So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1741: Joyful gamble

The first seven hundred and forty-one chapters are extremely sorrowful gamble

Yang Ming waved his hand at random, and Klass saw Yang Ming, and he nodded his head.

The dealer gathered the cards on the table and began to shuffle. Klass looked at the dealer's movements without looking at it. Yang Ming is a little funny. This guy is definitely a fast guy. It is suitable for being a thief!

"Ai Yiyi, a one-on-one, auntie, a l" Yang Ming stunned and played a loud sneeze. Klass was shocked and leaned back and leaned back, but at this moment, he could not keep up with the speed of the dealer's shuffling.

of course. It is impossible to write down the position of each card. Klass can only pick a few of the above to remember, Black Jack, the game, the only playing cards are the top ones. The latter is not used at all.

Kras frowned, not knowing if Yang Ming was intentional. But if it is intentional, isn't he the same as the order of the cards? Still, he can't remember at all, so in order not to let himself remember. Only deliberately messed up?

But anyway. I can't remember it myself, and Yang Ming can't remember it. Therefore, in addition to the unhappy feelings of Klass, it is not too worried that it is only clear that he has a victory of 80%. It has become 50%. This always makes Klas feel a bit unlucky.

of course. It is also impossible for him to ask for a reshuffle of a deck of cards. That would be too fake.

The dealer washed the cards and asked Kras to cut the cards. Klass can't remember the order. So it doesn't matter. Cut the card indiscriminately. But as the hand trembled, the two cards slipped into his sleeve.

All of this is between the fire and the stone, even the other people on the side have not found this, and the action of Klass is very secret, even if the camera can not record his movements.

However, Yang Ming has always felt that this Kras is not authentic, how can he not guard against the little tricks he plays? So Yang Ming seems to be sitting there without looking at it, and his eyes are not directly staring at Kras's hands, but who is Yang Ming going to stare at, but also looking directly at it?

Yang Ming has long been locked in Klass with his abilities. To get through the eyes of others,

That is still possible. But to get through Yang Ming’s eyes, it’s simply an idiotic dream.

Yang Ming has been carefully staring at the action of Klass. His actions were like slow motion in Yang Ming's eyes. Yang Ming watched him hide two cards in his sleeves. Yang Ming snorted and snorted. This guy is also bold enough? Tibetan brand still has two? Really when I was blind.

Looked at the two cards in Klass' sleeves, one is the **** and the other is the box five.

A big card. A medium card. Although Klass is randomly selected, he has to say that his luck is good enough. These two cards are very suitable for cheating. Regardless of the card in hand, it is possible to steal it into a larger one.

But his good fortune is only to meet Yang Ming, and his luck is now over.

Let you first be proud of it for a while, and you will cry for a while. Yang Ming smiled lightly. When the dealer indicated that he was cutting the cards. Yang Ming shook his head again and said no.

The dealer nodded. Then ask where to start the card.

"Mr. Klass is the master. Then start from him." Yang Ming made a gesture of asking.

Klass nodded and said nothing. It doesn't matter who started. The black Jack of two people can't be like a lot of people playing like a bookmaker, in order to be fair. Now the two players are all players. It’s good to be sitting by the dealer.

Anyway, I can't remember the order of the cards, but I have already stolen two cards in my hands, so there is still a big winner. The dealer sent two cards to each of Klass and Yang Ming. A dark card.

Klass's card is a plum three, while the bright card is a red heart. This is a relatively small card. More advantageous.

Yang Ming’s card is a red heart and the bright card is a **** seven. This card is more than a slap, 15 o'clock. If you don't have a high score, you won't be able to smash it if you want another card. If you don't want it. Points are easily exceeded by others.

Klass picked up his own card and looked at it with a smile on his lips.

When he checked the cards, they also looked at the two cards stolen from the sleeves. Then the smile is even stronger.

With a good name, Klass put the cards on the table again and then said to the dealer: "I want one.

The dealer nodded and sent a card to Claas. It is a plum six.

Klass widened his eyes and didn't expect himself to be so good! My own bright card is now Red Heart Four and Plum Six. And there is a **** in my hand. Just change the plum blossoms of the card to the spades in the glaze. It is twenty-one! This is a killer, as long as the two cards in Yang Ming’s hands do not directly form blackjack. Of course, this will win. Of course, Yang Ming’s clear card is Spades Seven, so it’s impossible to be blackjack.

Klass pretended to be a frown, and took the cards in his hand, then slammed it back to the original place. This moment has completed the process of changing the card "suspension." Kras did not.

Yang Ming wants to have some fun. Are you cheating and playing a light one? Yang Ming shrugged and said, "Stop the card."

Yang Ming saw it. The next card is the plum blossom nine, if you want the card again. It’s finished. When it was time to poke through Klass, his card exploded. It's also a bit wrong.

what! When he heard Yang Ming call the suspension, Klass was happy. Doesn't that mean that I have already won? If Yang Ming wants another one, if it can also make up twenty-one. Then the two sides can still tie. But Yang Ming actually didn't want it. Did he think that the cards in his hands had already exploded?

"The two sides opened the card." The dealer said that Klass heard the words of the dealer. Smile a little. Reaching out and licking his own card. It was the ace of spades that he had replaced, and the two bright cards on his desk, one red heart and four plums, formed exactly twenty-one.

"Sorry. Cheng." Klass shrugged, because Yang Ming's card could not be bigger than himself, so no matter what Yang Ming's card is, he lost.

Kras did not expect that it would be so smooth today. In one game, we decided to win or lose. Originally, he thought that he had to go through a bad battle! It seems. Yang Ming is also an ear. Not as powerful as the legend. The boss is too nervous!

Klas thought that Yang Ming’s life would become his own, so he smiled smugly and smirked. He seemed to see the boss slap his shoulder and expressed satisfaction with him, and he wanted to promote him.

"Sorry. Just gone." Yang Ming shrugged.

"Oh, it doesn't matter," said Krass. But my heart is not. What do you think is the reason for your distraction? Can you rely on it if you are distracted? So Klass is a little funny.

"There is a saying that I forgot to say, let's talk now." Yang Ming smiled. Pointing to the poker in the hands of the dealer: "The deck has a problem."

"Question?" The dealer is a glimpse, and Klass is also a glimpse. I don't know what Yang Ming is. Is it difficult for Yang Ming to lose and want to rely on it?

"What do you mean by this? How can this problem be solved?" Kras calmly said.

"I said he has a problem. It is naturally a problem." Yang Ming smiled.

"Mr. Yang. Are you not satisfied with the outcome of this game. Deliberately looking for some excuses?"

Klass was a little unhappy, and he managed to win. What does Yang Ming say in the end? "Good. Since you said that there is a problem with this deck, then you have to say, what is wrong with this card?"

"In this card, there is no box five and plum three, so the result of this game is invalid." Yang Ming pointed to the remaining poker cards in the dealer's hand.

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