So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1729: Manager is very cattle

The first seven hundred and twenty-nine chapter manager is very cattle

"Trouble you, call your manager, Mr. Batton." Yang Ming said to Miss Yingbin.

"Ah..." Miss Yingbin snorted. I don't know why Yang Ming suddenly went to the manager. Was he dissatisfied with the service here? However, listening to Yang Ming can directly call out the manager's name, and it is like knowing the general, so the welcome lady does not dare to neglect. In case the guest knows the boss and the relationship with the boss is good, then if he is not Hurry to report, the boss blamed it, but he was unlucky!

I thought that Miss Yingbin nodded and nodded. "Mr. Please wait a moment, I will call our boss immediately!"

"Okay." Yang Ming just wanted a room, so the attitude of Miss Yingbin was also very good, and there was nothing rude, and there was no idea of ​​how to make her.

Miss Yingbin quickly walked to the front desk and picked up the phone and dialed a number. This is the phone of the boss's office in Batton.

At the moment, Batton was working **** the female secretary. He pushed the female secretary down on the desk and was doing the final ***. As a result, a harsh phone rang and he was shocked.

"Mom!" Batton groaned, this time to disturb himself, it is sinful to die! As a hotel manager in Las Vegas, he is a lot more fun than the hotel manager in some barren cities!

Las Vegas is a paradise for the rich. Every year, the performance of the hotel is a lot of people, so the life is very chic and moist. Every day, playing in the office, drinking gambling has become a common occurrence. .

Most of his men also know that there is no important thing, they will not call him. Button heard the internal phone ringing and didn't want to answer it, but he was afraid of something. After all, the participation of the International Jewelry Festival in these days. The staff stayed at the Douglas Hotel, and if something went wrong, it would have a big impact on the overall reputation of the Douglas Hotel.

"Hey? What's the matter?" Button's voice is very arrogant, because he is the boss in this hotel, the caller inside is definitely his men, so his attitude is not savage, it doesn't matter, the people below Do not dare to say anything.

The reception lady was shocked by the sound of Button. I don’t know why Batton was so bad. Be careful: "Mr. Batton, there is a guest who wants to see you!"

"Guest? What guest?" Batton asked a little impatiently.

"There was a guest who just came to the hotel and probably wanted to live in the store, but we have no room available... his friend is in the hotel, it is our guest..." the reception lady explained.

"What's messy, don't see, tell him I'm busy!" Button heard that the guest had no room in the store, so angry that he hung up the phone directly, and then said to the female secretary under him: "Don't worry, baby, I'm coming!"

The reception lady was holding the phone in a wrong way, listening to the busy tone coming from inside, shaking her head, she was difficult to do in the middle of the folder, the guests wanted to see the boss, and the boss did not see, the guests would naturally be unhappy. At that time, I am likely to put my grievances on myself.

"Sir, I am sorry, our boss is very busy right now, there is no time, you see..." The reception lady explained to some helpless Yang Ming.

"Very busy? What is he busy?" Yang Ming frowned, then said to the other side of the phone; "Keck, you heard? What is that Batton is very busy, I can't see me!"

Keck heard the cold sweat coming down. He naturally heard the words of the former reception lady from the phone. He cursed the **** in the heart of the bastard. If you want to die, don't even have a Douglas family!

"This... Mr. Yang, you must not be angry. This is the personal behavior of that Batton. It has nothing to do with our Douglas family! Please believe me!" Keck quickly explained that he was afraid that Yang Ming would blame himself and hurry. Battenton’s behavior is attributed to personal behavior, meaning that if you are angry, if you are angry, don’t look for me, go directly to Batton!

"Oh, you don't have to explain so much, I didn't want to trouble you." Yang Ming said faintly: "What do you do now?"

"This... Mr. Yang, let the waiter call Barton again and ask him what he is up to, and he will hurry down!" said Keck.

"Okay." Yang Ming nodded and said to the reception lady: "Trouble you to call your boss and ask him what he is doing. If nothing happens, come and see someone."

Yang Ming’s words are still polite, because Yang Ming is not too embarrassed to be a reception lady. After all, it is only the lowest level of the hotel staff. Why is Yang Ming angry with her?

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment, I will ask you right away." The receptionist nodded and went to the phone.

She didn't know what Yang Ming was coming to, but listening to him calling the boss's name seemed to be very good.

It’s not long before Batton just hung up the phone. The rushing ringing of the phone rang again. Button just wanted to swear. Is this call over?

"Who? Mom, what's the old phone call? Don't you know that Laozi is doing a woman?" Button didn't listen to what was said there, and hung up the phone directly.

Anyway, the internal telephone, the call is their own, Batton does not care about anything.

"Ah..." The reception lady was stunned by the boss, her face was reddish, and some did not know what to do. The vulgar language of the boss, the reception lady was helpless.

When I arrived in front of Yang Ming, the reception lady shook her head: "Sir, I just called and the boss hangs up in anger... He said, he said he is..."

Speaking of this, the reception lady was a little embarrassed, whispered: "He said he was doing that thing..."

"Which thing?" Yang Mingyi?

"It is in ***..." The reception lady could not directly describe it in the language of the boss, but only used a more subtle word.

"Oh... well, go, it's okay." Yang Ming waved the reception lady to leave, then said to Kek on the phone: "Have you heard?"

"Mr. Yang, I heard..." Keck was sweating. He already had a *** to kill Barton. "Please allow me to call, I personally call Batton!"

"Well, you can call." Yang Ming hung up and shrugged.

"Yang Ge, who are you calling? Also, do you know the owner of this hotel?" Wang Mei looked at Yang Ming with some surprise.

"Their bosses don't know, but I know the boss of their boss, just call that person." Yang Ming said.

"Ah!" Wang Mei had long known that Yang Ming was a very energetic person, but he did not expect to know friends in this foreign country, and he was not a small person.

Keck is now mad at the lungs. Is this too bad for Batton? Taking advantage of being a distant cousin of an elder of the family, he arranged him in a water-filled place in Las Vegas. Keck did not say anything, but you should not be too excessive? You offended Yang Ming, didn't you push the entire Douglas family into the fire pit?

However, because Batton is a relative of the three elders, Keck decided to quickly communicate with the three elders. After all, although he is a family owner in the family, he can't underestimate the strength of several elders. It is to be done, not too much to give face.

Dialed the phone of the three elders, and the voice of the three elders came: "Home, what is it?"

Today is not a family day. There are no special circumstances. The owner will not call him, so the three elders are watching the TV sounds and ask.

"This is the case, San Shu, I have one thing to tell you in advance, Barton, Las Vegas, I am going to change him and give him the most severe punishment!" said Keck.

"What? Home, what do you mean? What did Batten make wrong? You have to discipline him like this? You don't want to go, talk about relatives, he is also your distant cousin!" The voice of the three elders suddenly After sinking, he thought that Keck was preparing to replace this oily place with his own.

"He offended someone he shouldn't offend and can't offend," Keck said faintly.

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