So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1739: Pre-emptive

The first seven hundred and thirty-three chapters are pre-emptive

"Oh, although we don't have other meanings, we just want to find a quiet and comfortable place." Kras smiled. "However, your worry is not unreasonable."

"In this case, I will see it here, it is very good here." Yang Ming said faintly.

"Of course, this is not suitable for gambling, or else, let's go to the box on the first floor lobby?" Speaking of this, Klass was afraid of Yang Ming misunderstanding, added another sentence: "There are guests outside, you should not worry Is it?"

Even so, but Klass sneered in the heart, do you think that we will not dare to treat you in the crowded area on the first floor? The boxes in this casino are super-soundproof, what is done inside, what sounds out is simply not heard outside.

Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Well, then the box on the first floor."

Yang Ming naturally can't promise too much, and the promise of too much pain will make Smith and Klass see the problem. The Taurus people are ambushing in the casino. As their ordinary tourists, it is impossible to get close to the upstairs VIP room, so the box near the lobby on the first floor is the best choice.

The reason why Yang Ming said that he is playing in the security manager's room is also confusing and casual. Because he knows that he is gambling here, Klass will definitely not agree. There is no special gaming table here, and the environment is not suitable. gambling.

They have already confirmed the hotel that Yang Ming returned directly yesterday, and they have not been out of the hotel since then, and they have not contacted anyone, so they decided that Yang Ming could not play anything.

In addition, they had no good intentions for Yang Ming, and they were somewhat guilty. Yang Ming said that they had their heartfelt feelings, so they would agree with Yang Ming’s point of view if they didn’t think about it, and if they insisted, Yang Ming would have more More ideas.

However, Yang Ming has confirmed that Kras is guilty. If he argues a few words or insists on persisting, then Yang Ming will not think much.

Klass still didn't know that he had lifted his rock and licked his own feet. He had already made Yang Ming vigilant. Moreover, his wishful thinking was good, but unfortunately, Yang Ming was already fully prepared.

Smith listened to Krass's decision, then picked up the phone and dialed a number. He told the other side a few words. The idea was to change the location of the game to the third box in the lobby of the first floor, and then let people Zhang Binhe Zhang Jiefang brought to Room 3.

After the phone call, Smith smiled at Yang Ming: "So, can you? Actually, your worry is not wrong, but our casino reputation is very good!"

Yang Ming smiled lightly and his expression was cold.

Yang Ming sneered in the heart, the reputation is very good? If the credibility is good, it will not help Klass to detain people. Is this still good reputation? He said this ghost, who would believe it?

"Let's go, let's go, sir, don't know what you call it?" Kras looked at Yang Ming friendly.

"Yang Ming." Yang Ming was sneer in his heart. He seemed to have mentioned his name with Smith after he left yesterday. Actually, he asked again and again today.

"Mr. Yang, can you look at it now?" asked Kras.

"Let's go." Yang Ming stood up unscrupulously. Smith quickly walked to the front to lead the way. Yang Ming and Klass were behind him. Behind Yang Ming, there were several bodyguards of Klass and Smith's followers.

Through the narrow corridor, Yang Ming followed Smith to the lobby of the first floor casino. Although it was early morning, the casino was still very lively! The casino is open 24 hours a day, so many of the gamblers come here from night, some gambling is red, and some are winning and still want to win.

But in general, the casino is losing more and less, or how to make money? Those who can win money are also a few people, and few who have won the money can grasp the direct exchange of chips and leave the casino. They all continue to gamble. The more they win, the more they want to continue to win. In the end, the results are all lost. net.

This is the heart of many gamblers, and the kind of wealth that the gambling wins and loses brings to the front line makes people want to stop. In the lobby on the first floor, in addition to some tourists, there are some gamblers who are uncompromising.

And those who are really rich have gone to the upstairs market or VIP room. These people are not gamblers, nor do they expect to get rich overnight. They just pursue the feeling of adventure and loss, and lose money. I don't care too much.

"big big big--"

"Small - small - small -"

"Ah - I won -"


The casino is full of noisy noises, all languages, just like a big market.

However, Smith and Klass are obviously used to it, and the men behind him are also used to it. They are all people who have been in the casino for a long time, and this sound has been automatically filtered out.

Yang Ming just frowned and showed a bit of disgust. In fact, Yang Ming was deliberate. His purpose was to cover up the gold bulls and to say hello to the Taurus through his expression.

Seeing Yang Ming revealing a disgusted expression, Klass smiled and said nothing. It seems that Yang Ming does not often go to the casino, so even if Yang Ming is a master, the master who practiced himself at home is just a closed-door car. Without practice, the theory alone will not work.

Before Klass also knew from the mouth of the Nancheng family that Yang Ming was a very good gambler, but Klass did not take it seriously. If Yang Ming is not very powerful, the boss behind him will not let himself Go out in person!

You must know that you have been with the boss for six years. It is the boss's most proud disciple. His hand speed is already comparable to that of the boss. Therefore, he feels that gambling with Yang Ming is a matter of hand.

“Just here!” Smith pointed to a VIP room not far from the front, which read “1f-vip3”, which means the VIP box on the first floor.

In fact, the box inside the lobby on the first floor is not a VIP room, and it is far from the upstairs. The decoration inside is also very common.

Yang Ming nodded, waiting for Smith to open the door, and then walked into the box with Klass. In fact, Yang Ming seemed calm and indifferent. In fact, he used to use the ability to put the situation inside the box. They all detected it. They also saw that Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang were safe in the box, and there was no special structure in the box. It was impossible for Tibetans to be inside, so Yang Ming would enter the box so easily.

"Boss!" Zhang Binzheng was sitting on the side of Zhang Jiefang with a frowning face. In the past two days, he was scared to death. He finally knew what a small gambling gamble was, and he almost died. He really regretted it. I knew that I wouldn’t go gambling, but there is no regret in the world, and he regrets it.

And Zhang Jiefang is also the same mind. This thought of Las Vegas, if you don't go to the casino to play, then some can't say it. If someone else asks, you have gone to Las Vegas and haven't gone to the casino yet. Also a bit too shameful?

Originally, Zhang Jiefang also thought about just playing, and the result went with Zhang Bin. However, it is clear that Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang were given attention.

At the beginning, Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang have been winning money. This has caused their self-confidence to expand extremely. The more they win, the more they want to continue to win. The more they continue to win, the more they want to stop.

So, after a series of small wins, finally ushered in a big loss. However, the long-term win has already made Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang lose their sense of reason. A big loss will not make them wake up. Instead, they will continue to gamble more red-eyed and want to recover their money and want to win once.

Especially those who haven’t been gambling before, more and more easily lose their senses. When they lose a mess, suddenly someone finds them. This person is Klass. He and Zhang Jiefang and Zhang Bin said that there. In the VIP room, there is a lack of people in the lobby, asking them to play and not to change their hands?

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