So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1724: You give me

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-four chapters you send me

If Yang Ming did not give credit to himself several times, even if he had the relationship between his brother and grandfather, he would not be promoted so quickly. He could be a vice captain and he would be the top secretary, let alone the deputy director.

As a result, several major cases that they have cracked have been well-known throughout the province. Many policemen outside the city know the name of Xia Xue.

Today, Xia Xue went to the provincial meeting. As a result, I arrived at the highway junction and found that the traffic jam was serious. Just when I saw the traffic police on duty, I drove the car to the side and asked about it. It turned out that there was a car accident on the highway. Xia Xue did not. The method decided to change the road to the East China Sea. Although it was far away, the road was not very good, but it was able to catch up with the evening meeting.

However, Xia Xue had just started the car and heard the slamming of the trunk of his car. Xia Xue was shocked. He thought that there was something in the traffic police before, and quickly stopped the car and opened the door. The car, but Yang Ming came around from behind the car.

"Xia Xue, fortunately you parked, or I don't know how far to chase!" Yang Ming said this, he threw his backpack and threw it in the back seat of Xia Xue's car.

"Yang Ming?" Xia Xue did not expect to be Yang Ming. When she saw Yang Ming’s strange move, she was somewhat puzzled: "What are you doing?"

"I went to the East China Sea, catching the plane, not rushing, you send me a ride." Yang Ming said awkwardly, as Xia Xue is his full-time driver.

"I? Send you?" Xia Xue rolled his eyes, how did he know that he would also go to the East China Sea? Besides, does he have no car himself? Why should I send it!

"My driver was detained by the traffic police," Yang Ming pointed to Wang Lin not far behind him. Then he said, "Yes, are you all right? Send me will not delay your work?"

"You just think about it now, do you have anything? You just said that the order of the tone told me?" Xia Xue was speechless, but for Yang Ming, she was really helpless.

Just thinking about his own merits is given by Yang Ming, Xia Xue is still very grateful to Yang Ming, but grateful to be grateful, you can not take me as a driver to call it? Ok, I am also the deputy director!

Although I still have the habit of driving myself, it is not a driver for others!

"I am really in a hurry," Yang Ming was not polite, went directly to the side of the co-pilot, opened the door and sat in it: "Help me, come back and invite you to dinner!"

"Please let me eat? It seems that some people have promised me to be my long-term meal ticket. When do I want to eat when I want to eat it? Please let me have something to show off?" Xia Xue remembered Yang Ming’s promise. I just blurted out, but when I finished, I was a little blushing. I thought of the embarrassing relationship between myself and Yang Ming. Xia Xue took Yang Ming’s eyes and got on the bus.

"Hey, then please drink something." Yang Ming smiled.

"Who is rare!" Xia Xue snorted: "I just want to go to the East China Sea. Otherwise, I really want to kick you off."

"Kick me?" Yang Ming did not care: "When you can beat me, let me talk."

Xia Xue was reminded by Yang Ming, and suddenly he thought that he did not beat Yang Ming. He did not expect any effect. He could only start in aggression.

The traffic police did not expect Yang Ming to take the summer snow car, and then went directly to the car, watching him and Xia Xue have a smile, the relationship is not shallow! After taking Wang Lin’s driver’s license, he hesitated: “Your boss knows the summer bureau?”

"Well? Summer? Who?" Xiao Wang heard the traffic police's question, but also a glimpse, do not know who he asked. Xiao Wang did not deal directly with the police, so I don’t know who the traffic police asked.

"It was just the cheetah car." The traffic police pointed to the cheetah car that was far away, said.

"Ah? She? Isn't she the girlfriend of our boss?" Xiao Wang asked inexplicably.

"Hey? Summer is your boss's girlfriend?" The traffic police listened to Xiao Wang's words for a long time, Xia Xue is their boss's girlfriend? real or fake? However, if this is the case, then the procedures for his car are not checked, it must be true.

In fact, when the traffic police saw Yang Ming and Xia Xue talking and laughing and got on the bus, they knew that the pass on Xiao Wang’s car should be true.

"Summer?" Xiao Wang screamed: "That may not be, I thought she was surnamed Chen."

Xiao Wang knows that Yang Ming’s true girlfriend is Chen Mengyu, but he has not seen it. Just now, Yang Ming called Jing Xiaoyu and didn’t get through. Later, who dialed the phone, Xiao Wang was not clear, but he thought it should be Chen Mengyu.

Because Xiao Wang, in addition to knowing Jing Xiaoyu, is listening to the violent San Li who occasionally mentioned Chen Mengyu.

"That's your director? So young?" Xiao Wang suddenly thought of the background of Chen Mengyu, so pretending to be casually said: "My father's girlfriend's father, also in the city police, may know you in the summer. ”

"Girlfriend's father?" The traffic policeman is more and more confused, where is this?

"Yeah, our boss's girlfriend is called Chen Mengyu, and her dad is also the director..." Xiao Wang nodded and said seriously.

After the traffic police listened to Xiao Wang’s words, his face suddenly changed. His surname was Chen... or the director. Whoever answered the answer is ready to go out...

The traffic police did not doubt that Xiao Wang would lie to him, because Yang Ming and Xia Xue were so familiar with each other before they could explain the problem. If there is Xiao Wang’s explanation, then it explains why the summer snow will let Yang Ming get on the bus. .

In fact, after seeing Yang Ming getting on the bus, the traffic police believed that Xiao Wang’s pass was true. He returned the pass and driver’s license to Xiao Wang: “Take the car away, don’t do such a dangerous thing next time. ""

He can't manage this kind of thing. If he deducted the car, didn't he offend the two directors at once?

Besides, it’s not illegal to put Xiao Wang on his own. After all, the pass is true.

Xiao Wang didn't think that he had just mentioned a few words, and he put himself down, feeling in his heart, or Yang Ge's face is big!

Xiao Wang quickly thanked and drove away, but when Yang Ming and Xia Xue’s car had gone far, Xiao Wang had to call Yang Ming and asked him if he would use him to send him.

"Xiao Wang? Are you handling it?" Yang Ming glanced at the caller ID, which was called by Xiao Wang.

"Well, the traffic police saw you and the ... the summer bureau is familiar, you know that the pass is not fake, so I put it away..." Xiao Wang said with some embarrassment: "Yang Ge, where are you, use Will I send you?"

"No, I am sitting in Xia Xue's car. If it's okay, you can go back." Yang Ming listened to Xiao Wang and let him go. He didn't say anything. At that time, Yang Ming got off his car and took out his ID. I believe that it can also have the same effect, but Yang Ming did not do it.

If his own documents are used to do these little things, it is also a bit of a fuss, so Yang Ming asked Xiao Wang to accept the punishment.

"That's good, Yang Ge, if you have something, feel free to call me." Xiao Wang said. I heard Yang Ming’s name, Xia Xue’s name, and Yang’s heart was very familiar with the summer game.

Hanging up the phone, Yang Ming looked at Xia Xue with great interest: "Summer Bureau? Are you promoted again?"

"How, can't you?" Xia Xue snorted. In front of others, this is a thing that can show off, but in front of Yang Ming, Xia Xue knows that his credit is brought by Yang Ming, so there is nothing. Can show off.

"Hah, then I have to congratulate you!" Yang Ming smiled, but did not mention the merits of Xia Xue, but said: "Is your brother arranged? To prepare for Yunnan?"

Xia Xue gave a slight glimpse, but Yang Ming would suddenly mention this matter, but after he stunned, he nodded. "It should be like this. This time I went to the people on your side. The level is not low." If I want to be just the identity of a criminal police captain, I may not agree with me. The deputy director is different, so my brother may think for this, plus the drug dealer you gave me before. The credit is enough. ""

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