So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1733: One life for one life

The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-three chapters

"Now, fight for it today." Yang Ming is not willing to stay here. There are still things left in the house.

"Okay..." Wang Mei nodded and dialed the phone that the former casino owner had left for her.

Soon, there was someone listening to it. Wang Mei carefully asked in English: "Hello, I am Zhang’s family, our people are ready for money. What should I do now? The phone said it. A few words. Wang Mei listened to his head and said that it was. After a while, Wang Mei hung up the phone and said to Yang Ming: "Yang Ge. They let you now on the south-city casino. After going, I went to the Smith manager of the Ministry of Insurance.

"Okay, I know. You are waiting for me here." Yang Ming wrote down. Set off on Huaibei.

"Ah? I won't go?" Wang Mei thought that Yang Ming would go with her.

"You are dangerous to go. I have to take care of you, you are here to wait for news." Yang Ming also couldn't understand what the south-city casino was playing. It is purely wanting money.

then what.

Wang Mei listened to Yang Ming’s words and knew that Yang Ming was talking about things. It’s a cumbersome to go by yourself. Yang Ming also has to take care of her safety.

Out of the hotel. Yang Ming boarded a taxi that was on the door of the hotel and took the name of the south-city casino to the driver. Although Yang Ming also saw the address of the south-city casino in the information, it is not familiar with the Las Vegas city. Even Yang Ming, the name of Yang Ming Street, could not be found.

"Mr. is going to play?" The taxi driver listened to the address of Yang Ming’s newspaper and smiled at the south-city casino. Every time a taxi arrives, it will receive a reward of ten dollars, so the taxi driver is very happy and talks with Yang Mingpan.

In fact, many entertainment industries or hotels have similar rules, and taxis bring guests. You will receive a bonus.

"Well." Yang Ming is not willing to say anything more than the taxi driver. Just a faint response to the sentence.

"Catch the goodness, don't play too much, just enough." The taxi driver also saw that Yang Ming didn't want to talk more, so he only reminded him. He didn't think much about anything else, just thought that Yang Ming was a foreigner. Not quite a long English conversation, so there are fewer words.

"Thank you." Yang Mingxin said that the taxi driver's character is not bad. but. He reminded me. For those real gamblers, the use is small.

The south-city casino is very large. Even surpassed the Douglas Grand Hotel, Yang Ming paid the fare and got off the bus, and looked at this magnificent building coldly.

Looking at the south-city, the big characters are shining with the brilliance of neon.

South-city southern city, southern city casino? Yang Ming frowned. This name seems to be familiar to the city. Where did it seem to have been heard?

Into the casino. Yang Ming, who has the enthusiasm of the waiter, greets Yang Ming: "Do you need to exchange chips?" Yang Ming is more eye-catching. The *** members of the casino are basically aware of these waiters. Look at Yang Ming's appearance, like a temporary visitor, so ask him directly whether he is redeeming chips.

"Mr. Smith?" The waiter immediately thought that Mr. Smith, the manager of the Security Department, had already spoken to all the receptionists at the front desk. If someone comes to him, take him directly to the security manager's office. The waiter smiled and said: "He is here. Please come with me."

Yang Ming did not say anything, just nodded and followed the waiter and entered the casino. Passed through a long staff passage and came to the front of an office. The waiter knocked on the door and there was a thick male voice: "Who?"

"Mr. Smith, there is a guest looking for you." The waiter said, "Good, bring him in," Smith said.

The waiter opened the door and took Yang Ming into the office. Yang Ming saw a long-lost middle-aged black man sitting in an office chair. In the compartment next to it, there were also a few big men with big waists. What skin color is there. It looks like this Smith's men.

"Okay." The waiter nodded and turned away, and then did not forget to close the door of the room.

"Smith?" Yang Ming glanced at the black man and asked, "What about my friend?"

Yang Ming took a seat on the sofa in front of Smith's desk.

but. Smith did not speak. The big men in the cubicle stood up. Surrounded by the sofa where Yang Ming was sitting.

Yang Ming turned a blind eye to these people and still looked at Smith coldly.

"Your friend is very good." Smith did not expect this invisible pressure to be of no use to Yang Ming. I don't know if this kid is loaded or not.

"How much? Open a price." Yang Ming naturally knows that if Smith has a plot, it will not hurt Zhang Bin and Zhang Liberation.

"Opening the price?" Smith shook his head. "I don't think this is what I said. Let's ask Mr. Klass. Your friend is betting him."

It was not long before Smith’s voice fell, and the door of the security manager’s office was pushed open again by an Asian man. Followed by four black guards.

After the Asian man came in, Smith stood up respectfully: "Mr. Klass. Or you talk to him."

Said. Smith gave his position to the Asian man, Klass. And Klass is not at all polite. Sitting directly in the position of Smith.

Yang Ming has always paid attention to Smith's demeanor. From his perspective on Klass, Yang Ming knows that the identity of this Klass is not simple. Either he is the casino, or the person who is very honorable, and the casino does not dare to offend, will make Smith so respectful.

Yang Ming’s original guess was that the casino and a gambler united to get out of the old age. Zhang Bin and Zhang were liberated, and then the gamblers came out to manage Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang’s family for money.

This is the only case. The casino will risk the risk of being investigated by the regulators to help the gamblers buckle here.

But now it seems that this security manager's attitude towards Claas. It’s a bit too respectful. Isn’t my guess wrong? It’s because Klas’s identity is very honorable. Did the casino help him in his early days?

"You are a friend of Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang?" Let Yang Ming be surprised. Kras actually speaks fluent Chinese and does not use English in front of Yang Ming.

"Yes." Since he uses Chinese, Yang Ming naturally uses Chinese: "How is my friend? What are your requirements?"

"Your friend is very good. But you are sure. You have to find this for them?" Klass' tone was very dull.

"How much is it. Just say it." Yang Ming frowned.

"Money?" Kras seemed to hear a very funny thing: "What do I want for money? You ask Smith, am I short of money?"

Klass’s strange attitude made Yang Ming more confused. No shortage of money, what does that mean?

"What do you want to do?" Yang Ming did not get angry, but waited for this Klass to continue to say "I am the person, the most important thing is money." Klass shook his head like a self-speaking: "money For me, it’s just a number, no pleasure and excitement. I like stimulation, I like adventure. I pursue the feeling of happiness in that moment. So. I like to gamble with people,”

If this is not the case, it will reveal the embarrassment from beginning to end, so that Yang Ming has long been vigilant.

Yang Ming will definitely be a madman when this Klass, but now Yang Ming does not feel this way.

Because Yang Ming felt that this Klass was not crazy, but Klass’s words made Yang Ming unable to touch his mind.

"If you want to take this down. Then you have to gamble with me!" said Klass, referring to Yang Ming, with a large cigar in his hand.

"Gambling with you?" Yang Ming asked.

"Nothing wrong, gamble with me. One life saves a life!. Kras laughed: "You won. I still have a life. You win again. I will return your life to Klass. Yang Ming understood the meaning of Klass. This guy means. Once he wins him, he will return one of Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang’s life to himself.

"So if I lose?" Yang Ming asked.

" Lose, your life is naturally mine." Klass shrugged: "It's fun, boy?"

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