So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1740: Dead end

The first thousand seven hundred and forty chapters of the dead corner

Gambling people believe in transshipment, so when Zhang Bin and Zhang Lie were very miserable, suddenly someone told them that they could transfer, and they naturally agreed without hesitation!

Moreover, the two of Stud's gameplays have also been seen in Hong Kong movies, and they are trying to give it a try. So Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang, two people, took up a position and gambled with others.

At the beginning, it turned out to be a lucky one, and there were thousands of chips left in the hand, but it didn’t take much time, but it has become more than 100,000! Zhang Jiefang and Zhang Bin are very excited, but also very emotional, or this thing to come to the money!

Moreover, the outside is the gameplay, except that it is controlled by the dealer, which is controlled by the gambling computer. It is easy to cheating. Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang think that the gameplay outside is fake. These people who play Stud, because they are players, so it is really luck and technology to play!

At the beginning, all the people had lost and won. Later, Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang lost. At the end of the game, the money brought by both people was lost. The chips did not know how many times they had been exchanged. There is no money. Under the shackles of other people, neither of them knows what ecstasy soup they have, but they have to gamble. So, this one is that Klass won.

Of course, they were indeed drunk with ecstasy soup, and they were squandered in the free drinks provided by the casino, leaving their minds unconstrained and in a state of chaos. It’s just that they don’t know it.

Originally, Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang thought they were going to die, but Klass suddenly asked them to call their family and friends for help, let them find someone to talk about, and there is still room for discussion.

So Zhang Bin quickly called Wang Mei and explained the situation to her, let her contact Yang Ming for help. In Zhang Bin's opinion, it is useless for Claas to take his own life. Let him call someone to find someone, naturally it is losing money.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not think so much at all, and subconsciously thought that Klass was to ask for money.

At this time, Zhang Bin saw Yang Minglai, and thought that he was coming to redeem him, so he was a little excited. However, it was strange to see Yang Ming and Klass walk into the box and did not mention people.

"Mr. Yang, have you seen it? Your friends have nothing to do. Can you gamble with me?" Krass smiled and pointed to Zhang Bin and Zhang Liberation.

"Yes." Yang Ming nodded and looked at Zhang Bin and Zhang Liberation. Zhang Bin was a little excited, but Zhang Jiefang was very embarrassed. As an elder, he let a junior come to the rescue, which made him feel that he had no face.

"Boss, you want to gamble with him? You don't want to be fooled, he is a thousand!" Zhang Bin listened to Yang Ming to gamble with Klass, suddenly anxious! After careful consideration of these two days, he also wanted to understand that this Klass must be a master of gambling, deliberately set a set for himself and his father.

Otherwise, look at his appearance, the bodyguards follow, the security manager of the casino is respectful and addictive, obviously a big man, how can he go to the lobby on the first floor to gamble? Moreover, even if you gamble, you will not find tourists like yourself and your father.

They should find some similar talents, and at the very least, go upstairs to the VIP room. All sorts of doubts also show that Klas is not good.

At this time, he heard Yang Ming want to gamble with Klass, and he naturally reminded him.

"Mr. Yang, it seems that your friend has a lot of opinions on me?" Klass smiled unintentionally. He did not believe that Yang Ming could not see a little problem. Since Yang Ming came, he promised to gamble with him. Then the rest are secondary.

"Zhang Bin, don't worry about it." Yang Ming faintly comforted him.

"Oh..." Zhang Bin listened to Yang Ming's words very much. What Yang Ming said, he followed them, so Yang Ming let him be a little more secure, Zhang Bin closed his mouth, although he still wanted to remind Yang Ming, but look at Yang. Ming's appearance should also know that there are problems in this, and he will not say anything anymore.

"Class, although it is not until nine o'clock, but I hope that the quick fix, start now?" Yang Ming looked at Klas and asked.

"Okay, no problem, since Mr. Yang said this, then let's start." Klass naturally does not matter, a little later, he thinks that Yang Ming's end is already doomed. with no doubt.

"What are you playing?" Yang Ming sat casually on the side of the table and asked faintly.

Yang Ming’s seemingly random move is actually a precise calculation. Yang Ming’s position is just a dead end. If you shoot from outside the door, it’s just a blind spot. If you aim from the window, you can’t see Yang Ming’s. position.

Yang Ming has already observed that the walls of the casino can’t be penetrated even by armor-piercing bullets. Of course, if you use the rocket launcher through the wall, it’s another matter, but they can’t make such a big move. Here is the pull. Vegas, a world-class economically prosperous city, will not let the local police let them go if they use rocket launchers.

Seeing that Yang Ming was sitting in the corner of the room, Klas could not help but frown. He originally planned to let the sniper shoot Yang Ming if it was really bad at the end, but Yang Ming’s casual position was exactly The only dead corner in the room!

"Mr. Yang, your position is not very good. We both play, don't have to sit so far. If I sit here, are we not far away?" Krass seems to be casual. Then he pulled up the chair in his nearest position and said to Yang Ming.

"I am a person who believes in intuition. I believe this position can bring me good luck. I don't want to change it. I am sorry." Yang Ming shrugged. "If you feel far away, sit close, if you think If not, I have no problem, not far."

"..." Klass is speechless, but since Yang Ming has said this, he naturally does not ask Yang Ming to change places. Otherwise, when Yang Ming loses, it is because of the seat problem, it is a bit troublesome. .

So Klass endured uncomfortable and sat opposite Yang Ming’s position. This is a long table. If you follow the position selected by Klass before, the position of the two people becomes a diagonal, then it’s a bit too Far.

"Mr. Yang, you are a guest, do you want to play a game?" Kras proposed.

"One person, one game, let me talk about it first. I am a guest with the main." Yang Ming said indifferently.

"Well, then let's play the simplest, how about Black Jack?" asked Kras.

"Yes." Yang Ming nodded.

The so-called Black Jack, whose English name is blackjack, originated in France and has been circulated around the world. The game is played by two to six people, using fifty-two cards in addition to the size of the king. The goal of the player is to make the sum of the cards in the hand no more than twenty-one and as large as possible.

Black Jack has a long history and is also referred to as blackjack or large in China.

In 1700, there were Black Jack's card games in French casinos. In 1931, when Nevada announced that gambling was a legitimate activity, the Black Jack game first appeared in the casino club in Nevada. In fifteen years, it replaced the dice game and became a very popular casino bookmaker. One of the games.

Therefore, Klass proposed this gambling project because he was very popular and popular. If he proposed a partial door, Yang Ming said that it would not be good or not good, it would be difficult.

“Does Mr. Yang arbitrarily designate a dealer or is it arranged by the casino?” asked Kras.

"Let's follow you." Yang Ming does not think that the Lotus has come up with any tricks.

"Smith, go outside and ask a dealer to come in." Klass did not want to do anything from the dealer, because it was not realistic.

Soon, a dealer came in. Klass and he said that he played Black Jack. The dealer nodded respectfully and took a brand new poker. After opening it, he tiled on the table to let Yang Ming and Klass Check the card.

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