So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1734: Suspicion

The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-four chapters produced doubts

“It’s fun?” Yang Ming gave a faint eyelid: “Do you think this is fun?”

"Yeah, I said it. I want to pursue stimulating, general games. I can't bring any feelings to me. I will only be excited if I control others' life and death." Said: "Of course. You can choose not to gamble, I will not force others to do something, you can leave now."

"I left. My friend?" Yang Ming snorted, and this Klass is simply nonsense. I know that I am coming. It is impossible to leave alone.

"They. Sorry. They lost their lives, I will be responsible for the harvest." Klass said that a very common thing: "Unless, someone gambled with them for me."

When Yang Ming said that he was alive, he began to care about countermeasures. of course. Yang Ming is sure to kill all the people in this room directly, and can also kill Klass while killing these people. Then he found Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang through him.

Since Klass can talk to himself confidently here. Yang Ming also believes that he is not a fool. Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang have been transferred to other places and will not be in the casino.

Of course, although Yang Ming is sure to subdue Claes, he is sure to let him tell the truth. But Yang Ming is afraid that this Klass is also a small **** who was pushed forward. He controlled him, he didn't know anything, or the people behind him didn't care about him at all, which made him self-defeating.

The reason why Yang Ming was so cautious was that this thing was very strange at first. And not the usual weirdness. Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang came to a casino to play. Can you run into a madman who is gambling?

If it is as good as Klass, he is so rich. And Smith respects him so much. He is definitely a VIP-level character in this casino. How can he be a big gambler with Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang? They are all gambling in the upstairs *** room, Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang can only play in the lobby on the first floor. I can't play with Klass either. So obviously there are problems.

I figured out the key and gains and losses of the matter, and Yang Ming is not prepared to make a direct attack. Look at what kind of tricks you can play behind Klass.

"Oh, gamble, say. My best thing is to gamble." Yang Ming is amazing. Scared Kras.

He originally thought that Yang Ming would retreat. Even if you promised it, you will reluctantly agree and be afraid. I didn’t expect Yang Ming to say that gambling is good, and what he is best at is gambling...

Is it? This guy is also a madman? Klass hesitated in his heart. But I thought.

This kid is not a Huaier is pretentious, he is afraid of what he does? Then said: "That's very good. If you do, you have no opinion, we will be at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Who will meet here, expired. Of course. You can't come."

"Is it tomorrow at nine o'clock? Yes." Yang Ming directly responded.

Playing gambling? Yang Ming hasn't been afraid of anyone... if you play something else. Yang Ming will not be afraid.

Yang Ming finished, but did not care about Klass. Standing up directly, ready to go out, Klass did not say anything. It’s just that Smith’s face is a bit ugly, before he called his hand. In front of Yang Ming, he wanted to give him a horse. He was very uncomfortable with Yang Ming’s calm expression. When he arrived here, which one was not careful?

"Cough!" Smith coughed twice, suggesting that his men would give Yang Ming's color a look.

"Kid. Is that gone?" A black hunter was blocked in front of Yang Ming.

"What else?" Yang Ming asked faintly. He naturally heard Smith's cough. I also know that this is Smith's suggestion.

"You and Mr. Klass have set things up. But your friends owe the casino to the casino, it is not clear!" Smith said very uncomfortable, for Yang Ming's attitude, he felt very faceless.

"Drawing?" Yang Ming looked back at Smith coldly: "Is the casino's draw not drawn from the winner? You want Klass."

Finished. Yang Ming walked forward. The black *** did not receive the advice of Smith. Naturally, Yang Ming could not be left, and the iron was generally blocked in front of Yang Ming.

"Roll." Yang Ming frowned, grabbed the collar of the black man. Gently glimpse to the side. The body of the black *** Han Gu Da was thrown out like a ground bomb, and fell directly on the wall three meters away, making a loud noise, and the **** immediately fell to the ground. Because the head shell hit the wall. Directly fainted in the past.

After doing this, Yang Ming did not go to see Smith's reaction, and directly opened the door and went out.

Smith widened his eyes and didn't expect Yang Ming to be so powerful. Looks like a casual push. It is possible to throw out the big man who weighs two hundred pounds. Is this still human?

You know, the black body is big and strong, and Yang looks a lot smaller than him. result. Yang Ming smashed the person with one hand. What kind of strength is this!

"Mom!" Smith wanted to give Yang Ming a Mawei. However, I did not expect that Yang Ming would give Ma Wei a bit. There is a big ocean. Smith is not reconciled: "I don't want to find someone to clean up the kid!"

Said. Smith wanted to tell his men, but he was interrupted by Klass on the side: "Smith. Don't mess around. Mistaken our big things, don't say you, the boss of your casino can't afford it! ”

" Mr. Klass. I just told you, don't be angry..." Smith was shocked and suddenly woke up. I am working with Mr. Klass, but I can’t use it. If something goes wrong, I’ll be finished!

Smith also vaguely knows that the background of Klass is not simple, even the big boss of his casino must be jealous of three points. Otherwise, you can't risk the risk of being investigated by the management department to help Klass buckle people.

Although the hostage has been transferred to other places. But how to say that the casino still has an unshirkable responsibility. But the boss can risk the damage to the reputation of the casino and help the people behind Klass. This explains the problem.

"Do not worry. I won't let him leave here alive tomorrow." Klass sneered.

"That is. Mr. Klass's gambling skills are invincible. Even our casino consultants are not opponents!" Smith said flatteringly.

Yang Ming came out of the room. Although the pace kept walking towards the casino door. But he is not idle himself. Now that I have noticed something wrong with this matter. Yang Ming directly used the power to lock the situation inside the security manager's office.

I saw the conversation between Smith and Klass. Yang Ming’s heart glimpsed, and the dark road was lucky, and he had not been swayed by the analysis of Zhenmi’s analysis. There are still people behind this Klass. If he took him today, he might not ask anything. Instead, it hurt Zhang Bin.

But what is the purpose of these people doing this? Is it just to seek excitement? Yang Ming did not believe his rhetoric at all. Although this matter appears from the appearance, it is Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang. These people are aiming at them both.

but. Yang Ming feels that this matter is not so simple. If your instincts are not wrong. This Kras is more like targeting himself. Especially his last sentence, "Do not worry. I will not let him leave here alive tomorrow."

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