So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1727: a look at the airport

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-seventh chapter airport

After passing the security check, Yang Ming looked down subconsciously. This is a kind of intuitive acumen. Yang Ming feels that there seems to be someone behind him. When Yang Ming turned his head back, he saw a glimpse. He saw a Let yourself be surprised!

Huang Youcai! The Huang Youcai around Wang Xifan was later mixed with the mysterious behind-the-scenes boss. This was Yang Ming’s investigation through Victoria.

Wang Xifan is sitting in an electric wheelchair at the moment, next to him is a tall white man, two people are talking about something.

The white man is talking about English. Huang Youcai obviously understands the ordinary English conversation. Yang Ming will read the lip language and also have a surprise attack before the English, so this time he can understand what the two of them are saying.

The white man was asking: "Where did the Falcon go? Why didn't you see it in a blink of an eye?"

Huang Youcai’s answer is, “Maybe go to the bathroom?”

"Going to the toilet? Why don't you say hello? Is it gone in a blink of an eye?" The white man shook his head, but he didn't say much.

They are not two people, but three people. Yang Ming frowned, that is to say, there was a man named "Falcon" with them, and the Falcon apparently left for some reason.

Of course, the reason why Huang Youcai called "going to the toilet" is simply untenable. Even the white man does not believe that Yang Ming will naturally not believe it.

Yang Ming slightly indulged, and roughly guessed the reason why the falcon suddenly left. It is estimated that he saw himself, afraid that he would see him, so he suddenly disappeared without even saying hello.

Of course, this is just a guess by Yang Ming, but Yang Ming believes that his own guess should be inseparable from the ten. Yang Ming has always suspected that the behind-the-scenes boss has people who are familiar with him to be undercover, and only in this way, some of his own news and whereabouts, Can be known in advance by the boss behind the scenes.

Therefore, Yang Ming now has reason to believe that this falcon should be someone familiar with him, at least it should have been met. Therefore, after seeing myself, the urgent choice to avoid first, and even the white man and Huang Youcai did not call one.

This white man, who looks like Huang Youcai and the Falcon's guest, should have been greeted at the airport, but the Falcon did not expect to encounter himself, so he will leave temporarily.

Yang Ming's cold eyes stayed on Huang Youcai's face. At this moment, Yang Ming did not evade anything. The relationship between himself and these people will be broken sooner or later, so they are not afraid that they will find themselves.

Especially the days of the trip to Yunnan are approaching. Yang Ming does not want to leave this hidden danger in Songjiang. Although I don’t know why these people are targeting themselves, after they went to Yunnan, they will stop here, but they will be afraid of them. Don't give up, go to the people around you, this is Yang Ming's least want to foresee.

My loved ones, women, and friends are still here. If I don’t know what these people want to do before going, Yang Ming is not very reassured. It’s just that time is tight, and it’s impossible to solve them completely.

I hope that their purpose is only for themselves, and will not be implicated in other people. If they can't come back in Yunnan, they will stop here, and if they come back from Yunnan, it will not be too late to solve them.

The sixth sense of man is a very wonderful feeling. When someone looks at you from behind or looks at you, there is no eye behind you, but if this person’s eyes are not good, you will not help. A kind of chill can also be called so-called murder.

This thing is very mysterious, it is nothingness, but when many people are voyeuristic or watching, they are keenly aware.

Huang Youcai was talking to the white man. Suddenly he felt a chill around his body, as if he had been killed by his eyes. Huang Youcai raised his head subconsciously, looked around four times, but slammed Yang Ming's cold eyes.

Huang Youcai has been hiding Yang Ming all the time, unconsciously, hidden behind the scenes, and does not want Yang Ming to know his existence. This feeling of hiding in the dark is a good feeling for Huang Youcai.

But I did not expect that at the airport, I was confronted with Yang Ming!

Before the Falcon said, Dr. Benjamin sent a master to help him to deal with Yang Ming, so that Huang Youcai was very happy, and the Falcon personally came to the airport to greet, although he could not see the ordinary figure of this general. The whites are not masters, but since the Falcons say no problem, they believe that this person is a master.

When the falcon suddenly turned and disappeared, Huang Youcai was also very puzzled. What did the falcon do? When he saw Yang Ming’s moment, he understood it. The Falcon was the first step to see Yang Ming, afraid that Yang Ming recognized it. he comes!

Thinking of this, Huang Youcai is somewhat depressed, you are afraid to be recognized, I am afraid! Moreover, you are still tolerant, can you recognize that you are both to say, really do not speak loyalty!

However, Huang Youcai also knows that the incident is sudden, the Falcon may not have the opportunity to say hello to him, so although some complaints, but also understand. If you think about it carefully, the hatred of yourself and Yang Ming has already been settled. It doesn't matter if he sees it.

Huang Youcai took a breath, changed the previous panic, looked at Yang Ming faintly, nodded to him, and then did not care for him, and the white man said this to the exit of the country.

Yang Ming frowned. I didn't expect Huang to be so calm, but his previous panic didn't escape Yang Ming's eyes. Moreover, Huang Youcai probably didn't know that he already knew he was three people, and there was one called hunting. Eagle man.

The East China Sea International Airport is quite large. It is not an easy task to find a person with an ability. It is not easy for Yang Ming to look around and find no suspicious people. He also gave up the search and he still has Things have to be done, there is no time to spend here, even if someone is found, Yang Ming will not be able to go out of security to ratify, everything can only wait for the return from Las Vegas to make plans.

From the East China Sea to the capital, then transfer to Las Vegas, there is no twists and turns, Yang Ming from Las Vegas McCarran International Airport, is the next day at noon, Yang Ming went to a car The taxi at the airport gate waited in English and said: "Go to the Douglas Grand Hotel."

“Okay.” There are many foreign guests visiting the Douglas Hotel these days. These taxi drivers also know that the Douglas Hotel is the designated hotel for those of the Jewelry Festival.

For the scenery on the streets of Las Vegas, Yang Ming has no mood to appreciate. In the past year, he has been to many places, and he is not so curious about these exotic customs.

These things are much more similar, but it is worthy of praise that such a prosperous international metropolis, there is no traffic jam, all the way is smooth and unimpeded.

This is a far cry from the traffic in Songjiang, a small city in the second line. Songjiang is already blocked, but there is no such thing in Las Vegas. The road design of this city is very interesting but it has to be said to be a good idea.

Most of the roads in Las Vegas are not closed, extending in all directions, but there are too many roads, and some of the land resources are wasted. It is a pity that the international metropolis is so expensive, but this is the price. It is very powerful.

Soon, the taxi arrived at the parking lot at the entrance of the Douglas Hotel. Yang Ming paid the fare and got off the bus and walked into the lobby of the Douglas Hotel.

"Sir, hello!" After Yang Ming walked in, Miss Yingbin greeted him politely: "Sir, do you want to stay?"

"Well, but I have to find someone first." Yang Ming nodded.

"There is no problem finding someone, but I am afraid that I will not be able to stay. I am sorry, it is full, there is no spare room." Miss Yingbin said with regret.

She saw that Yang Ming was taking a taxi and was very familiar, so she guessed that Yang Ming was not a guest before the hotel, but a new one, so I asked for confirmation.

After hearing Yang Ming’s affirmative reply, Miss Yingbin explained it. Because these days, the hotel has been designated as the designated hotel of the International Jewelry Festival, so it has already been filled and can no longer be opened.

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