will not let me go..."

Yang Ming is a bit ridiculous, but when Xiao Wang was going to go retrograde, Yang Ming did not stop it, so this thing can't simply blame Xiao Wang. Although he may have a bit of privilege, he still does not want the purpose. I missed the plane myself.

So Yang Ming just nodded: "I have already arrived at the highway junction. I asked Xiao Xiao to send me."

"Then I don't have to look for Leopard to talk about it, see if he can find someone..." Xiao Wang said with embarrassment.

"No, how to punish how to punish it, after all, you are also against the rules, and people are fine for you, how much to punish, look for a small 璐 to you." Yang Ming waved his hand, because this thing to find It is not worth looking for.

"Okay...thank you Yang Ge..." Xiao Wang knew that even if he apologized now, it would not help, and Yang Ming did not seem to blame him, so Xiao Wang also let go of his heart.

I am really good at doing bad things! Xiao Wang took the driver's license from the car and waited for the traffic police to open the ticket. It was retrograde here. It is estimated that the car should be detained, and the traffic police suspected that his pass procedures were fake. I have to check the police station internally.

Yang Ming got off the bus and walked with Xiao Wang to the entrance of the expressway. Xiao Wang went to the police car parked on the side, and Yang Ming called Jing Xiaoyu while walking.

Not long after the call was dialed, but it was hung up by Jing Xiaoyu. Yang Ming frowned. Jing Xiaoyu rarely missed his own phone call. What happened this time? Just when Yang Ming was confused, Jing Xiaoyu sent a text message: "I am in the company, holding a middle-level leadership meeting, and I will call you back later."

After Yang Ming saw the text message, she was slightly stunned. Some of them were dumb. Jing Xiaoyu is now the chairman of the company. She still hasn’t put her position in her memory. She still thinks she is doing nothing, wanting her to send it. It is a matter of course for myself. It seems that Jing Xiaoyu has become a busy man.

Yang Ming shook his head and prepared to call the violent San Li, let him come and send himself, but his eyes looked at Xiao Wang and went to the traffic police to accept the punishment. Yang Ming’s gaze suddenly fell on a docked police car, now Get off the cheetah off-road.

Yang Ming slammed the phone into his pocket and picked up his backpack and pulled it to the cheetah.

The cheetah car has started and is accelerating, but Yang Ming’s motor nerves are so developed that he has caught up with the cheetah car in front of him. Yang Ming began to violently beat the trunk of the cheetah car.

Xiao Wang stunned, and the traffic police on duty also stumbled! Yang Ming is with Xiao Wang. The traffic police on duty naturally knows that Yang Ming had come together and didn’t think much about it, but suddenly he saw Yang Ming madly knocking on the door he led!

This person... What are you doing? Is it because he has punished his driver, and he is angry to find the trouble of his own leadership? But... who is the leader of his own, can anyone find trouble?

Although the traffic police on duty did not personally experience it, the rumors of this leadership have already been heard!

Xia Xue has just been promoted to the deputy director of the police station. Chen Fei has removed the word generation and became the director of the police station. Naturally, the position of a deputy director has been vacated, and Xia Xue has topped up.

Xia Xue can sit in the position of the deputy bureau at a young age, and she has a certain relationship with the case of the big case, and of course it is inseparable from her background.

Xia Xue is clear, this has the influence of his own family, and his own merits... It can be said that Yang clearly sent it.

Xia Xue is a family member who knows his family. How did her deputy director act on her, she knew very well, although outsiders envied her luck, but there was no objection in the bureau.

After all, Xia Xue's promotion is a solid achievement. Of course, there are some people who have guessed her background, but when they have the ability and background, they often overlook her background. What's more, Xia Xue's background is only speculation and doubt, and no one really knows who Xia Xue's backing is.

Compared with the depression when I first entered the Interpol team a year ago, the current Xia Xue has already revealed the confidence of the strong woman. But even so, she knew that her true ability was actually not that powerful.

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