So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1728: Heart-accelerated Keck

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight chapters of the heart beat Keck

"Oh? Full?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, and immediately figured out the key. As the designated hotel of the International Jewelry Festival, it is definitely impossible to have more spare rooms, but Yang Ming decided to give Wang Mei first. Just call and say.

Since Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang have been detained by the casino, that is to say, their previous room has been vacated, Yang Ming lives in their room, and does not need to open another room.

"Yes, I am sorry, this is the designated hotel of the International Jewelry Festival..." Miss Yingbin said apologetically.

Sure enough, Yang Ming did not mind the reason. Yang Ming did not mind, but said: "I will borrow your internal calls first, I will find a friend."

Wang Mei’s mobile phone did not handle international roaming. Before Wang Mei used the hotel’s phone to call Yang Ming’s, and the ip number transferred by the domestic operator was displayed, Yang Ming could not see the specific number. Wang Mei Say that you can dial the inside line of the room directly after you arrive at the hotel.

“Yes.” Miss Yingbin took Yang Ming to the reception desk next to the lobby and handed a phone to Yang Ming. Then she smiled and asked, “Sir, do you need me to dial the number for you?”

"Okay, room 617," Yang Ming said.

The reception lady skillfully dialed the inside line of Room 617, and then handed the telephone receiver to Yang Ming: "Mr., I have already dialed for you."

Yang Ming took the call and nodded to the hospitality lady. The phone didn't take long to answer. There was a squeaky voice from Wang Mei, "hello?"

Yang Ming has a slight glimpse, but thinks that Wang Mei was also a flight attendant before, and English is not a rare thing, especially in an international city like Macau.

"It's me, Wang Mei, I am here." Yang Ming said.

"Ah! Yang Ge, where are you? Oh... this is the inside line of the hotel, you must be downstairs, wait a moment, I will go down now!" Wang Mei said quickly.

"Well, I am waiting for you in the hotel lobby." Yang Ming said, he hanged the phone and gave it to the reception lady.

Yang Ming waited for a while in the hotel lobby. Wang Mei ran out of the elevator and saw Yang Ming. It was like seeing a savior: "Yang Ge! You are here!" Speaking here, Wang Mei Hesitated for a moment, said: "Let's go back to the room and talk about it?"

"Wait a minute, have you opened a few rooms?" Yang Ming first had to implement the problem of accommodation at night.

"One room!" Wang Mei said: "What happened?"

"One? How many of you live in one?" Yang Ming was shocked to hear Wang Mei's words.

"Oh... we want the suite, I live with Zhang Bin, and Zhang Shushu lives outside..." Wang Mei looked at Yang Ming's appearance and knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained.

Yang Ming sighed and suddenly realized that he still thought about whether Zhang Bin and his son had any special hobbies. However, this suite, Yang Ming is a bit not very good to live, after all, Wang Mei is Zhang Bin's lover, although it is a suite, it is not convenient to live by himself, this kind of thing, it is best to avoid the suspicion a bit.

However, the room in this hotel is full, but it is a headache.

Just next to the car, Yang Ming also looked at it. This is a big hotel near the hotel. The other ones are far away. It is not convenient to discuss things with Wang Mei.

"Is there a room?" Yang Ming asked with a smile and asked Miss Yingbin.

"Sir, sorry, really no..." Miss Yingbin shook her head apologetically.

"Well, I know." Yang Ming nodded, but he did not give up, but decided to call Keck. Originally, Yang Ming did not want to contact Keck again, but things have arrived here, and only Keck can solve the current urgent needs.

Yang Ming’s industry also has hotels, so I also know that after the general hotel is full, it is only a normal guest, or there will be reserved rooms for the time being, such as the parent’s superior leadership inspection, etc. Or the relationship households come to the door, so there must be a certain amount of flexibility.

Yang Ming found the contact information of Keck and dialed the past directly.

At this moment, Keck has left China and returned to the Douglas family in Ai Luozhen. Although this time he lost the Chinese industry, no one in the family made a strange voice.

Keck saw the elders who swallowed their voices, and their hearts were very refreshing. Mind, you are also a guy who bullies and fears hard. If you know that this time people can't afford to offend, they close their mouths. It seems that everyone is afraid of death!

If it is changed to ordinary times, even if this is not caused by the owner of the family, the family will have such a big mess, the owner will certainly be impeached and even removed, but this time, everyone has banned, as if nothing has happened.

A rush of phone calls reminded me that Keck put the files in his hand and picked up the phone. This is his own private number. Not many people know that Keck looked at the call, but it was a strange foreign call. There was only the transferred ip number, and the actual number could not be seen.

Originally, Keck didn't want to pick it up, but after thinking about it, he picked it up: "Hey, hello, I am Keck."

"Keck? I am Yang Ming." Yang Ming does not use English. He knows that Keck can understand what he is saying.

"Ah!" Keck heard Yang Ming's voice suddenly, and his heart was so dangerous. He lost his phone and hanged up. Otherwise, the consequences are really unimaginable!

It seems that he is hesitant about this hesitation. If the phone is not answered, if Yang Ming has any idea, he will be finished!

"Mr. Yang, hello!" Although Keck was very scared, he didn't know what Yang Ming had to call him at this time, but he still asked carefully: "I don't know what needs me to do it?"

Kek said that I need to do it, instead of needing me to help, this shows his art of using words, to avoid Yang Ming resentment.

“I am now in the Douglas Grand Hotel in Las Vegas...” Yang Ming said.

Yang Ming’s words suddenly made Keck’s heart cool, my mother, wouldn’t it? How did this comet go to Las Vegas again? Or Douglas Grand Hotel? Wouldn't it be the people in the Douglas Hotel who provoked him?

*** His grandfather’s ancestors were eighteen generations. Is this not for my life? Who is not good, get rid of such a person! It’s even more terrifying than terrorists!

"Mr. Yang... Who is offending you, I must severely punish you!" Thinking of this, Keck quickly stated his position.

"What? Who offended me? No one offended me?" Yang Ming stunned, knowing that Keck had misunderstood: "I am calling you, I am looking for your help, are you thinking about it?"

"Ah... well, okay..." Keck took a sigh of relief. He almost didn't scare out the heart disease. It turned out that his hotel had offended Yang Ming, and that would be fine. As for the help, Yang Ming spoke up, even if he wants to pick the moon himself, he has to do his best!

"Mr. Yang, what do you say directly, what help does not help, your order is the direction of my life!" said Keck righteously.

"Oh--" Yang Ming smiled and said: "In fact, there is nothing, that is, I came to the store, but the store is full, do you have any way?"

"This is too simple!" Keck heard Yang Ming's words, this is simply not a matter of heart! Each Douglas hotel has a Deluxe Suite with a member of the Douglas family, which is not normally used, but only used by members of the Douglas family to inspect. At this time, it was just used for Yang Ming, so Keck said: "Mr. Yang, you call the manager here, I said to him! Well... the manager here should be Batton?"

"Okay, you wait." Yang Ming and Keck finished, and they waved at the previous Miss Yingbin.

Miss Yingbin walked over quickly: "Sir, what do you have?"

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